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Items tagged with: Press

Well, not the happiest intro but I’l cut/paste this here while I still remember then add a proper intro spoons allowing..⬇️

Please #boost and share to other platforms spoons allowing.

Seems I’m desperate enough to go to the media for help. Yes, the trapped woman in the article below is me.

My story:…

More info on how to help::…

I’ve tried every level of government and they simply won’t help. Please ask people if they have a spare room or somewhere to go. Maybe you have somewhere?

Is anybody a #DisabilityAdvocate? #SocialWorker? Need help.

Please don’t give me contacts for domestic violence orgs. They don’t help disabled people with housing & only offer counselling. Also, that list of disability advocates going around for #Melbourne #Australia (where I am) is outdated - there aren’t any in my catchment. So I’m looking for volunteers with some background.

Thanks for reading

#PwME #LongCovid #MECFS #Hypothyroidism #ChronicIllness #Neisvoid #NacissisticAbuse ##Housing #Dysautonomia #SocialWork #MedMastodon #PWLC #MutualAid
#HumanRights #Press

@mecfs @chronicillness @neisvoid
@disability @disabilityjustice @socialwork @dyssupport

(If I’ve broken any rules in posting this, please let me know.)

Suspicious packages sent to election officials across US

Colorado's secretary of state says the poster of the letters called themselves the "US Traitor Elimination Army". #press…

Facebook owner Meta bans Russian state media outlets

Facebook owner Meta said on Monday it was banning RT, Rossiya Segodnya and other Russian state media networks, alleging the outlets used deceptive tactics to carry out influence operations while evading detection on the social media company's platforms. #press…

“Trump has allegedly been talking with PM Netanyahu to avert a cease-fire deal, fearing that doing so could help VP #KamalaHarris win in November.”

Doesn’t the Logan Act criminalize unauthorized negotiations by an Amer. citizen btwn the US & a foreign govt? #trump #press

All The Technology Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Predicted Correctly

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is one of the most inventive and whacky sci-fi properties around, and it's predicted quite a few real-world technologies. #press…

The most compact two-seater electric car was presented in Switzerland

The length of the electric vehicle is 2.5 m and the width is 1.47 m. Weight is less than 600 kg.

The car has a steel unibody structure and a 6 kW engine. The Microlino Lite is classified as an L6e vehicle, so anyone with an AM class moped license (eg teenagers over 14 years old) can drive one in Europe.

On one charge, the electric car can travel up to 177 km.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline

In Norway, while recording a broadcast, a huge fish crashed into the journalist’s face

A video has gone viral on social networks in which a correspondent from a Norwegian TV channel talks about the strongest storm in the country in the last 30 years.

After a sudden meeting with a fish, the journalist lost his footing and fell, after which he was covered by a wave.

What happened only amused him.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Norway

Konečně oznámili, co už tu před pár měsíci naznačoval @jakubzelenka: #Respekt se osamostatnil. Jakožto dlouholetý předplatitel se na změny těším a držím palce. 🤞
#Czech #Press…

BREAKING: Actress and singer Jane Birkin has died, according to France’s Culture Ministry and French media. She was 76.… #press

30 years ago, one decision altered the course of our connected world

On April 30, 1993, the World Wide Web was released into the public domain. It revolutionized the internet and allowed users to create websites filled with graphics, audio and hyperlinks.


#technology #npr #news #press #media #independent #usa

Breaking news: For the first time since the Apollo era, NASA on Monday named a crew of astronauts for a lunar expedition. The astronauts will fly around the moon in a mission that would precede the first human landing there since 1972. #press