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Items tagged with: LinuxKernel

The #Linux 6.12 pull request for #PREEMPT_RT is handed to Linus. Likely the first PR ever submitted in printed form. #kernel #LinuxKernel #Realtime

Linus Torvalds: Rust will go into Linux 6.1

At the Kernel Maintainers Summit, the question wasn't, "Would Rust make it into Linux?" Instead, it was, "What to do about its compilers?"

The Rust in Linux debate is over. The implementation has begun. In an email conversation, Linux's creator @torvalds told, "Unless something odd happens, it [Rust] will make it into 6.1."


#linux #rust #linustorvalds #rustlang #it #code #opensource #kernel #linuxkernel

I'd really like to read a well researched article that sums up how Linux distros reacted to the massive influx of #Linux #kernel CVE that started ~half a year – both for their #LinuxKernel packages and their live-patching offerings.

But I guess that is an enormous amount of work that no media outlet in this world is willing to pay anyone for writing. πŸ˜•

Slide taken from @gregkh's "Why are there so many kernel CVEs?" talk he gave at OSS China yesterday (… ) #LinuxKernel

Exciting talk alert! Marta Lewandoska from Red Hat at #DevConf_CZ is presenting a game-changing solution to replace GRUB: nmbl (No More Boot Loader).

Join on 06/15, 09:30-10:05(CEST), E112 to learn more about using the Linux kernel as its own bootloader. Say goodbye to complexity and security holes!

More info:…

#redhat #Linux #bootloader #OpenSource #linuxkernel

"Many recent Intel laptops have […] a raw MIPI camera-sensor connected to the IPU6 found in recent Intel laptop chips.

[…] #Linux support for the IPU6 relies on an out of tree #kernel driver with a proprietary userspace stack […]

[…] Linaro has started a project to […] allow these cameras to work without needing proprietary software and Red Hat has joined Linaro in working on this. […]

This work is at a point now where it is ready for wider testing. […]"… #LinuxKernel
