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After a stable release of K-9 Mail, our Android team usually spends a couple weeks fixing bugs. The bug hunt takes center stage in this month's #Android progress report, with cketti and Wolf ironing out a BUNCH of them.…

#Thunderbird #K9Mail #FOSS

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

thanks for the reminder! Just got it setup, let's see if I can ween myself off Gmail and Outlook.
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

The #k9mail app does not have its own lock screen or password / biometric protection ... is that right ?? Love the app but without a password protection to protect the app even when phone is unlocked the app does not pass muster. Yahoo app does have this. Please, if I am right, fix this. Thanks!! :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
in reply to adingbatponder

@adingbatponder Unfortunately we still have a small team which makes this a bit out of scope for us right now. There has been an issue submitted, which is still open, and there are some suggested solutions for safeguarding K-9 and your phone if it is lost or stolen:…