Items tagged with: Calibre
The Fediverse's social reading platform BookWyrm lets you import your account data from Goodreads, LibraryThing, StoryGraph, OpenLibrary or Calibre. There are step by step instructions for how to do this here:
If you're wondering what the heck BookWyrm is, it's a Fediverse alternative to Amazon's Goodreads. There's an intro article here:
#BookWyrm #FediTips #GoodReads #StoryGraph #LibraryThing #OpenLibrary #Calibre #Books #Fediverse
Woohoo 🥳
My first #BookWyrm PR is in.… is coming soon to an instance near you!
There were some open questions, so I'm eager to hear your feedback with #Calibre imports
Calibre catalog import · Issue #627 · bookwyrm-social/bookwyrm
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'd like to import a list of books and their metadata from calibre. Describe the solution you'd like Calibre can export a cata...GitHub