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Items tagged with: redis

Is the homeserver a single server? can it not be lots of little servers with a central message bus? I have a bunch of #synapse worker nodes in containers spread across servers with #redis ?, I think, between them. I do realise that my little setup with just me isn't quite the same #matrix

We now understand why permissive #licensing is bad for #FOSS.

#Redis taught us why #GPL is important and #MIT, #Apache, #BSD etc allow corporations to enclose and steal our contributions.

#Israel's use of #Lavender for targeting in #Gaza, which may also use the code we donated to the commons, shows that we need to be more restrictive if we want to avoid assisting war crimes and probable #genocide.

I hope some lawyers are on this, and will help us add exclusions to protect from such use.

Today more companies are announcing their support of the Valkey community (the group that includes committed developers previously working on the OSS version of the core Redis engine): Aiven, Alibaba Cloud, Chainguard, Heroku, Huawei, Percona, and Verizon.

#OSSummit #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OSS #Redis #Valkey #Community #LinuxFoundation…

Now on stage for the morning #OSSummit keynotes, core team member Madelyn Olson to speak about the new Valkey community effort.

The walk-on music: "We are never ever getting back together" by Taylor Swift. 🤣

Love it!

#OSSummit #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OSS #Redis #Valkey #Community #LinuxFoundation

How it started: "This change has zero effect on the Redis core license, which is and will always be licensed under the 3-Clause-BSD."

How it's going: "Beginning today, all future versions of Redis will be released with source-available licenses. Starting with Redis 7.4, Redis will be dual-licensed under the Redis Source Available License (RSALv2) and Server Side Public License (SSPLv1)."

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #OSS #FOSS #Redis