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Items tagged with: css

Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That… #css #webdesign #webdev #webdevelopment

Checkout @alice update on GTK CSS :gtk: 💅…

So many goodies 🤩

• variables
• color()
• color-mix()
• relative colors
• rgb, hsl, linear srgb, hwb, oklab, oklch, ...
• math functions
• accent colors


I remember longing for proper skipping of descenders in #CSS. Now that skipping is default in most browser I’m often struck by how *terrible* it is for hyperlink legibility.

The first line in the image shows a linked line with text-decoration-skip-ink set to "auto".

The second line shows the same linked line with text-decoration-skip-ink set to "none".

Just by looking at the first line, you can’t say if it is multiple links or or not.

#ux #accessibility

Perhaps something for @Seirdy.

This piece from @heydon details his system for using the new features of #CSS to test HTML for proper semantics and structure. Just incredible what’s going on in some of these selectors.


Retro; the customizable clock widget is now available on Flathub in v2

What's new:

• 24/12h support (follows GNOME Settings)
• Energy usage optimizations
• Better support for round clocks
• Controls moved out of the way

What do you think of the floating header bar?…

#GNOME #GTK #CSS #Flathub #Flatpak #Linux

This is so f***** up!! O_O

Be aware when you receive HTML emails (who doesn't?)!…

#Phishing #SCAM
#Thunderbird #Outlook

S @heydon nesouhlasim temer v nicem, ale jeho clanky rozhodne stoji za to cist. Pokud jste nekompromisni zastanci filozofie "Pokud se ti nelibi CSS, tak ho jenom neumis dost dobre", tak budete chrochtat blahem.

Pro nas ostatni je to dilek do skladanky, jak nad frontend vyvojem uvazovat a hluboke zamysleni nad dogmatismem v IT.…

#css #tailwind

Designing better target sizes 👉… "An interactive guide that is all about enhancing the target size area with CSS" #css #webdesign #UIDesign #a11y

Tailwind vs. Semantic CSS…
"Semantic version is several times smaller, renders faster, and requires no extra CSS tooling"
#webperf #css #webdev

In “Techniques to Break Words” I quickly review:

You can play around with the demo directly:


#html #css

CSS + Accessibility: Inclusion Through User Choice…
Presentation slides from WordPress Accessibility Day by Carie Fisher
#css #a11y #webdesign #webdev

"Most importantly, tooltips should only provide descriptive and non-essential text, giving slightly more detailed text for active elements such as links and form controls. Ultimately, they provide expendable text which is already on the web page."…

Great in-depth article about #tooltips by Jan Hellbusch. He knows what he's talking about, had the pleasure to be in one of his workshops and he's an absolute pro. 🤯

#HTML #CSS #JavaScript #accessibility #a11y #HTMHell

Text Spacing Editor — a Chrome extension for testing WCAG SC 1.4.12 - Text Spacing…
#a11y #wcag #tools #text #css #accessibility #webdesign

More goodness on prefers-reduced-transparency… from @matuzo #css #a11y

SmolCSS je blog s užitečnými CSS snippety. Jednoduše vysvětleno i ukázáno. Přesně jak to mám rád. Ten budu často navštěvovat 😃
#developer #css

some sunday #CSS noodling (i'm sure somebody else came up with the same idea somewhere, but heck, wanted to see if it worked anyway): floating `<label>` using `:has()`… (for improved screen reader experience) #a11y #accessibility

Card Pattern — nice techniques here! by @MerriNet (forked a couple times, original by Erik Kroes) #webdev #a11y #html #css

Don't Use Fixed CSS height or width on Buttons, Links, or Any Other Text Containers… #a11y #css #webdev #webdesign

text-wrap:balance has landed on the latest Firefox 🎉

This allows multiple lines of text to have their lines broken in such a way that each line is roughly the same width, often used to make headlines more readable and visually appealing.…
#CSS #Typography

"you can do a lot with native HTML fields using just a little CSS"… #webdev #css #a11y #i18n

Today, two open letters from academics on the scientific arguments against the current #CSS (client side scanning) initiatives have been released:

* The first (in English, internationally coordinated) one is online at… and still open for additional signatures.

* The second (in German, by #Austrian academics) one is online at and explicitly includes law experts in addition to the arguments from a security, privacy, and AI perspective.

This debate is expected to gain new steam with #Spain taking over the EU council presidency, given recently leaked statements like "Ideally, in our view, it would be desirable to legislatively prevent EU-based service providers from implementing end-to-end encryption" (…).

Please boost on any channels you deem adequate. The discussion is still open, and we have little time to bring it to a more rational level.

#csam #law #eu #privacy #dataprotection #privacy #humanrights #messenger #chat #chatcontrol #signal #whatsapp #telegram #threema #e2ee

Od kolegů v práci jsem získal prestižní ocenění za svou celoživotní práci s #css

Printed by @stepan

Writing even more CSS with Accessibility in Mind, Part 2: Respecting user preferences… by @matuzo #a11y #css #webdesign #webdev

An Introduction to the Reduced Motion Media Query:… by Eric Bailey #a11y #webdesign #css

Modern HTML email (great tips including tables no longer required)… #email #html #css #amp

Making the GOV dot UK Frontend typography scale more accessible:… #webdev #webdesign #typography #css #a11y

CSS-only Widgets Are Inaccessible… by @aardrian #webdev #css #a11y #aria

#Development #Outlooks
The end of front-end development · Things are going to change, but not in the scary way people are saying

#Job #AI #GPT4 #ChatGPT #ChatBot #WebDevelopment #WebDev #Code #Frontend #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #Skills #Productivity

Designing With Reduced Motion For Motion Sensitivities (2020)… #webdesign #a11y #motion #css

What’s the right font size in web design? "Relative units rock" #webdesign #typography #css

Writing even more CSS with Accessibility in Mind, Part 2: Respecting user preferences… by @matuzo #a11y #css #webdesign #webdev

📝 Process CSS or Sass With LightningCSS in @eleventy

Use these plugins or code snippets to make #CSS a first-class templating language in Eleventy and add processing with LightningCSS and/or Sass.…

Yup. "Line heights in CSS work better with ratios"… #css #webdesign

Using CSS to Enforce Accessibility… by @aardrian #css #aria #a11y #webdev

Creating A High-Contrast Design System With CSS Custom Properties… #css #webdesign