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Items tagged with: PinePhonePro

@dino 0.4.3 just got released with some exciting improvements for #LinuxMobile

1. Several fixes for touch input, making audio/video calls actually usable on phones
2. Fixes for video support so devices with #libcamera / #pipewire support like the #PinePhonePro work now
3. The app is now recognized as mobile friendly on #Phosh
4. Stricter #Flatpak sandbox - no device/all any more

The new version is available on #Flathub and lots of distro repos.

#GNOME #xmpp #Jabber

New firmware for your @PINE64 #PinePhone and #PinePhonePro modem, now with (beta) call recording support!

As always, you can get it from #lvfs and GitHub(

Have fun!

RT clients on the #PinePhonePro with keyboard : and #Nheko look surprisingly good on with #Phosh and scaling factor at 125%!


#PinePhonePro Explorer Edition orders start today at 7:00PM UTC/ 11AM PST. Order yours by January 18th to receive it this month or early February.

The 77th edition of my weekly collection of news about #LinuxPhones (@PINE64 #PinePhone, #PinePhonePro, @purism #Librem5 and such), #LinBits, is out!

The end of the year in Linux Phones, let's have a last LinBits: A new #Maui Shell for phones and tablets, #postmarketOS v21.12, #Mobian on the PinePhone Pro, #GTK 4.6.0, an app-list replacement prototype and more!