Items tagged with: uxdesign


Items tagged with: uxdesign

I teach undergrads at a prestigious programme in a research university. Most of my students don't know how to copy a file from a folder to another on their computer. I teach computer-based skills and it's often a source of grief and self doubt to these able, confident, well off young people. On a few occasions, of tears.

My mother, disabled and with a mental health condition, has dropped out from her #cancer treatment because she wasn't able to get through the ticketing system at the reception of the hospital. She lived in the capital, had a caring daughter available on the phone, and a network of support.

I just got a glimpse of the #autism treatment in the #Netherlands, a progressive country with high digital literacy. Autism diagnosis requires a referral from a GP, but the GP does not necessarily know much about autism and autism treatment centers are extremely specific about what needs to be mentioned in the referral. I am told that many autistic people have difficulty making phone calls. The autism diagnosis and treatment facility can only be contacted by phone. The waiting time for appointment is 30 weeks and, when the appointment takes place and your case turns out to differ in any way from what your uninformed GP has written in the referral, your case gets rejected and you have to get a new referral and start again. The GP could get instructions from the treatment center via a dedicated system called zorgmail, but neither side knows how to use it. If you manage to log into the online appointment system that is, which does not work and has no contact information to any support. I, a numerate computer nerd who enjoys puzzles, needed three days to crack it.

What is this micro-blog about?

☠️ #uxdesign saves lives ⛑️

🏥 #uxdesign should be obligatory in the process of #patient intake and journey 💉

👧 Digital medical services should be accessible to teenagers with confidence issues and elderly people terrified by a terminal diagnosis. 👴 🤰 👨‍🦯

1 year ago I switched from Mac to Linux for professional UX design work. In this article, I explain as simply as possible:
- Why I switched to Linux
- How you can do the same.

I cover design-specific concerns like:
- How to use Apple devices like the Magic Mouse in Linux
- Which design tools are available and how to install them
- How to find help if you get stuck…

#Design #UXDesign #UIDesign #Linux #MacOS

Do you want to help make AntennaPod ready for the future? And do you have experience (or talent) in the domain of UX and/or UI design?

We're looking for folks to help us with embedding new innovative features on our player screen!

All details & contact options here👇…

#OpenSourceDesign #UX #UI #FOSS #OpenSourceContributions #Penpot #wireframes #volunteer #SummerProject #UXdesign #UIdesign

Ticked off a few more to-do items for my upcoming icon manager app!

- When importing a folder of icons it now scans sub-directories too. It can handle icons with the same name but in different folders, and it looks for keywords in folders and filenames like "solid" or "duotone" to detect the icon style.
- You can filter by icon style
- Flip a coin. If it's heads, you can delete a set without the app crashing. (I got tails)

#UXDesign #IconBear #GTK #GNOME
Source code:…

Images without text alternatives is a huge problem. The issue is magnified when the image is a link. Realize that screen reader users receive no valuable information when the image wrapped with a link is missing a text alternative.

Ensure that all images, including those that act as link, provide appropriate text alternatives.

#DigitalAccessibility #Accessibility #A11y #UXDesign #WebDev #WebDevelopment

Did you notice? We have almost 5.000 followers!
Now we're wondering: might we find among you (or your network) two experienced UX/UI designers who are willing to engage in a 6-month volunteer project? We need to come up with a way to fit a bunch of new functionality into the already busy player screen. We're looking for two people (one for each role) to help us with this.
Interested? More info? Send a DM or email
Boosts appreciated!
#UXdesign #UIdesign #OpenSource

4 design principles I use every day to avoid bad UX and create products that work for everyone (by Adam Silver)…

Principle 1: Good design works for everyone

Principle 2: Good design makes things obvious

Principle 3: Good design puts users in control

Principle 4: Good design is lightweight

#UXDesign #UIDesign #webdesign

The unlabeled buttons and hidden menus are going to reduce engagement and usability. This has been shown by every usability study on the subject for decades. See:… #UXdesign

Excuse me? This is the exact "flight number" text provided to me. I tried a few variances and nothing worked. Oh well. #UIDesign #UXDesign #fail

Let's do some #xmpp #uxdesign !
I'm thinking about the new start window for Renga with the new anonymous chat option. I think I'm going for this but I don't like that "create new account" is a radio item+a button (in the current version it's just a button and there is no radio list)
Any idea how to avoid this? Thought about it on and off for a few days but didn't come up with something convincing

Describing a button as "Meatball" is an insult to the designers' inability to create a button that accurately describes its function. If you can't create a user interface who's buttons are easy to understand then that interface is not easy to understand and therefore not intuitive. #UXdesign

The way I like to frame it is that there is a distinction between
- technical problems
- product problems
- user problems

The first two are the most salient - and usually most rewarded - problems for the product team. But no matter how many of those problems you solve, your user doesn't care. #UXDesign