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Items tagged with: ImageDescription

I was going to boost this as a good example of a well-written image description, but does this work?

(Don't have access to a screen reader right now.)

#accessibility #a11y #ImageDescription

@BlindGordon this is funny coming from the verge. Their website and blog posts are awful about adding alt text for their images. Irony aside, it’s nice to see a main stream publication encouraging people to write image descriptions for the blind. #Blind #Social #ImageDescription

An article on how to write an effective #AltText #ImageDescription for #accessibility...


• describe the image only, not the photographer credits or keywords
• write a description appropriate to the context (ex., a post about photography vs. a celebrity)
• make it as concise as possible, except if you are transcribing text in an image
• no need to start with "An image of..." as the screen reader says that by default
• end with a period to provide a pause