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Endless OS 6 is bringing us into a new era. This major update focuses on three key pillars:

• Under the hood improvements
• Refining the user experience
• Game-making for learning

Learn more, and download Endless OS 6 today!…

#Linux #GNOME #OpenSource #EndlessOS

in reply to Endless OS Foundation

For our fellow nerds (you’re reading about Linux on the Fediverse, we see you!), dive into the release notes for more details:…

And of course, thank you to the free & open source projects & communities of Linux, Debian, and GNOME for many of the improvements we’re shipping in Endless OS 6. We strongly believe in open source, and would not be able to have the impact we do without standing on the shoulders of the projects we build upon. 🧡

#Linux #Debian #GNOME #OpenSource

This entry was edited (4 months ago)