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Items tagged with: europa

#XSF Announcement

XMPP Standards Foundation has decided to sign the Open Letter to the European Commission:…

#jabber #chat #interoperability #standards #rtc #Europe #europa #OpenSource #EU #Brussels

So etwas wie gibt es wohl nicht in #Europa?

Ein öffentliches, nichtkommerzielles, gemeinnütziges, allgemeines #digital#Archiv oder eine Art digitale #Bibliothek für #Medien wie #Audio#Podcast#Video? und #WikimediaCommons scheint mir in Sachen Audio nicht annähernd so geeignet wie für Bilder. Oder übersehe ich etwas?


A partial family portrait of the Jovian system, with Io, Europa and Jupiter.
This was captured by the Juno spacecraft during Perijove 58 last weekend.
Credit : NASA/JPL/SwRI/MSSS/Simeon Schmauß

#Io #Europa #Jupiter #Juno #JunoCam #Solarocks #NASA

An #ESA mission to #Jupiter is set to launch tomorrow morning. An #Ariane5 carrying the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, or #JUICE, spacecraft rolled out to the launch pad in French Guiana Tuesday for the launch, scheduled for 8:15 a.m. Eastern Thursday. JUICE will arrive at Jupiter in mid-2031, making dozens of flybys of the large moons #Europa, #Ganymede, and #Callisto before going into orbit around Ganymede, studying those icy moons and their subsurface oceans.…