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Items tagged with: Heatwave

3 hours from now in Caledonia, #UnitedStatesOfAmerica (Houston County, Minnesota, United States of America) there will be a #Heatwave with a wet-bulb temperature of


This will be a margin of 6 degrees below body temperature which will kill vulnerable people 🥵💀 #DangerousWetbulb

The actual temperature will be 35°C

It will feel like 42°C

The humidity will be 72%

There will be clear sky


Enjoy ice cream Thursday everyone! 😍

Ready for ice cream yourself? Join our team!

Greetings from the Tuta Team. 😎😎😎

#heat #heatwave #job #hiring #asparagus

So far, the highest October temperature ever recorded in Spain was 37.5⁰C (in 2014).
Today, it was 38.2⁰C in Montoro, near Córdoba, and 38.0⁰ in Badajoz, at the border with Portugal.
Via @extretemps on the birdsite.
#globalwarming #heatwave

The data indicates we are locked into increasing temperatures. Most political and corporate leaders are completely inadequate to the leadership required. The northern part of Canada is burning while our carbon emissions are not being reduced. #heatwave #ClimateDiary

From Uni of Reading (@UniofReading@:twitter:):

"In this experiment Dr Rob Thompson of Reading Meteorology shows just how long it takes water to soak into parched ground, illustrating why heavy rainfall after a #drought can be dangerous and might lead to flashfloods."

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateActionNOW #ClimateEmergency #heatwave #summer

Are you in Europe, and want to hear about something 🧊 cool? In our latest version (2.6) we introduced support for Podcasting 2.0 chapters!

Check out how it works in this demo 👇 🎞️

#badjoke #heatwave #FOSS #OpenSource #podcastStandards #podcasting #chapters


The current extreme #heatwave in #Pakistan and #India as seen today, on the fourth intense hot day, by #Copernicus #Sentinel3 LST (Land Surface Temperature, not Air!). LST collected on April 29 shows max value exceeding 62°C/143°F. Gaps due to cloud/snow/nodata. #ClimateEmergency
