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Items tagged with: nodekit

Right, thanks to your feedback, this is what the “hello, world” would look like in htmx versus the equiavelent of what I have now in Svelte.

But there’s one big drawback to htmx… no ES modules and thus no components. That’s a biggie.


#htmx #svelte #javaScript #js #nodeKit #smallWeb #prototyping

Question to JavaScript folks who have experience with Node.js… how does the following (theoretical) code listing for a server-side route that renders an index page with a count that’s persisted in memory on the server and updated any time someone loads the page read to you?

#htmx #prototyping #NodeKit #design

Bun (a new JS runtime ala Node.js and Deno) sounds interesting. Not least of all because it doesn’t use V8.

(I can’t use it for NodeKit at the moment as it doesn’t support custom ESM loaders but I’ll be keeping an eye on it.)

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Yay! WebSocket routes (and the simple chat example) are working again too :)

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w00t, just got the major refactor branch of NodeKit ( running the Hello Count example for the first time.

Been refactoring the hell out of NodeKit recently to take it from prototype to maintainable app.

Nice to have a little win.

Now to find all the other things that are no doubt broken :)

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