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WebKit GTK4 is now fully accessible. Shipping in GNOME 46 :gnome:

Funded by @sovtechfund and @igalia ❤️

Completed by Georges Stavracas at Igalia 🎩

Thanks to everyone involved !

#GNOME #WebKitGTK #accessibility #a11y #Linux #GTK

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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in reply to Sonny

Excellent news! What about editing text in edit boxes with GTK4's Wayland backend? Is this fixed or do I still have to use an X session to make it work.
in reply to Sonny

I haven't reported a bug yet, but this is general GTK4 everywhere. Gnome calculator, anything with a search box, the gnome text editor, all do this. Tab or shift tab, text is announced because it's selected. The minute you try arrowing around or deleting things, Orca stays silent. Works perfectly fine on X though, tested with gnome calculator and the cursoring problems went away.
in reply to destructatron

@destructatron I'm afraid you'll have to report a bug. I can't reproduce.

Please provide details about your system and exact steps to reproduce.

in reply to Sonny

@destructatron nevermind Joannie got it