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Items tagged with: it

Linus Torvalds: Rust will go into Linux 6.1

At the Kernel Maintainers Summit, the question wasn't, "Would Rust make it into Linux?" Instead, it was, "What to do about its compilers?"

The Rust in Linux debate is over. The implementation has begun. In an email conversation, Linux's creator @torvalds told, "Unless something odd happens, it [Rust] will make it into 6.1."


#linux #rust #linustorvalds #rustlang #it #code #opensource #kernel #linuxkernel

This morning, I took my wife to the hospital for routine blood tests that had been scheduled for some time. Everything was going smoothly: check-in, number, waiting room. Suddenly, everything came to a halt and shut down. I was connected to the hospital’s public Wi-Fi and noticed that my connection also went down.

Having managed a couple of similar facilities, I immediately understood what had happened. I saw the staff panicking and calling the technicians, but they quickly reorganized within 10 minutes. They managed to process everyone who already had a number and then proceeded with the others in the order of their arrival. Despite the ten-minute delay (even though people started complaining right away), they were extremely efficient.

I later confirmed that the entire booking, check-in, and queue system is “in the cloud.” The hospital experienced a connectivity interruption, and all related services stopped. The staff no longer had access to anything, so a technician sent the lists to a manager via another channel, and everything resumed manually.

For years, I’ve insisted that certain things MUST be local. The healthcare facilities I manage have all the necessary systems for the operation of the facility internally, including patient records. External services like websites, emails, etc., are secondary.

Everything essential must always be accessible locally and, in special cases, it should be possible to physically access the servers and connect directly to them, bypassing any network/switch failures.

There has been only one interruption in the past, due to human error. Today, we have redundant servers (not HA on virtualizers, but two machines running the same software with replicated databases - on separate power lines) so such an issue shouldn’t happen anymore.

Not everything can be anticipated, but history is a great teacher. The Internet connection will eventually be interrupted :-)

When it comes to the health and survival of people, there are no compromises.

#IT #Internet #Networking #Outage #Health #HA #Cloud #CloudComputing #OwnYourData

I think the outage yesterday is a good opportunity to check one thing. If you work in software manufacturing (systems design, programming, project/product management, testing) do you know what Therac-25 is without searching?

#infosec #IT

Boost for reach please. :BoostOK:

  • I make software and I know about Therac-25 (43%, 1611 votes)
  • I make software and I don't know about Therac-25 (33%, 1257 votes)
  • I do other things and I know about Therac-25 (8%, 314 votes)
  • I do other things and I don't know about Therac-25 (14%, 540 votes)
3722 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Forget security – Google's reCAPTCHA v2 is exploiting users for profit

Web puzzles don't protect against bots, but humans have spent 819 million unpaid hours solving them Google promotes its reCAPTCHA service as a security mechanism for websites, but researchers affiliated with the University of California, Irvine, argue it's harvesting information while extracting human labor worth billi…
#theregister #IT…

Na svoje projekty hledam vyvojarskou pomoc (React + TypeScript) a rad dam prilezitost lidem pred prvni praci, kteri muzou benefitovat i z meho mentoringu.…

Budu moc rad boostovani tu. Ale hlavne za osobni sireni mezi juniory a velka pomoc by bylo i sdileni na LinkedInu, kde je precijen vetsi sance, ze se nejake zacatecnictvo najde.…

#prace #developer #it #react #typescript

I hope the UN can make it work but the federated decentralised approach makes sense. The United Nations ditches Big Tech in a bid for security | TechRadar…
#security #encryption #element #matrix #UN #IT #decentralized #federated

Schleswig-Holstein geht voran:

#LibreOffice statt M$ Office
#Linux statt Windows
#Thunderbird statt Outlook
#Nextcloud statt Sharepoint

Das Kabinett hat den Startschuss für den Umstieg auf freie Software gegeben - ein Gewinn für #IT-Sicherheit, #Datenschutz und die heimische Digitalwirtschaft.

Langfristiges Ziel ist die vollständige digitale Souveränität des Landes.…

Wir ziehen den Hut und wünschen eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung!🎩

#OpenSource #DigitaleSouveränität

Na Lupe se Martin Mesrsmid vyjadroval k problemum eDokladu. Co se stalo tak nejak vime. Jako novinka padla otazka: "Planujete zverejnit eDoklady jako open source?" Na cez jednoznacne odpovedel:

Velmi by nám to zkomplikovalo situaci.

Kdo nekdy neco programoval, tak tusi, o jake komplikace se jedna 🙈. Pro IT netknute jsme poprosili Yenerator, aby nam situaci priblizil. Dekujeme!

Vyzblepty Yeneratoru a nazory na stav Ceske IT infrastruktury najdete na

#it #dia #meme

#IT #Meme #dia

👆 …da ich kein #Apple nutze, ist dies an mir vorbei gegangen. Auch die müssen #Apps über andere #Zahlungen-Anbietern auf #iPhone & Co. zulassen. Spannend obwohl es um sehr viel #Geld im #Prozess von #IT-Giganten geht.

»Prozess um Zahlungsmethoden: Apple muss App-Store-Regeln entschärfen«


угадай язык по фотографии #IT #юмор

Pokud vás zajímá testování software na Discordu vznikla nová skupina //CzechTest. Určitě se podívejte a zapojte se do diskuze a poznejte nové lidi kolem testingu 🍻.…
#CzechTest #Testing #Community #IT

📢 #WeAreHiring
1⃣You have #IT #projectmanagement in your little finger?
2⃣Thinking of setting up Data Centre infrastructures does not freak you out?
We like where this is going! Go ahead and apply by 21 June for our newest #ProjectLeader position 👉!3pFxq4