Items tagged with: iconbear


Items tagged with: iconbear

Ticked off a few more to-do items for my upcoming icon manager app!

- When importing a folder of icons it now scans sub-directories too. It can handle icons with the same name but in different folders, and it looks for keywords in folders and filenames like "solid" or "duotone" to detect the icon style.
- You can filter by icon style
- Flip a coin. If it's heads, you can delete a set without the app crashing. (I got tails)

#UXDesign #IconBear #GTK #GNOME
Source code:…

Made good progress this weekend on #IconBear , my upcoming open-source icon manager for Linux.

* Install pre-packaged icon sets to quickly start building your library.
* Icons are automatically categorised as "Outline", "Filled", "Duotone" or "Color" when you import them.
* Icons are loaded asynchronously, for improved performance.

Once work on importing, deleting and filtering sets is finished, I'll be looking to release the app 🙌

#GTK #GNOME #UIDesign #Design