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Items tagged with: cat

let four_cats: Vec<(Cat, Color)> = vec![rand::random::(Cat, Color); 4];<br>let cats = [vec![rand::random::(Cat, Color); 2], four_cats.clone(), four_cats, vec![rand::random::(Cat, Color)]].into_iter().flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>();<br>

Ahhh, this one was tricky 😅



#cat #CatsOfMastodon #rust #RustLanguage #RustLang #RustCataStructures

Have a #cat for a late #caturday (she is being adorable this morning)

This #cat is an NPC that will give you a side quest to defeat the Rat King who took his eye. The reward is belly rubs.


Our #cat Ofi just came from the garden with a snail baby on her nose.
#caturday #macro

Hello !Friendica Support why is this post "unlisted" on #Friendica, but "visible to everyone" on #Pixelfed, where I composed it from?

Link on Pixelfed:…

Link on Friendica:…

Our cat #cat is naughty today. She must know that the weekend is here... ❤️😺 Almost #caturday

I am:
🔵a #book lover
🔵mildly #burnedout but trying to take it easy 😊
🔵a #cat lover (sharing my place with 1 fluffy terrorist)
🔵#choleric (actively working on my tantrums though) 😂
🔵a good #communicator
🔵an #effectivealtruist (I translated Toby Ord's The Precipice into Czech)
🔵a #feminist
🔵a #linguistics nerd
🔵a #liberal
🔵a language #teacher
🔵a literary #translator
🔵very much in love with @stepan
🔵 a #woman