Items tagged with: drm
Folks who break the DRM on their #Kindle books, this is going to make that a lot harder:…
This is fine for those of us who don't buy from Amazon anymore, but if you have a standing library with them, make sure you get it all downloaded so you can break it. It's frustrating because you can't bulk download - I keep finding titles I own but missed grabbing somehow - but you have until Feb 26th to get them all.
#books #bookstodon #DRM #Calibre
In case you missed it, the hackers who reverse-engineered DRM on Polish trains got sued by the train manufacturer…
…multiple times.
You can donate to their defense fund:…
Their original talk from last year…
My piece about the first lawsuit against them
Breaking "DRM" in Polish trains
We've all been there: the trains you're servicing for a customer suddenly brick themselves and the manufacturer claims that's because
I somehow just learned about the IETF's "Privacy Pass" working group, along with Google and Apple's respective implementations ("Private State Tokens", "Private Access Tokens"), and I'm so damn tired of DRM being the answer to everything.
Mozilla wrote a blog post in December of 2023 about why they decided not to implement it:…
...and the IETF has a page to track the working group's drafts:…
#IETF #DRM #cryptography #privacy
Excellent background from @doctorow.…
"#Deere abuses copyright law to force farmers to pay for official repairs — even when the farmer does the repair. That’s possible thanks to a practice called VIN locking, in which engine parts come with #DRM that prevents the tractor from recognizing them until they pay hundreds of dollars for a John Deere technician to come to their farm and type an unlock code into the tractor’s console."
Plus: The win is not as good as it looks.
John Deere’s repair fake-out - Cory Doctorow - Medium
Last week, a seeming miracle came to pass: John Deere, the Big Ag monopolist that — along with Apple — has led the Axis of Evil that killed, delayed and sabotaged dozens of Right to Repair laws, sued…Cory Doctorow (Medium)
Amazon blocks older versions of its Kindle for PC app from downloading newly published Kindle eBooks…
#amazon #kindle #KindleForPC #DRM #eBooks
When DRM Comes For Your Wheelchair
Making it easier for people who use powered wheelchairs to get them fixed won’t solve all the other problems with powered wheelchairs: it won’t solve the problem of being forced to use indoor chairs outdoors; it won’t solve the problem of a market co…Electronic Frontier Foundation
Will Amazon’s new ePub capability help the anti-DRM movement? Thoughts?
Skimming news reports, some optimists may think they’ll soon be able to send their existing Kobo, Apple, or Nook books to Kindles since those other brands use ePub. But DRM in many cases will…