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"Bündnis Verkehrswende Köln will U-Bahntunnel in Innenstadt verhindern

Die aktuelle Beschlussvorlage der Stadt tendiert eher zum Bau eines Tunnels zwischen Heumarkt und Moltkestraße. Jetzt will das Bündnis den Stadtrat vom Gegenteil überzeugen.

Der Ausbau der Straßenbahn ist beim Bündnis Verkehrswende unstrittig. Dass die Strecke durch die Innenstadt dafür untertunnelt werden soll, sorgt bei ihnen allerdings für Kopfschütteln."…

The Library Accessibility Alliance evaluates the accessibility of different library databases. They make their reports and testing publicly available. Their data can help institutions determine, which databases are the most accessible. This can be an especially good resource for smaller libraries or institutions that have limited digital accessibility resources. #accessibility…

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👉 Compounding complexity in modern web development… #webdev #webdevelopment #reactjs

ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability—but it can improve…

Kolumne: Wenn ⁦‪Friedrich Merz‬⁩ seinen inneren Habeck entdeckt, ist das gut für Deutschland. Leider kommt dieser Sinneswandel für Hunderttausende Deutsche zu spät.


This article discusses the main features of mini PCs and what to look for when shopping for one. Which is what I'm doing as I'll replace my Chromebox with a Linux mini PC.…

#minipc #linux

Wenn eines der reichsten Länder der Welt seinen Haushalt saniert, indem es sich das Geld bei den Ärmsten statt bei den Vermögendsten holt, ist das die moralische Bankrotterklärung seiner Politik.…

in reply to r0man 🇺🇦

Ešteže som ťa tu objavil. Jedna z mála vecí, čo mi tu z #sktwitter naozaj chýbali

The scam-heavy crytpocurrency industry, flush with money from the latest inflated bubble, is pouring vast sums into American elections. Their goal is to to be an unregulated "market" or an industry that is regulated only in ways they like.

Our economy is risky enough now, but this would push it closer to the edge.

See these stories:…


You should follow @molly0xfff for the lowdown on this scandal.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

a to mi připomíná

German magazine c't has covered Nextcloud in a big article, and also DAVx5 is being mentioned :)…

There is also a (freely available) podcast covering it (in German language):…

You asked, I heard you. #curl --resolve with wildcard support for port number:…

Let's you do this to redirect all host names against all ports used in the cmdline to

curl --resolve *:*:

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Thx, that will make a lot of testing so much easier, no more redirect port 80 and 443

Do you think we should create --show-headers the new name (alias) for #curl's --include option, to make it easier to remember and know what it does?…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

A big YES 👍🏻. Aliases for options that clearly describe what it does, are great. On my blog and in my scripts I try to use the long-format options, so that people can easily understand what a command does, instead of looking at 5 random flags. Also, aliases may help finding the right option easier as well.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I like “curl_response” if it cannot figure out a base name

And if either curl_response or base name exists, I would expect the files to be named with sequential indexes


While the Mastodon devs are working hard on grouped notifications (…), I took a separate route to whip up a WIP UI on Phanpy for "timeline of public posts about a trending link"…

- This is for upcoming v4.3 (not out yet)
- The copywriting here is tough, settled on "Mentions" for now
- Permalink can't be created for each link as the link can "expire" from trending

#PhanpySocialDev (still on my local dev, not dev site)

We've got this cheap egg cooker that plays the loudest, most terrifying alarm you've ever heard when it's done cooking. My wife requested that I make it "less aggressive" so I hacked it into the most gentle egg cooker of ALL TIME

(warning: probably loud)

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Místo klenotu "betonové monstrum". Historické mosty mizí, památkáři na ně zapomínají…

in reply to Lucinek

sú úplne biele, a to ešte potrvá pretože biela slnko odráža 😆

"Väčšina sudcov podľa Šamka nechápe, ako ich kolegovia môžu prerušovať trestné stíhania, keď Ústavný súd vo februári pozastavil spornú novelu Trestného zákona ešte skôr, než nadobudla účinnosť, čiže nižšie tresty ani len na sekundu neboli účinné. A ak ich Ústavný súd vyhodnotí ako protiústavné, ani sa nestanú súčasťou právneho systému.

Napriek tomu už stíhaní z tejto novely profitujú."…

"Predstavujem si ako absurdnú drámu scénku, v ktorej ja šoférujúci auto sa na prechode stretnem so sebou, ktorý prechádza cez cestu, a nadávame si navzájom."
~ #TomášUlej…

Mozilla's Original Sin.

Some will tell you that Mozilla's worst decision was to accept funding from Google, and that may have been the first domino, but I hold that implementing DRM is what doomed them, as it led to their culture of capitulation. It demonstrated that their decisions were the decisions of a *company shipping products*, not those of a non-profit devoted to preserving the open web.

Those are different things and are very much in conflict. [...]

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to jwz

Mozilla was never not shipping DRM.

THe choice they had was integrating with Silverlight / Flash like they used to do, driving all the non-ideology-driven streaming users to other browsers, or just caving in and implementing DRM.

At least the DRM we have now is as open as DRM can be, you can still e.g. control the player from user extensions, block ads, automatically skip intros, stop on subtitles, play more than one stream at once etc. With other technologies, the player was a proprietary blob you could do nothing with.

in reply to Tomáš

no môj pohľad na to je že sa mi to páčilo ako umelecké dielo. Je to stíhačka z druhej sv. vojny (?) a tie krídla môžu znázorňovať slobodu, ako pripomenutie pekné. To umiestnenie mohlo byť vybrané lepšie asi a ten DJ (tuším priamo pod tým) sa mi nepáčil skoro vôbec ale to je Praha ono to má svoje čaro vždy.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@SuspiciousDuck Trošku jiné "chipsy". Doporučuju nejdřív začít s červíky. Pak teprve cvrčky. Tihle jsou s česnekem. Jsou i bez příchutě, nebo čokoládoví. 👍

opäť zo Slovenska, nič pekné

Ľuďom tu j*be a toto len potvrdzuje moje teórie.…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

🚨 Důležité upozornění pro všechny uživatele Pixelfed Cz! 🚨

📅 28.06. ve 20:00 je naplánován přesun na nový server.

🕗 Během této doby bude instance nedostupná . Prosíme o trpělivost a pochopení. Děkujeme za vaši podporu a omlouváme se za případné nepříjemnosti.

#maintenance #serverupdate

Dnes som asi ešte neskončil. Idem dať prať a ešte budem pokračovať. #dobréRáno
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Tak ešte jedna práčka a bude to... musím ešte zbehnúť do Telekomu a potom už iba zajtra do práce. Našťastie dlhý lebo potrebujem mať zamestnanú hlavu, kľudne by som robil aj celý týždeň keby to šlo.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

If You Tag, I Will Read – The Idea Place In my experience, a fundamental disconnect exists between accessibility and the investing world when it comes to a statement that is blasted all over every investment web site when you are about to invest. You will read the statement that you should carefully read the prospectus before making any investment. Good luck with that as in my experience these documents are rarely, if ever, properly tagged for accessibility. -…

So, something I heard recently on my local NPR station on borrowing ebooks vs. hardcover from your local library:
Apparently, the library pays ~$15 for a hardcover book, but ~$150 for the ebook - and the ebook is a LIMITED LICENSE for, say, 52 loans of that book. After which they have to pay ANOTHER $150 for the book, AGAIN.

The takeaway here: If you can get the hardcopy from the library instead of borrowing an ebook, please do so. The impact on their budget will be SIGNIFICANT.

Here's a related, but older, reference:…

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project New desktop stuff added to 38 script.

Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when I complained that a very large #python contribution to #inkscape was poorly formatted and I felt embarrassed about pushing back and asking them to run a linter over it?

Yeah I'm not fucking embarrassed now, I'm furious. 🤬

Update: Apparently they meant a small section of it was, not the whole MR. I'm annoyed, but I'll have to take them at their word.

#llm #oss #foss #mergerequest

This entry was edited (4 months ago)