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The Fedora Quality Team is joining Week of Diversity with an Accessibility Test Week!

Much like other Test Days, the goal of this week is to put Fedora through its paces and catch as many accessibility related issues as we can for our disable users. If you want to put your advocacy to action, consider participating!

The Accessibility Test Week runs from Jun 19-25, starting tomorrow.

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#Fedora #FedoraA11yTestWeek #FWD #Accessibility #a11y #Linux #OpenSource

in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral We are aware of the unfortunate issue with the screen reader for installs in Fedora 40. That should be fixed for Fedora 41 and future, but there are challenges with getting it resolved in current isos.

That issue has prompted more collaboration from the Accessibility Working Group with our Quality Team (this test week is the first step in that). We're also working to communicate more downstream and with our edition/spin working groups.

in reply to Fedora Project

@aral does the mate spin work with orca correctly? it's been some time since i've used fedora are you still using anaconder? or the new web-ui installer?
in reply to Majid Hussain

@mhussain @aral We've heard positive experiences with Fedora MATE even in the Fedora 40 release. Still using Anaconda. The feedback we've heard is that Fedora MATE is able to be spun up to point of daily driving, so it seems unaffected by the problem that affected Workstation.
in reply to Fedora Project

@aral ok, one setting that should be toggled by default in that spin enable assistive technolagies in preferances/personal? I believe it is