Items tagged with: remnantsfromtheashes
Lemme do another #introduction now that my fediHome is finalised.
Hi. I am also known as @fyrfli@mastodon.coffe.
I am a massive tinkerer and thinkerer ... to a fault. I am re-learning how to build web stuff because the last time I did any of that was back when Geocities was still a thing. (yeah, yeah .. I am dating myself).
I am obsessed with #CSS#FOSS#Debian#SelfHosting#Photography ... and I am "mom" to an American Eskimo or #Eskie (known as a MittelSpitz in the rest of the world), and a "red" Siberian #Husky. I am also an avid #Gamer currently unable to resist a good #RemnantsFromTheAshes session (and those can last all day if I am not careful). I also play #ARK and #WoW.
I hail from Kingston, #Jamaica and and am married with no children.