Items tagged with: 38C3


Items tagged with: 38C3

Hallo Fedi, ich brauche mal eure #fedipower.
Nach dem #38c3 und den dortigen Anstrengungen der #c3tactile den Congress für Menschen mit Sehbeeinträchtigung erlebbarer zu gestalten, hab ich mich gefragt, wie ich das in unserem Bogensportverein umsetzen kann.

Ich suche Menschen, die bereits mit Sehbeeinträchtigung bogenschießen, solche die gerne würden und Menschen die Erfahrung haben hier als nicht beeinträchtigt zu helfen.
Der Austausch mit Menschen mit Sehbeeinträchtigung, die mir bei der Gestaltung von Signalisierung und Weglenkung im unebeben Gelände helfen können ist mir auch wichtig.

An die Menschen die nicht Sehbeeinträchtigung habe ich die Bitte diesen Beitrag zu teilen und weiterzuverbreiten.

#blind #sehbeeinträchtigt #sehbehindert #bogenschießen #bogensport #tactile

If you haven't seen this, its the best and most beautiful explanation for the "why" of privacy, and what it means for the practical definition of it.

I've never been able to put it into words myself, I scarce understood the totality of my own motivations and methods beyond what "felt right" for one reason or another. More than anything, this binds every one of those motivations into one.…
By @Mer__edith at #38C3
President of the Signal Foundation and an Absolute Icon

We were so focused on hospitality and making tea at #38C3 that we kinda forgot to ask for financial support... Only 2 donation boxes were scattered in corners of the House of Tea. 😞

As a result we got 250€ in donations (versus 1000+ last year!) 💸

So, IF you remember ever looking for a donation box during #38C3 and could'nt find one... OR if you enjoyed your time at the House of Tea AND can afford a small financial contribution:

->… ❤️ 💰 🍵

Thank you!! ❤


As every year after returning to the default world from the CCC, I tell myself I'll start using fediverse more. We'll see how it goes this time.

Now I have to catch up with all the talks I haven't been able to attend IRL. What are your highlights? Let me know so I can add them to my #38c3 afterparty watchlist.

See you in ~360 days and remember to support your local illegal #hebocon.

We are on the ICE-train 203 to #Köln and need an #arch-linux install disk. Someone coming from #38C3 on this train? Wagon 4, seat 123

The photo evidence about #38c3 is mostly about the art and then some small group consentual shared creature photos .... Its actually magic how congress with life streams and recording and quick publishing manages this collectively without violence, and at a scale of over 12k folks ... Your neighbors will quickly have a word if you try disrespecting the no photo policy. not so much because it's the law but because they take a personal interest in not being photographed. Cash only.

Und weil ich es nicht lassen kann, sind jetzt nochmal ein paar Bilder vom Abbau der #Fairydust dazu gekommen :)

Tschüss Fairydust!




Schon mal eine kleine Auswahl meiner Bilder von Tag 0 und Tag 1 vom #38C3

#38C3 is really over when #fairydust leaves the venue. Spotted around midnight

Welcome to your daily congress status update!
#39c3 is starting on the 27th of December.
Thats in roughly 51 weeks and 4 days!
We are about 0.54% there!
#38c3 ended 0 weeks and 1 day ago.
Have a great day/night, fellow creature!


Hier op #38C3 was er een fax-naar-fediverse service

What has been seen cannot be unseen 🥬 #38c3

jemand hat beim #38c3 eine pizza an den "congress, congressplatz 1" anscheinend ohne weitere informationen bestellt (bis auf die, dass er/sie dann raus käme) aber wie soll die lieferperson in dem wusel und dunkel den richtigen kontakt finden? der lieferer war jedenfalls sehr verwirrt, ich hab geraten sich sichtbar vor den eingang zu stellen und eine weile zu warten, also wenn jemand pizza bestellt hat, geht da mal hin bitte

Flora Mate situation at BOC. 😱



Self OH: Neuralink is just cat ears for fascists #38c3

We got 5G working! You need to select "NR Only" via typing: *#*#4636#*#*



Thank you for your interest!
We brought over 2000 #catears to #38C3 but are now completely out of stock.
See you at the next event :blahaj:

how to convince a traumatised coffeemachine for a free coffee?

We built a cube for the #38C3 next to the #matrix assembly!

You can send it pixels via Matrix and it will show them to you! We made it really hard to paint anything recognizable on it, but feel free to take that as a challenge!

Alternatively, find one of the white rabbits and get a badge for it!

Today #Day3 at #38C3 Stage #YELL 14:42 :: we will talk about #RIPE database, #whois protocol, #BGP security, #ASN #policy , #routing #registry , #RPSL , #RPKI , & other #Internet #infrastructure topics (with thanks to #xkcd who has an illustration for every occasion)…

"Delta Chat - from secure e-mail messaging to Peer-to-Peer realtime networking"

#38c3 tonight: ... 9pm at Saal 6 in Level 1.

Not recorded, sorry. As you know we typically prefer to publish about released software, available immediately, rather than go around and make a series of promises and great plans that never quite materialize. But we consider this roughly 60-seats setting in Saal 6 a more private one, and may thus reveal a bit of what's going on behind the public scenes ;)


The #38C3 presentation about the massive #Volkswagen data leak is over and the leak was as bad as it sounded. 100,000s of cars could be located down to cm precision. Also a lot of metadata that is NOT supposed to be public. Disturbing.

The main takeaway was that the real problem here wasn't the leak itself, but that this data was collected in the first place.

I agree. It's not a good idea to create mountains of very personal data and then pray it never leaks.

#privacy #fail #leak #breach #vw

In case you are visiting the #38C3 conference, today (day 2) at 17:00 there will be an F-Droid meetup:… The perfect chance to grab some AntennaPod stickers :)

There I'll be an Arch user meetup at 16:00 today at #38C3.

Short presentation from staff, maintainers and contributors. Then a Q&A session.

We have swag and (some) stickers.…


Tag 1, 23.30 Uhr: wir haben die ersten taktilen Stockwerkspläne (in Version 1.0) ausgerollt 🥳
Vielen lieben Dank an die großartigen Engelund Maschinist_innen, die das möglich gemacht haben. Wir freuen uns auf eure Rückmeldungen 💜 #38C3 #a11y #accessibility