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Items tagged with: PostmarketOS

Pixel 3 up and running (again again again), huge props to @drakulix for getting things rebased and fixing all the regressions and weird new issues.

#postmarketOS #LinuxMobile #gnomemobile

Come visit us at the FOSS on Mobile stand at #froscon! We got stickers, phones with lots of distros and UIs to try out!

#mobian #postmarketos #sailfishos #maemoleste #ubports

Important for me: the front camera should already work and for the back one there are WIP patches that work, meaning this device will probably be the first Android device with both cameras being supported (and most other thing as well!).

Sure, we're still very far away from what even a super outdated Android can offer. I for one am super eager and motivated to see if we can make #linuxmobile (upstream!) a somewhat reasonably alternative though - and make #postmarketos live up to its name :)

Just got me a #pixel3a - used, cheap and in surprisingly good condition. The updater of the stock rom tells me that the device is EOL - and indeed, according to it was EOLed over two years ago, despite being released only some 5/6 years ago. The kernel version starts with 4.x.

Well, tomorrow pre-build #postmarketos images should appear on, the next weekly should have it promoted from "testing" to "community" and the kernel is at 6.10.x.

I thought that Chats (GNOME Chatty) is an SMS app, but it actually supports Matrix and XMPP too. So I can join discussions on the postmarketOS Matrix server from postmarketOS devices. Cool.

#linuxmobile #postmarketOS #matrix #chat #gnome

So thanks to we managed to get the front camera in the Pixel 3a working with a libcamera/pipewire stack 🥳 Thanks to @flamingradian for the work on the whole port!

EDIT: The driver does not properly release the camera when closing the app, so it only works once per boot. It would be lovely if anybody with the skills would like to contribute to improve it!…

#postmarketOS #LinuxMobile #Pixel3a #Snapshot #GNOME #GUADEC

ok but why is this on #postmarketOS ? If they were at least a non-profit maybe I'd respect the double meaning 😭

getting HYPED for Berlin GUADEC (I hear it's grown beyond a "mini" event).

Anticipating a lot of interesting talks and productive hacking :D

there will also be a #LinuxMobile event of some kind, not sure on what scale yet, but hopefully worth showing up for.

#GNOME #Berlin #postmarketOS

Is there anyone in the #linuxmobile community with some experience in (or motivation to learn) #openmp (or something similar) who'd be willing to help a bit with a patch of mine for the #libcamera softwareISP? It's an important piece of sw that allows us to use "complex" cameras even when we don't have ISP drivers.

The patch I started already shows promising results on e.g. the #librem5, however I could use some help getting it into a mergable state :)…


There's been recently some confusion in #postmarketOS as GNOME Software is still on version 45. The main reason is that the simple plugin:… we use for APK has not been updated to follow GNOME Software's library changes. If anybody is interested in helping with maintenance for that project, I can provide guidance and reviews, and we will all be very pleased!

#GNOME #gnomesoftware

Hey folks, we're going to be at @allsystemsgo in Berlin later this year. @cas and @craftyguy will be talking about how #postmarketOS has evolved over the last few years, our experiences with #systemd, and our plans for an #immutable postmarketOS that doesn't restrict user freedom.

If you're into low level Linux userspace and middleware definitely come along :D

I'm happy to announce the availability of my new app "eSIM Manager" on postmarketOS! With it you can manage and install eSIMs on your phone running postmarketOS! No more need to boot into Android to do the same!…

#postmarketOS #MobileLinux #LinuxMobile #eSIM #eUICC

@cas you did an incredible job on pma!5000 [1]! 🎉

For those unaware, they just significantly leveled up the #postmarketOS initramfs by:

- adding the ability to drop to a debug/rescue shell on boot by using hardware keys

- making it a lot easier to get logs for debugging initramfs issues

- improving hardware detection in the initramfs

- speeding up boot on many devices


not ostree-based, but for the immutable part, we are trying to build it at #postmarketos :… Unfortunately the grant I applied for got rejected, but if you or anything you know are interested, we are happy to help look for funding to make it possible!

I met with @pabloyoyoista today. We talked, amongst other, about the directions of Papers. As part of my #GSoC project, for example, I'm tackling gestures. It'll be a clean-up as much as will enable touchscreen users, who currently cannot select text, nor add annotations.
Yes, the pizza at the end is obligatory. (Would've been a boring picture otherwise, right?) And yes, they were paid for from a #postmarketOS running device.

Great news for Gnome-Mobile users on postmarketOS. Now you can trigger the keyboard with a double tap on the bottom bar. You can type in Qt or other apps that don't trigger the keyboard automatically. Thank you @verdre !

#gnomemobile #postmarketos #mobilelinux

Interested in tooling for development and QA on immutable / image based Linux?

Checkout… by @tchx84

Feedback welcome ! This is a collaboration between @gnome @codethink and @sovtechfund ❤️

#Linux #systemd #Silverblue #GNOME #freedesktop #KDE #Ubuntu #SUSE #Fedora #NixOS #postmarketOS

@gnome Very nice guide, going to try on my 2nd #oneplus6 soon. Have you managed to get the OSK working in Telegram? If so, how? I am having problems with the OSK not activating in several apps, including TG Desktop, but so far I only tried #postmarketos edge with #gnome-mobile. #mobilelinux

Apple ecosystem is overrated, welcome to the gnome ecosystem 🤓 (this is mostly a demo and you should not rely on these in a daily basis in a production environment)
#gnome #gnomemobile #postmarketos

#postmarketOS isn't just for phones!

Here it is running #GNOME on a recovered 2012-era #macbook (everything works!) 🥳

You don't need a new computer for up-to-date software ... just the right software!

Come to #Umweltfestival 2024 in #Berlin to learn about the role of independent #FreeSoftware in the sustainable use of hardware.

🗓️ Sunday 28 April, 11-19h
📍 Straße des 17. Juni (Brandenburg Gate)

#KDEEco together with #FSFE (@fsfe) and Bits & Bäume (@bitsundbaeume_berlin) will be there! Some in the #GNOME and #postmarketOS community may be joining as well :)


#KDE #BMUV #UBA #GermanEnvAgency #OpenSource

had a lazy easter monday getting the touchscreen working on the #OnePlus 8T

here it is at 120hz running #postmarketOS #GNOME mobile!

the high refresh and 2 years newer hardware definitely makes for a smoother experience overall.

Witnessing @cas getting OnePlus 8 display working on Linux 📱:postmarketos: :linux:

This is magic 🧙

#postmarketOS #Linux #hardwareEnablement #deGrowth

Ok, so I'm a few days late, but I have been using my new OnePlus 6 with #GNOME Shell mobile and #postmarketOS, aside from a few issues (the camera not working, but that's being worked on, GPS not really working, weird "Headphones" and "Earpiece" outputs showing, GNOME being a bit laggy, mobile data randomly stops), I have switched my SIM card over and it surprisingly hasn't been too bad.

Maybe I'll try #KDE #Plasma Mobile soon as well :D

- Written from my OnePlus 6

Good job. I just tried the #Flatpak version on the #PostmarketOS phone with #Gnome shell and it works nicely.

GNOME Shell running out of the box on postmarketOS 23.06

Kudos to pabloyoyoista; GNOME and postmarketOS contributor / liaison :postmarketos::gnome:

He's made the GNOME experience as upstream as possible. We've discussed further improvements.

BTW, he's been looking for help…

#postmarketOS #GNOME #LinuxMobile

The default resolution is too dense on the Pinebook Pro, so I had to:

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"

And then set it to 150% in the display settings.

If you do that and use Firefox, it will appear blurry so edit the firefox.desktop file (/usr/share/applications/org.mozilla.firefox.desktop) and change the exec line to:

Exec=env MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 firefox %u

#postmarketOS #alpine #fractionalScaling #firefox #wayland

So if anyone else is running into this, you can install the basic GNOME apps by running:

sudo setup-desktop gnome

Not sure why postmarketOS GNOME for Pinebook Pro doesn’t come with this as default.

#postMarketOS #pineBookPro #GNOME #alpine #apk

It’s installed and snappy (I installed the GNOME version and it’s faster than it was under Fedora Silverblue). And WiFi works. But… no GNOME Software? No web browser? 👀

#postMarketOS #pineBookPro