Items tagged with: TESLA
"Tesla's vehicles have the highest fatal accident rate among all car brands in America, according to a recent study that analyzed data from the U.S. Fatality Analysis Reporting System."
Tesla's fatality rate is double the national average. Driver behavior is a contributing factor to the high number of deaths (i.e. shitty-driving assholes are more likely to buy Teslas and die or kill someone else while driving them).…
#Tesla #DeathTrap #cars #CarAndDriver
#Europa necesita de inversiones para detener la caida del empleo
Para ello decidio imponer #aranceles a ¿todos? los #vehiculos que no se fabriquen en la #UnionEuropea lo que esta afectando de manera muy dispar a la #industria
Todas las fabricantes de #China deberan pagar al menos el doble y hasta 3 veces mas que la fabricante de #EEUU, #Tesla
#Europa no podia quedar atras, asi que el primer paso fue comenzar a reformar sus programas locales de #subsidios a los autos electricos para que los de origen no-europeo y en especial los chinos quedaran fuera... y asi Italia, Francia, España, Alemania modificaron (o tenian en la agenda) cambiar sus programas de "ayuda" a los electricos. Y paralelamente el #europarlamento sorpresivamente comenzo a "investigar" (pero desde el inicio todos teniamos claro que el resultado ya estaba decidido), de manera veloz, cuando en otros procesos dura años, aqui fue cosa de 2 meses... y pum, "hay que subirle los aranceles 35% a todos los autos fabricados en China" con excepcion del favorito de sus socios-jefes #Tesla, que apenas debera pagar un 9%.
кто то спиздил с машины два колпачка от ниппелей.
из этого печального факта и легкой формы окр, не позволившей с этим жить оказалось можно извлечь много пользы:
- прокатиться с удовольствием и проверить, что может #tesla в крутую горку (все)
- немного вернуть веру в хороших людей. араб на шиномонтаже открутил колпачки от каких то валяющихся у него ниппелей и пытался всучить бесплатно. (лишился попутно единственной налички - 5 шекелей для отрицания тележки в супермаркете) ->
Teslas are surveillance on wheels. Bay Area police increasingly check to see if there was a Tesla in the vicinity of a crime so they can get access to the footage from its cameras.
If you see a Tesla, it’s probably filming you — and more automakers are doing it too.…
#tech #tesla #cars #surveillance #police
⚠️ PSA: Cars are becoming data harvesting nightmares! ⚠️
While modern day cars have cool features like maps, have you ever wondered what data vehicle manufacturers collect and what they do with it? 🚗🤔
Find out more here 👉…
#data #drivingdata #tracking #Tesla #Nissan #Volkswagen
Cars are becoming data harvesting nightmares
Privacy is driving off a cliff: the digital push by vehicle manufacturers collects and sells an obscene amount of personal information.Tutanota
Sendung NANO (11. März 2024): Datenschutz - Autos sind neugieriger, als sie sein dürften. 👇
Ab 00:55 bis ca. 08:55. Sehenswert.…
#auto #tracking #bmw #tesla #datenschutz #dsgvo #datenbroker
NANO vom 11. März 2024: Datenschutz - Autos sind neugieriger, als sie sein dürften
NANO vom 11. März: Unsere Autos werden immer smarter. Riesige Datenmengen werden gesammelt, die uns beim Fahren unterstützen sollen. Doch nicht nur. Das Auto ist eine wahre Datenkrake.3sat
Warning: Do not drink and drive. Especially do not drink and listen to this at the same time.
Tesla's Awful Music Software
I thought I could create something decent. I thought wrong. 💗 Support this channel and join an amazing community:👀 Stalk ...YouTube
Elon Musk suspended Linette Lopez from Twitter after years of critical reporting on his companies.
In a new piece, she lays out Elon Musk’s playbook of exploiting workers while building a cult following. These tactics aren’t new. Musk has always been this way, regardless of what former boosters like Kara Swisher want you to believe. They were just happy to ignore it for access while journalists like Lopez did the work.…
#elonmusk #tech #tesla #twitter #spacex
Elon Musk was always a visionary jerk, bad boss at SpaceX, Tesla. But it won't work at Twitter.
Elon Musk has used the same playbook at all of his companies from Tesla to SpaceX. Sadly for him, his model will cause Twitter to go down in flames.Linette Lopez (Insider)