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Místo klenotu "betonové monstrum". Historické mosty mizí, památkáři na ně zapomínají…

in reply to Lucinek

sú úplne biele, a to ešte potrvá pretože biela slnko odráža 😆

"Väčšina sudcov podľa Šamka nechápe, ako ich kolegovia môžu prerušovať trestné stíhania, keď Ústavný súd vo februári pozastavil spornú novelu Trestného zákona ešte skôr, než nadobudla účinnosť, čiže nižšie tresty ani len na sekundu neboli účinné. A ak ich Ústavný súd vyhodnotí ako protiústavné, ani sa nestanú súčasťou právneho systému.

Napriek tomu už stíhaní z tejto novely profitujú."…

"Predstavujem si ako absurdnú drámu scénku, v ktorej ja šoférujúci auto sa na prechode stretnem so sebou, ktorý prechádza cez cestu, a nadávame si navzájom."
~ #TomášUlej…

Mozilla's Original Sin.

Some will tell you that Mozilla's worst decision was to accept funding from Google, and that may have been the first domino, but I hold that implementing DRM is what doomed them, as it led to their culture of capitulation. It demonstrated that their decisions were the decisions of a *company shipping products*, not those of a non-profit devoted to preserving the open web.

Those are different things and are very much in conflict. [...]

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to jwz

Mozilla was never not shipping DRM.

THe choice they had was integrating with Silverlight / Flash like they used to do, driving all the non-ideology-driven streaming users to other browsers, or just caving in and implementing DRM.

At least the DRM we have now is as open as DRM can be, you can still e.g. control the player from user extensions, block ads, automatically skip intros, stop on subtitles, play more than one stream at once etc. With other technologies, the player was a proprietary blob you could do nothing with.

in reply to Tomáš

no môj pohľad na to je že sa mi to páčilo ako umelecké dielo. Je to stíhačka z druhej sv. vojny (?) a tie krídla môžu znázorňovať slobodu, ako pripomenutie pekné. To umiestnenie mohlo byť vybrané lepšie asi a ten DJ (tuším priamo pod tým) sa mi nepáčil skoro vôbec ale to je Praha ono to má svoje čaro vždy.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@SuspiciousDuck Trošku jiné "chipsy". Doporučuju nejdřív začít s červíky. Pak teprve cvrčky. Tihle jsou s česnekem. Jsou i bez příchutě, nebo čokoládoví. 👍

opäť zo Slovenska, nič pekné

Ľuďom tu j*be a toto len potvrdzuje moje teórie.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

🚨 Důležité upozornění pro všechny uživatele Pixelfed Cz! 🚨

📅 28.06. ve 20:00 je naplánován přesun na nový server.

🕗 Během této doby bude instance nedostupná . Prosíme o trpělivost a pochopení. Děkujeme za vaši podporu a omlouváme se za případné nepříjemnosti.

#maintenance #serverupdate

Dnes som asi ešte neskončil. Idem dať prať a ešte budem pokračovať. #dobréRáno
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Tak ešte jedna práčka a bude to... musím ešte zbehnúť do Telekomu a potom už iba zajtra do práce. Našťastie dlhý lebo potrebujem mať zamestnanú hlavu, kľudne by som robil aj celý týždeň keby to šlo.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Flathub Has Now Served More Than Two Billion Downloads For Flatpaks

Flathub as the centralized repository for serving Flatpak sandboxed Linux applications crossed the threshold this weekend of serving more than two billion downloads...…

If You Tag, I Will Read – The Idea Place In my experience, a fundamental disconnect exists between accessibility and the investing world when it comes to a statement that is blasted all over every investment web site when you are about to invest. You will read the statement that you should carefully read the prospectus before making any investment. Good luck with that as in my experience these documents are rarely, if ever, properly tagged for accessibility. -…

So, something I heard recently on my local NPR station on borrowing ebooks vs. hardcover from your local library:
Apparently, the library pays ~$15 for a hardcover book, but ~$150 for the ebook - and the ebook is a LIMITED LICENSE for, say, 52 loans of that book. After which they have to pay ANOTHER $150 for the book, AGAIN.

The takeaway here: If you can get the hardcopy from the library instead of borrowing an ebook, please do so. The impact on their budget will be SIGNIFICANT.

Here's a related, but older, reference:…

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project New desktop stuff added to 38 script.

Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when I complained that a very large #python contribution to #inkscape was poorly formatted and I felt embarrassed about pushing back and asking them to run a linter over it?

Yeah I'm not fucking embarrassed now, I'm furious. 🤬

Update: Apparently they meant a small section of it was, not the whole MR. I'm annoyed, but I'll have to take them at their word.

#llm #oss #foss #mergerequest

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

the fine folks behind Pizza for Ukraine are raising money to remove land mines from villages. I’ve been donating since the beginning and they are legit.…

Wil Wheaton doesn't take off his mask for fan-selfies. He has a workaround so he can stay #MaskUp and people who want to can still see his full face.

Reminder: You have until June 23 (tomorrow!) to submit your "tiny, homemade, personal webprojects", and, as a separate category, your "tiny, homemade multiplayer web projects":

#TinyAwards #indieweb #SmallWeb #websites

#AudioMo: It's #NottingHillCarnival 2014. You're virtually standing about 8 feet above ground level, as you are temporarily on a mic-stand. Observe the huge drumming and live music passing you by.

Dear #audiomo, it's hard to choose from dozens of travel recordings, but how about this one -- a church belltower from a distance in Bath, United Kingdom.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to victor tsaran

That's not really a clock tower, but a church tower set up for full circle church ringing. The ringers are ringing London Surprise Minor on 6 bells.

Designing Tactile Maps: an Introduction for Everyone

Thursday June 27, 5;00 to 7:00 PM Eastern
We designed the training we wish we’d had when new to tactile maps — and it's free!…

reshared this

Congrats to @flathub for passing 2 BILLION downloads! Wow!


reshared this

WTF? Threads is blocking links to the official website of France’s left coalition (Nouveau Front Populaire) in the upcoming snap legislative elections,

EDIT: 16 hours later, Meta has silently lifted the ban on all its platforms →…

[Update] It seems Meta just lifted the ban on “” on its platforms.

My Threads post from last week has also silently been restored. (I didn't get any updates on my appeal)…

Whatever hiccup in Meta's automated moderation mess that was, the fact that this happened in the middle of an election campaign and didn't prompt any kind of response from Meta is all sorts of messed up.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Niléane

To my French followers: n’hésitez pas à taguer des journalistes qui pourraient couvrir cette dinguerie (surtout si c'est pas corrigé d'ici genre demain ou après-demain).
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Niléane

[Update] It seems Meta just lifted the ban on “” on its platforms.

My Threads post from last week has also silently been restored. (I didn't get any updates on my appeal)…

Whatever hiccup in Meta's automated moderation mess that was, the fact that this happened in the middle of an election campaign and didn't prompt any kind of response from Meta is all sorts of messed up.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

The worst kind of tech hype is when something is portrayed as inevitable and unstoppable, with criticism or doubt blithely dismissed as "they don't get it".

Just because a giant tech company pours vast amounts of money down a toilet, that doesn't mean the toilet is going to start spewing gold coins into the air.

#Hype #Tech #TechBros #Journalism #TechNews

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Interesting fact about the Progress Pride flag is that it was initially released under a CC noncommercial license, but is actually not complex enough to qualify for copyright and is therefore public domain.…

in reply to makeworld

This of course explains why pride flags keep getting more complex and aesthetically worse: to eventually reach copyrightable status :angry_laugh:

in reply to Archos

Já tady měl dneska slečnu na úklid, tak jsem nechtěl hned zprasit kuchyni
in reply to Cynik

No k nám zapomněla slečna na úklid dneska dorazit, tak jsem kuchyň uklidil já :flan_XD:

Tip of the day: Annotations are text documents in #DEVONthink that are attached to another document, for example a #PDF. They are a simple but powerful tool for making notes about a document and can therefore be used for everything from research to schoolwork to journaling and more. Here’s an introduction, or a refresher. #notetaking #pkm #productivity #tipoftheday #workflow…

TDK Claims Solid State Battery With 100X Energy Density…
in reply to Patrick C Miller

Let's start with "I want to believe", but how many times in past two decades we have heard this kind of break through claim?

Oft wird behauptet, alle Patientenvereinigungen seien gegen Datenschutz, weil der Fortschritte in der Medizin und eine gute Behandlung behindere. Persönlich stelle ich in der ZusammenarbeiPositierung der Deutschen Aidshilfe #guteDigitalisierungistmachbartenschutz in der ePA die Positierung der Deutschen Aidshilfe #guteDigitalisierungistmachbar…

It's not a competition between nuclear and solar, but whenever you hear people say China adds x amounts of GW in solar, consider this:

In 2023, 57 GW of installed nuclear power produced 47% more electricity in China 🇨🇳 than 609 GW of installed solar modules.

This is the harsh reality of intermittent renewable energy. For comparison: a 1.2 GW class nuclear power plant generates the same amount of electricity as 15.8 GW of installed PV.