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Items tagged with: FediSearch

There are even attempts at doing this in one way or another e.g. #fediSearch…

I just deployed a new #FediSearch version:
✅ #GraphQL search endpoints were extracted into separated app
✅ Opt out page was polished
✅ Frontend was migrated to #NextJS 13 and AppDir api
✅ Improved frontend UI by introdcing load placeholders and by fixing of several glitches
✅ Frontend was migrated to esm modules
✅ Properly fixed robot.txt handling in crawler
✅ Improved and unified codestyle

:fedisearch: 🎉

I fixed some bugs in the #FediSearch crawler and once again cleared whole index. It will take for about two days to fill it back...
1️⃣ Fixed mastodon api pagination
2️⃣ It now respects #nobot tag in bio
3️⃣ Added robots-parser library for full complience with robots.txt specification (ua: "FediCrawl/1.0")
4️⃣ Now fully respects Mastodon noindex option.
5️⃣ I also added page about opting out

Yesterday I deleted whole #FediSearch index and started crawling the #fediverse from scratch.

So many new accounts should be discovereable now.

I deployed a new version of #FediSearch.
It looks the same, but It's much faster, and search results are far more relevant.
:fedisearch: 🎉

#Friendica added a directory api. Users who enabled to be discoverable are now indexed by #FediSearch... 🎉 :friendica:
For now it discovered 5194 users📊 👤

#FediSearch now mirrors the query in url address. You can now share links leading directly to search results.

Or pixelfed could join to Mastodon, Pleroma, Misskey and Peertube in having opened directory api that can be easilly indexed by services like #fedisearch 🔎

Current statistics of #fediverse reported by #fedisearch:
#Mastodon 222903 public users on 3551 instances
#Pleroma 634 users on 1315 instances (only current beta has needed api)
#Peertube 277613 channels on 1195 instances
#Misskey 23931 users on 402 instances

I added support for #ecko and #hometown #mastodon forks to #fedisearch

You can now find discoverable accounts on these servers:

#fedisearch: I disabled the minimal char count limit to enable searching by emoji. It proved to be useful to search by language/nationality.

I upgraded #fedisearch by adding a basic search in indexed servers. You can now check if and when was your server last indexed...

(Yep, I still need to do some proper styling, but it works)

Hi, Today I found your post when looking for #fedisearch and #SepiaSearch tags

I created a fediverse search app:
It collects feeds from #Mastodon, #PeerTube, #Misskey and partly, #Pleroma

New ideas are welcomed. I still have several improvements in todo list (like better search query specification, instance searching...)