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Using encryption to protect your privacy is very #demure, very #mindful. 💅

Learn more about our world's first quantum-safe #encryption for #email here 👉…

Unknown parent

@c_th1 @veracrypt Wir veröffentlichen TutaCrypt offen für alle. Daten im Ruhezustand gelten als quantensicher, wenn sie mit AES256 oder stärker verschlüsselt sind; das Problem sind die Daten bei der Übertragung. Dieses Problem haben wir mit TutaCrypt gelöst : )

@Tutanota Question: I have a rule to always put emails from a certain sender (a newsletter) in my inbox and never in spam. But still, some of their emails end up in spam. The address is the same, which is confirmed when I try to whitelist it again and get an error message.

Is this a known issue?

in reply to Celeste Ryder 🐾 🐀🏳️‍🌈

That is odd. Have you also created a whitelist spam rule for this domain? If so, and the emails are still incorrectly sorted please send the email header from one of the incorrectly sorted emails to our support team for review. They can be reached at

Komunikační popel
Povedená sci-fi povídka Pavla Svobody, čte: Jiří Trnka. Hudba a zvuk: Josef Kačírek

Linux slaví 33 let
Přesně před 33 lety, 25. srpna 1991, Linus Benedict Torvalds poprvé oznámil ve skupině comp.os.minix, že pracuje na vývoji nového operačního systému.…

#niewiederistetzt #saytheirnames
Im Keller dieses Hauses in Pirna-Sonnenstein hat sich das unaussprechliche Grauen ereignet: 14751 behinderte Menschen wurden durch die Nationalsozialisten vergast. Die original Räumlichkeiten sind hier zu sehen-auf drei Glasplatten sind alle ihre Namen aufgeschrieben. So konnten wir uns heute von einem Familienmitglied verabschieden, dessen Name dabei war: Silvan Arno Kolbusa am 4.Juli 1941 ermordet.
Soweit für heute…
Schlaft gut und behütet!

A ‘hello world' sample project in Android Studio has over a hundred project files out of the gate. That is waaaay too many damn files

TF1: Policie v Paříži zatkla šéfa platformy Telegram Durova
in reply to Archos

Právě z tohoto důvodu jsem přestala telegram používat..
in reply to Milu P. Pragerova

@Milu to mi nedává vůbec žádný smysl, zatknout majitele platformy za to, že nehlídá obsah v jeho skupinách.
Od toho není provozovatel, ale policie. To je jako zatknout pošťáka, že přinesl dopis s nelegálním obsahem.
A pokud bych to přijmul, tak proč jsou majitelé X a FB stále na svobodě?
in reply to Táta Geek

@tatageek Zase jestli má servery ve Francii, tak obsah může porušovat zákon a nese zodpovědnost provozovatel serveru.

Lightning & Thunderstorms - Portugal, Spain, France, Italy…

Gente de México: el Linux App Summit va a ser en Monterrey en octubre. Las propuestas de charlas se pueden enviar hasta el 30 de agosto (ignoren la fecha en esta página):

I don’t understand people who say ‘go outside and touch grass’. Grass is itchy and full of insects that bite me. I go outside and touch cats. They are soft and make happy noises.

New blueprint release! A lot has happened since the previous release in March, including:

- Greatly improved decompiler/porting support, including a CLI command to convert .ui to .blp
- Syntax support for string arrays and multi-value accessibility relations
- QoL improvements to the CLI output and language server
- A ton of bugfixes

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!…

#gnome #GTK

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I don't know if people have seen this, but some elevators in Europe will place the Braille above the buttons in order, and then expect you to do the counting yourself and find the right button. I don't know how you all do it there. This was the case in my hotel in Stockholm, and worse yet, each elevator had a slightly different panel, so that floor "-1" was not always diagonal to the "E" or "ground" button which at least was higher-raised. This really frustrated me when getting food.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Tamas G

I have seen braille numbers placed to the left of the button, to the right of the button and underneath. It's like they're playing games. Why not just put it right on the buttons? Oh wow, there's a concept.
in reply to Just Martin

@mcourcel yeah, I think left or right of the button is doable, above or below can be trickier since you need to check whether there's a row of Braille below the last one to know. Here though they had Braille labels above the buttons in a row (so all Braille together in columns, then buttons under it) so it was a lot of manually lining up the Braille and buttons with two hands and coordinating their movement to track together, just felt even more nonsensical to me that way.

First, I thought he was arrested because they failed to make their iOS app accessible for screen reader users, but turns out it's much worhse. On the other hand, I learned they employ only 30 engineers to run the platform that has have hundreds of millions of users? :) Pavel Durov, Telegram founder, arrested by France following warrant - The Jerusalem Post…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

A diferencia del Mozzarello, la Gaia sí se deja abrazar para dormir.

As kids, monsters make us afraid of the dark.

As adults, electricity bills make us afraid of the light.

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Going out with punctuation marks is acommadating.

Amelia: A New Bash-Powered Arch Linux Installer…

this looks like it might be cool! coming soon, United World: A Virtual Life Simulation Game for the Blind and Visually Impaired…

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in reply to Just Martin

@mcourcel lol I call em as I see em and I have frankly seen this way too often at this point to take it seriously. I might have to eat my words, maybe this'll become the next SBYW but... ehh ... I doubt it tbh
in reply to Florian

@zersiax @mcourcel maybe they saw the "success" of Mist World (relatively speaking) and how much money blind people are willing to pour into it, so it's a driving motivation for them to create competition.

Today I'm launching something near and dear to my heart...VERY near and dear 😂 -- a podcast project with my phenomenal favorite neuroscientist (& wife), @analog_ashley !

On "Change, Technically" we're coming to your ears to share tales of who gets to be technical. We dig into STEM pathways & how leaders can learn from psych and neuroscience to think about cultivating innovation. We share our stories from classrooms to software teams. Plus new Cat & Ashley lore!

One of the things about Global Warming that non-scientists seem not to understand is the scale of it.

The fossil carbon that we are now releasing to the atmosphere was sequestered by natural means over millions of years. Modern humans have released most of it over less than a century.

One third of all the fossil carbon we have released to the atmosphere has happened within this century. Just let that sink in, we are now in 2024, this century is only 24 years old

#GlobalWarming #ClimateCrisis

It's the weekend and I'm messing with the CSS for my blog yet again. The only time I really get to write code these days.
in reply to Sean Voisen

Wait... I thought you went back to (IC) engineering? My mistake?
Unknown parent

Jamie Teh
Well, FWIW, you were an absolutely amazing manager. We miss you. :)

If you're over 45, get a colonoscopy.

I know someone in her 60s who recently had her first colonoscopy. They found a tumor, requiring surgery to remove a section of her colon. She had no symptoms before, and is an otherwise healthy and active person.

The pathology report showed that the tumor had just penetrated the outer wall of her colon. If she'd waited longer, it would have metastasized. An earlier colonoscopy could have nipped it as a polyp.

Just do it. It could save your life.

I am going to try this again. If anyone needs a graphics programmer I am in desperate need of a job. AAA game dev experience. Driver experience. C and C++ mostly. Dm for resume.

#FediHire #programming #gamedev

“And when we disagree with the politics of another nation we?…”


“No, we…”


“What’s the mission sarge? Is this gonna be a stand-up group session or another bug hunt?”

“This is the real thing, Intern. Defacto planetary empire gone to pot. Nuclear weapons. Regulatory capture. Science denialism. End-stage capitalism. They’re shooting kids in schools”

“Fuck I hate these baby killer planets!”

“Secure that shit, Counsellor, we ship out for this Planet Dirt in ninety minutes”

#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot

beginner recorder update

Sensitive content

in reply to modulux

beginner recorder update

Sensitive content

in reply to Alex Hall

beginner recorder update
Got it. Yes, the half cover might take a bit until you get a stable tone. That's what made me think of it, if there's some leaking there it can detune pretty fast. Are you having fun? I like the recorder in spite of many people not taking it seriously as an instrument.

Sensors can read your sweat and predict overheating. Here's why privacy advocates care…

The collection stopped because of profit. It was a choice to prioritize profit over all of our lives instead of implementing human-centered appropriate changes like universal healthcare, monthly stimulus checks, and free prevention.

Instead world governments invested in denial.

Boeing is remarkable because it's a nearly perfect exemplar of the outcomes of our current economy, whether on society, the planet, or even companies themselves.

Boeing used to be well known for how well it treated its employees. It used to have tons of "lifers" who worked there until they retired. It used to make a respectable profit, and enjoyed almost universal praise for its product quality.

Then, modern capitalist goons showed up.

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The website of NS offers a special ticket called "Dutch Grand Prix Day Return".

The only thing special about this ticket is the name and fixed destination station. Otherwise it's a very normal Day Return ticket for exactly the same price with exactly the same conditions.

Super excited to be going to the Hozier concert on September 22 here at the local amphitheater, got our tickets, and it's a week before my birthday which makes it even more amazing.

"Python's Preprocessor", a really amazing blog post about abusing customs codecs to do arbitrary preprocessing steps on python files before the VM sees it:…

Examples include: Python with braces, adding x++ etc to Python, but the best one is clearly running (very lightly prepared) C++ code with the python vm using the cppyy module (!) by running 'python test.cpp'

The Biden-Harris admin has taken anti-trust action against:

-Live Nation/Ticketmaster

It’s a really bad time to be a corporate monopoly.