Items tagged with: opera
This RAM consumption test between Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera browsers demonstrates which one consumes the least memory. Spoiler alert: Firefox won by a mile.
#firefox #chrome #edge #opera #browser #ram…
We Tested 4 Browsers, And This One Used The Least Amount Of RAM
Common knowledge holds that Google Chrome will chew up your computer's RAM and spit it out, but is that true? We put four popular browsers to the test.Samyak Goswami (SlashGear)
What is your favorite browser? Feel free to share why.
#Vivaldi #browser #Firefox #Edge #Chrome #Safari #Opera #Windows #Linux #macos #iOS #Android
- Vivaldi (35%, 11 votes)
- Chrome (0%, 0 votes)
- Edge (6%, 2 votes)
- Safari (3%, 1 vote)
- Firefox (58%, 18 votes)
- Opera (0%, 0 votes)
- Other (19%, 6 votes)
Nazrál čas dát Firefoxu druhou šanci
Sepsal jsem důvody, proč si myslím, že by měl Firefox dostal zase šanci. Ať už od těch, kteří ho v minulosti opustili, nebo od těch, kteří ho nikdy ani nezkusili.
#Chrome #Firefox #FirefoxRelay #Mozilla #Opera #prohlížeč #Safari #Vivaldi #webovéTechnologie…
So, my first #vivaldi
#web #browser poll has ended. the results are here:…
Unfortunately not a lot of respondents, but the ~60/40 split was enough to get me to install vivaldi.
Unfortuantely I won't be sticking with it. Why? My main reason for installing it was the new mail client, which reminded me of the old #Mozilla and #opera browsers. Alas, the mail client doesn't work the way I need it to, and there are lots of forum posts about problems with it...
Unattributed (
Curiosity: Do you use the #vivaldi #browser? Or are you using something else? (Should a I do a multiple choice browser survey?) Please boost so I can get some good data. [ ] Yes [ ] NoMastodon