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Renewing my open invitation, any former colleagues (or anyone, really) looking for a new role and would like to chat. Hit me up!

Sometimes just having someone there to listen for a bit does a world of good, especially someone that's been there before. I'm also in technology-centric spaces where design/dev/ops opportunities are posted fairly regularly, so I can help keep an eye out for you.

I know first hand how transformative it is to have that kind of support and want to pay it forward.

Comcast, Spectrum, & Other Cable TV Companies Are Expected to Continue to Lose Internet Customers Through 2025 as Cord Cutting 2.0 Grows…

Group photo from the #LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024! We're half-way through the event, so there's still time to join us in Luxembourg (or you can watch recordings after the event):…

LibreOffice reshared this.

in reply to LibreOffice

could you please make an announcement when recordings become available?

Sensitive content

in reply to FrauHollunder

Sensitive content

in reply to WestphalDenn

Leider ja!
Um so älter ich werde, um so deutlicher tritt das für mich hervor.

pf, he pasado una noche bastante mala, apenas dormí, me he empezado a encontrar mal de noche y ahora tengo el cuerpo superpocho, se vendrá virus o algo así?
in reply to JC

Por aquí pasa algo parecido, espero que no porque acabo de salir de uno.

in reply to David Goldfield

out of curiosity do people still actively use supernova/screen reader anymore? I'd think that with the increasing popularity of nvda SN would have fallen by the wayside by now
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @pixelate Last time I used it was back in 2013, in secondary school, just before I found out about NVDA.
in reply to Seedy of Chucky

@TheCube @pixelate as a screen reader I think it is quite poorly managed, but as a magnification first solution there's a lot of good in there.
in reply to Seedy of Chucky

@TheCube @pixelate of course it does; for folk with low vision it's great ... and far more stable than franken fusion
in reply to Jeffrey D. Stark

@jstark @TheCube @pixelate I've so far never encountered anyone in the U.S. who has told me they use it but I imagine it has enough of a worldwide customer base since it's continually being updated.
in reply to David Goldfield

@TheCube @pixelate we found at work that the tech support overhead for our IT folk makes it a really good choice. because without that stability our folk struggle in a # of areas ...

Take hearing personalization to the next level: Lexie B2 Powered by Bose…

I honestly feel like the primary use case of REACT is to ensure you have a job. So complicated for such little value. It's like programming with Spaghetti.

doing the last prep for next week's Design Systems Week!

There are a few online talks in English, free to join for all:… (the awesome @gerireid, @stevenjmesser, @mgifford, Amy Cole and Gert Hengeveld)

Also if you're in NL and want to hang out with the NL Design System community, there's an in person social event on Friday afternoon, let me know if you need the signup link for that. :bitterbal:

Reading "A Deepness in the Sky" by Vernor Vinge. It's pretty good, but is a little over excited about the magical power of markets and trade. (He gets a little preachy on this point and it's tiresome, without ever being so wrong that I felt the need to put it down.)

Like Asimov, Vinge seems to subscribe to the notion that a science like psychohistory ought to be possible. He shows us humans thousands of years in the future with choices informed by thousands of years of human history.

in reply to modulux


That's good to know. My joy in reading it was starting to flag a little since it has been feeling a little like Ayn Rand for smart people with souls.

in reply to myrmepropagandist

The author has written some fiction on that line and is, I think, of that persuasion. Deepness transcends that a little, for me; though maybe because of some of the interesting readings that can be made of it. Curious to talk to you about some aspects of it when you finish it.

Why do servers even receive passwords in plain text? Wouldn't it be safer to use a challenge-response mechanism for users to proof they know the password without actually submitting it to the server?

Does any service do this?

Linuxáci, otázočka. Aj nejako riešite zabezpečenie počítača? Na win má človek antivírus a v linuxe čo, ako? Doteraz som nemal nič, len ma to tak napadlo. Vaše názory.
in reply to Ralfeek

>> Na windows má člověk antivirus a na linuxu má člověk rozum ;)

#MoudroDne o #Linux

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

so what happened in 2017? it's almost linear but there's like sudden jump of 50 options
in reply to Jarkko Sakkinen

@jarkko @sgnj151 we introduced support for HTTPS proxies, thus getting a whole slew of new --proxy-* options for TLS control to the proxy

Katarina Mahdalova…

Analýza digitalizace stavebního řízení (DSŘ), kterou svět neviděl, ale kterou teď celý týden žilo české X, se objeví zde už zítra aktualizovaná o nejnovější data.
Tato data ukazují, že problémy s DSŘ byly pro premiéra Fialu jen zástupný důvod k vyhazovu ministra Bartoše, a tedy i Pirátů z vlády.

Tuto analýzu jsme původně připravovali pro Seznam Zprávy. Ty ji odmítly publikovat, což způsobilo nečekanou vlnu reakcí. A zdaleka nešlo jen o náš okamžitý nedobrovolný rozchod s redakcí.

Majitel Seznamu I. Lukačovič se otevřeně a vědomě pustil do politiky. A zahrál si se svým médiem “na Babiše”, když veřejně hodnotil naši nepublikovanou analýzu. Obavy pana Lukačoviče, aby se k lidem nedostala informace, že DSŘ zase tak závažný problém nepředstavuje, otevřely nové kolo otázek o budoucnosti české nezávislé žurnalistiky.

Stojíme o vaši podporu!

Pokud vy stojíte o to, aby kvalitní nezávislá žurnalistika založená na datech mohla pokračovat, predplaťte si naše analýzy. Abychom mohli popisovat skutečnost, jaká je. Ať to premiér, vlastník velkých médií nebo kdokoliv další spinuje, jak chce. Hlavní výstupy budou veřejné, další hlubší analýzy potom pro předplatitele.

Abychom mohli pokračovat, potřebujeme teď alespoň 500 předplatitelů. Není to zase tak moc. Není to vlastně tak moc. Šest lidí v okrese. Pokud jste jedním nebo jednou z nich, teď je pravý čas to ukázat. My jsme ready. Je to na nás.

A díky za sdílení!

reshared this

in reply to Fedi Jedi

Seeing this here a lot, too. Always tempted to tie them up to something strong, with a 10 digit number lock, and a QR code for the redeem code requiring a proper payment.

Of course I'd make sure that money would be used for the common good, not for my personal one. Might be another path to get some funding for my common-good projects, kike the IzzyOnDroid repo 😜

El Presidente reconoce que ha mentido y que hemos armado a Israel durante un año, pero a partir de ahora ya de verdad verdadera no vamos a vender más armas a Israel.

Nos lo tendremos que creer, ¿o aparecerá un nuevo informe del @CentreDelas
demostrando una nueva mentira?

Freitag 11.Oktober um 19:00 ist wieder Metaday

Uni hacken! von @luebbermann

Mehr Info ->

Copyright: Minderbinder CC-BY-SA 4.0 (wikimedia)

in reply to metalab

📣 Komm zum Metaday 99 mit @luebbermann im !@metalab. Abholtermin für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung oder Blindheit ist Heute, 11. Oktober um 18:30 bei der unterirdischen Ring-Passage der U3-Station Volkstheater #make #blind #inklusion
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Oskar reshared this.

SRAM a odpružený zadek: otestovali jsme CANNONDALE TOPSTONE…

Podzim úspěšně pokračuje, antibiotika nezabrala. Tak zkusíme pár dnů ambulantně infuze a pokud nezabere ani to, jdu si lehnout… Ou jé.

Dnes je v Bratislave futbal ty vole, Slovensko - Švédsko ty vole, pred zápasom sa sem príde opiť a najesť 60 Švédov ty voleeee. #precositorobim

in reply to guLome Braillard ( ♮ )

Hi, the "M" stands for Mail. This is part of our re-branding effort, as we are planning to launch a family of apps and want to distinguish them textually and visually from another.

When I wondered as to the possibility of a small drinks fridge in my home office, i didn't mean for the night-time temperature to drop so low my water bottle froze over.
Heater's been on for 75 minutes now and I am still shivering. I felt it when I came in, but it's still a chilly 2 degrees out there.

Sloh musí mať úvod jadro záver? A aj keď to má byť rozprávanie? Ach jo ja sa musím zajtra fakt "učiť".
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Snáď to nie je potrebné písať písaním písmom, to som skončil.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@Lucinek hmmm

1. úvod (expozícia) – opis prostredia, údaje o čase, zoznámenie sa s postavami

2. zauzľovanie deja (kolízia)

3. vyvrcholenie deja (kríza)

4. dramatický zvrat (peripetia)

5. rozuzlenie (katastrofa) a záver

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Stručně, o čem budu mluvit? Řeknu to, co mám říci. A na konec co doporučuji dělat.

Si yo fuera periodista y más de ciencia entrevistaría a profesores de ciencias de la computación que empezaron en los 80 sobre cómo se han ido ignorando contribuciones no estadounidenses/británicas al aprendizaje automático. Hace tiempo que se le asignó la etiqueta de pioneros/padres/padrinos del deep learning a un grupo y se ignoró el trabajo previo.…

Dass es so schwer gelingt, die Kommunikation rund um die #Energiewende positiv in die Tiefe der Gesellschaft zu tragen, ist kein Zufall. Das System der fossilen Industrie und ihrer Lobby weiß eine solche Kommunikation immer noch zuverlässig zu verhindern. Das alles beschreibt @ckemfert in ihrem unten verlinkten Artikel beim @klimareporter.
Dieses System ist ein Zahnrad-Werk aus Konzernen, davon abhängigen Unternehmen, medial präsenten Politikern sowie der Medien, die das verbreiten und die Themen besetzen, inklusive gepushter SocialMedia-Influencer. Zunehmender Populismus sorgt dafür, dass Diskussionen über Nebenkriegsschauplätze die Debatten beherrschen und so von den eigentlichen Themen ablenken. Um so wichtiger ist es, dass immer mehr Menschen diesen Spuk erkennen. Vor allem Medienschaffende und Menschen, die Karriere in politischen Parteien machen, müssen lernen, das Spiel zu durchschauen und sich verlockender Günstlingswirtschaft konsequent zu verweigern. Denn die beginnt oft schon früh, während des Studiums.…

Mehr Spielraum für sicheren Radverkehr! 🚴 Die novellierte Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung ist heute in Kraft getreten: Kommunen können ab sofort einfacher Fahrradstraßen, geschützte Radfahrstreifen oder Fahrradparkplätze einrichten. 👏🎉

Mehr dazu:…

Just posted a new TestFlight beta with these updates:

- Play Next is now available outside of playlists

- Added Import/Export OPML in settings

- Small buttons on now-playing screen now have larger touch targets

If you'd like to join the TestFlight beta, there's a link in the app, near the bottom of the settings screen. Hop on!

A una empresa se le pone en las narices que para que su plantilla pueda disfrutar del permiso por hospitalización tienen que probar que conviven con sus familiares.

Una chorrada como una catedral, porque a ver qué tiene que ver qué vivas con tus padres para estar a su lado durante un ingreso hospitalario.

Pues está barbaridad se aplica durante meses, denegando permisos. Y tiene que llegar a los tribunales. Con la pérdida de recursos y de tiempo que esto supone. Y, mientras tanto, a saber cuántos trabajadores se han quedado sin su permiso.

¿Y qué consecuencias tiene la empresa? Ninguna. Cero. Ahora aplica el derecho correctamente y ya. Igual algún trabajador reclama a título individual una indemnización por esos días, pero no nos engañemos, esto no suele pasar. La empresa ha ganado durante este tiempo todos los permisos que se ha evitado dar. El abogado/a lo tendrá en plantilla. La plantilla, sin embargo, tiene que depender de que haya un sindicato fuerte en la empresa y con capacidad económica de sufragar el litigio.

Esa es la realidad a día de hoy. Muchas, por no decir todas las empresas, provocan conflictos absurdos porque pueden. Porque no tiene consecuencias. Porque, en cualquier caso, ganan tiempo y en muchas ocasiones dinero. Con una Justicia lenta en la que vemos que muchos juicios se van a uno o dos años, imaginad lo que supone esto.

Y nadie va a hacer nada para cambiarlo 🤦🏼‍♀️…

in reply to modulux

@modulux si ya se abusa de los trabajadores por ser la parte más débil de la relación laboral, imagina cuando esos trabajadores encima son personas con discapacidad. Es repugnante, pero pasa.
in reply to Sara

Lo de los CEE es una mierda. Se supone que son trampolines para saltar al mundo laboral "normal", pero en general la gente se queda atascada ahí para siempre.

🩺El modelo Muface, en entredicho: un 66% de funcionarios se han pasado a la sanidad pública en la última década.
Por Sara Plaza…

It has already been a whole year since I wrote up my explanation "How I made a heap overflow in #curl…


in reply to David Goldfield

I need to reset my Zoom 2FA. Are you familiar with how to do that? I can't seemto find the correct setting in my account.

Uber will let riders disclose whether they're hard of hearing or have low vision…

If you're wondering where the "Mark images as sensitive" option went in Mastodon v4.3.0, it's now hidden behind a cheat code.

You need to turn the Content Warning option on, but leave the warning text box itself blank. This will cause the images in your post to be marked as sensitive, without marking the whole post with a content warning.

#MastoAdmin #SunnyGardenAdmin