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Items tagged with: GnomeMobile

Pixel 3 up and running (again again again), huge props to @drakulix for getting things rebased and fixing all the regressions and weird new issues.

#postmarketOS #LinuxMobile #gnomemobile

Great news for Gnome-Mobile users on postmarketOS. Now you can trigger the keyboard with a double tap on the bottom bar. You can type in Qt or other apps that don't trigger the keyboard automatically. Thank you @verdre !

#gnomemobile #postmarketos #mobilelinux

Apple ecosystem is overrated, welcome to the gnome ecosystem 🤓 (this is mostly a demo and you should not rely on these in a daily basis in a production environment)
#gnome #gnomemobile #postmarketos

phosh 0.34.1 is out 🚀📱:

This fixes two user visible regressions that crept into 0.34.0.

Check out the full release notes at…

#phosh #librem5 #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux #gnomemobile