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Items tagged with: Brussels

#XSF Announcement

XMPP Standards Foundation has decided to sign the Open Letter to the European Commission:…

#jabber #chat #interoperability #standards #rtc #Europe #europa #OpenSource #EU #Brussels

You would never know there is a statue of a little boy peeing behind me in my new profile photo, but you are reading this so… now you know!

#FOSDEM #FOSDEM2024 #FOSDEM24 #Brussels #Belgium

What do 70 pizzas, a pink gate, a white rabbit, the Digital Markets Act, the German public administration and 100 t-shirts have in common?

Of course it's @matrix, and all the answers to the questions above are in the wrap-up of our Matrix adventure in Brussels!…

#matrix #DMA #fosdem #brussels

I made it to #Brussels for #FOSDEM. Lots of trains and walking today. Wish the weather was nicer, but looking forward to my sessions tomorrow & meeting the #Drupal gang.

From my Airbnb I can see the farmers protesting by driving their tractors through the streets of Brussels.

#FOSDEM #Brussels #FarmersProtest

Delirium Cafe is a lot less busy on a Wednesday night compared to a Friday night.

#FOSDEM #FOSDEM2024 #DeliriumCafe #BeerEvent #Brussels

FOSDEM is around the corner, time to recap where & when you can find us!

🥳 Fringe Event at HSBXL on Friday afternoon

👪 Booth in K.2 on Sat & Sun

🤓 Devroom in H.1309 on Sunday 13:00 to 17:00

🎙️ Main Track Talk in Janson on Sun 10am

🧠 Workshop in the OSS Legislative Landscape devroom on Sunday at 16:00

In short? We will very much be at @fosdem…

#fosdem #devroom #hsbxl #talk #brussels #opensource


We have released a new blogpost on the organisation:…

Please read, update and sign-up if you are interested.

Meet us at #fosdem2024 the days after, too.

See you in #Brussels!

#jabber #chat #rtc #opensource #interoperability

#XMPP Events

We host Realtime Lounge at #FOSDEM 2024! Meet XMPP folks and #XSF members!

Let's hang out, exchange & talk. Yes, we have stickers!

#Brussels, on February 3rd & 4th 2024…

#jabber #standards #rtc #interoperability

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels :xmpp:

We are planning for the 26th XMPP Summit on February 1st & 2nd 2024 in #Brussels! The event is open for everyone interested.…

We are also planning towards #fosdem2024 at the weekend right after.

We will keep you posted here!

:xmpp: :xmpp: :xmpp: :xmpp: :xmpp: :xmpp: :xmpp: :xmpp: :xmpp:

#jabber #rtc #openstandards
#interoperability #decentralization #chat

#XMPP at #FOSDEM in #Brussels

#RealTime Communications #Devroom Talk:

Edge observability for RTC apps -
introducing #qryn, the polyglot monitoring and obse. stack by Alexandr Dubovikov…

Start at 15:05. Building: K, Location: K.3.401

#opensource #rtc

Excited about #FOSDEM beginning in #Brussels. Thanks to all of the #volunteers that made this event possible.

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

The Summit if over 😢 But it was great to have it again 😃 We are at #FOSDEM from tomorrow. See you to talk about :xmpp: & #RTC

Read on the topics:…

#opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #jabber #standard #europe