Items tagged with: ghent
Tomorrow and saturday, we are doing a #surveillance #camera walk in #Ghent: see… and…
We will be adding them to #OpenStreetMap using @MapComplete
Bewakingscamera's op de kaart (wandeling)
Hoeveel bewakingscameras zijn er in Gent? Waar staan ze (niet)? Hoe kunnen we dit in kaart brengen? Is dit goed of slecht voor de maatschappij? In deze woMeetup
Hi all!
We are the #students in the #occupation of the #Ghent #university ! The occupation is organized by two organisations: Ghent Students for Palestine (…) and End Fossil Ghent (
We started the occupation last monday, to ask the #UGent to divest from both Israel and #fossil fuels and are planning to stay until they've done both!
End Fossil Gent | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
From 2nd to 5th May we will occupy UGent for a climate just university! Join us!Linktree
OpenStreetMap workshop for beginners
OpenStreetMap is an open database of geodata and has become the biggest geodataset of the world. It is often called 'the wikipedia of maps' and is getting used in more and more applications - from grassroot movements to big corporations.OpenStreetMap Calendar
Hey devs around here: how do you test accessibility?
I've been testing #mapcomplete with the #Orca #screenreader today, and fixing some issues but I feel quite unsure about it, so I'p interested in your approaches.
Or if someone who's using a screenreader could help me test (in #ghent or at #CCC), that would be appreciated