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I love this! Ask people to boost a post if they want to be "notified" of some special news, edit the post to send a notification. In this case @eniko even changed their profile display name so you don't even need to tap on the notification to know what's going on. 💜

Many of the features we take for granted today emerged first through creative use of the existing (limited) features of the platform (e.g. boosts were just "RT @originalaccount tweet" back in the days) and were picked up by platform developers when they become popular. This is how the userbase evolves a platform.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

what kind of email filtering doesn't support filtering on any email header?

"Hey Siri, what's the humidity today?"

"The humidity today will be up to 60%."

"…Siri, what's the current humidity?"

"The current humidity is 84%."

"Hey Siri, fuck you."

This is a friendly reminder that instead of offering hand-wringing messages of sympathy (which many times are themselves microaggresive) to Black users facing racism on here, money is 1000% more useful and desirable.

There are plenty of Black ppl's #MutualAid requests and threads floating around including the Juneteenth one pinned on my profile. Pick one or some and boost and donate. Folks are trying to live.

*pls boost*

I found my new favourite coffee shop managed by an Italian and a Japanese guy. So small and quaint.
No public WiFi T_T

'Friend' launches as creepy AI gadget that could be straight out of Black Mirror: An AI collar that listens in around the clock and expresses its thoughts freely - Friend is designed to combat loneliness and accompany users in everyday life. Instead of answering questions or controlling smart home devices, Friend is intended to primarily offer emotional support.…
in reply to Jay Pellis

@jpellis2008 This is my favorite quote from it: " Friend also expresses its opinions via text message without prompt." Uh, yeah, so you're having a romantic moment with your partner, and then this thing texts you judging it. What a world we'll be in. :D
in reply to Tamas G

@jpellis2008 Also…A collar? No thanks! It really does take all kinds to make this world…

If you've been on the receiving end of racist, sexist or queerphobic harassment on the fediverse, and you're willing to talk about it, I'd like to hear what tools you believe would best help address the problem.

I might ask a few a questions for my own clarity, but I don't intend to argue or make suggestions, and you're welcome to change the post visibility if you don't want anyone else horning in. Some of what I learn here might go into a Destructured post, but attribution is up to you.

I've been participating in the fediverse for about 8.5 years now, and have run as well as a growing number of other fediverse services for about 7.5 of those years. While I am generally not the target of harassment, as an instance administrator and moderator, I've had to deal with a very, very large amount of it. Most commonly that harassment is racism, but to be honest we get the full spectrum of bigotry here in different proportions at different times. I am writing this because I'm tired of watching the cycle repeat itself, I'm tired of watching good people get harassed, and I'm tired of the same trove of responses that inevitably follows. If you're just in it to be mad, I recommend chalking this up to "just another white guy's opinion" and move on to your next read.

The situation nearly always plays out like this:

A black person posts something that gets attention. The post and/or person's account clearly designates them as being black.

A horrific torrent of vile racist responses ensues.

The victim expresses frustration with the amount of harrassment they receive on Mastodon/the Fediverse, often pointing out that they never had such a problem on the big, toxic commercial social media platforms. There is usually a demand for Mastodon to "fix the racism problem".

A small army of "helpful" fedi-experts jumps in with replies to point out how Mastodon provides all the tools one needs to block bad actors.

Now, more exasperated, the victim exclaims that it's not their job to keep racists in check - this was (usually) cited as a central reason for joining the fediverse in the first place!

About this time, the sea lions show up in replies to the victim, accusing them of embracing the victim role, trying to cause racial drama, and so on. After all, these sea lions are just asking questions since they don't see anything of what the victim is complaining about anywhere on the fediverse.

Lots of well-meaning white folk usually turn up about this time to shout down the seal lions and encouraging people to believe the victim.

Then time passes... People forget... A few months later, the entire cycle repeats with a new victim.

Let me say that the fediverse has a both a bigotry problem that tracks with what exists in society at large as well as a troll problem. The trolls will manifest themselves as racist when the opportunity presents itself, anti-trans, anti-gay, anti-women, anti-furry, and whatever else suits their fancy at the time. The trolls coordinate, cooperate, and feed off each other.

What has emerged, in my view, on the fediverse is a concentration of trolls onto a certain subset of instances. Most instances do not tolerate trolls, and with some notable exceptions, trolls don't even bother joining "normal" instances any longer. There is no central authority that can prevent trolls from spinning up fediverse software of their own servers using their own domains names and doing their thing on the fringes. On centralized social media, people can be ejected, suspended, banned, and unless they keep trying to make new accounts, that is the end of it.

The tools for preventing harassment on the fediverse are quite limited, and the specifics vary between type of software - for example, some software like Pleroma/Akkoma, lets administrators filter out certain words, while Mastodon, which is what the vast majority of the fediverse uses, allows both instance administrators and users to block accounts and block entire domains, along with some things in the middle like "muting" and "limiting". These are blunt instruments.

To some extent, the concentration of trolls works in the favor of instance administrators. We can block a few dozen/hundred domains and solve 98% of the problem. There have been some solutions implemented, such as block lists for "problematic" instances that people can use, however many times those block lists become polluted with the politics of the maintainers, or at least that is the perception among some administrators. Other administrators come into this with a view that people should be free to connect with whomever on the fediverse and delegate the responsibility for deciding who and who not to block to the user.

For this and many other reasons, we find ourselves with a very unevenly federated network of instances.

Wit this in mind, if we take a big step back and look at the cycle of harassment I described from above, it looks like this:

A black person joins an instance that does not block m/any of the troll instances.

That black person makes a post that gets some traction.

Trolls on some of the problematic instances see the post, since they are not blocked by the victim's instance, and begin sending extremely offensive and harassing replies. A horrific torrent of vile racist responses ensues.

The victim expresses frustration with the amount of harassment they receive on Mastodon/the Fediverse, often pointing out that they never had such a problem on the big, toxic commercial social media platforms. There is usually a demand for Mastodon to "fix the racism problem".

Cue the sea lions. The sea lions are almost never on the same instance as the victim. And they are almost always on an instance that blocks those troll instances I mentioned earlier. As a result, the sea lions do not see the harassment. All they see is what they perceive to be someone trying to stir up trouble.

...and so on.

A major factor in your experience on the fediverse has to do with the instance you sign up to. Despite what the folks on /r/mastodon will tell you, you won't get the same experience on every instance. Some instances are much better keeping the garden weeded than others. If a person signs up to an instance that is not proactive about blocking trolls, they will almost certainly be exposed to the wrath of trolls. Is that the Mastodon developers' fault for not figuring out a way to more effectively block trolls through their software? Is it the instance administrator's fault for not blocking troll instances/troll accounts? Is it the victim's fault for joining an instance that doesn't block troll instances/troll accounts?

I think the ambiguity here is why we continue to see the problem repeat itself over and over - there is no obvious owner nor solution to the problem. At every step, things are working as designed. The Mastodon software allows people to participate in a federated network and gives both administrators and users tools to control and moderate who they interact with. Administrators are empowered to run their instances as they see fit, with rules of their choosing. Users can join any instance they choose. We collectively shake our fists at the sky, tacitly blame the victim, and go about our days again.

It's quite maddening to watch it happen. The fediverse prides itself as a much more civilized social media experience, providing all manner of control to the user and instance administrators, yet here we are once again wrapping up the "shaking our fist at the sky and tacitly blaming the victim" stage in this most recent episode, having learned nothing and solved nothing.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

A quick accessibility review of the new Lenovo Tab Plus…

Steffen reshared this.

Okay @BorrisInABox here it is, the thing you've been just waiting to hear. I dug up a demonstration (unregistered/unbranded) copy of ASAP and used it for a few minutes on an emulated PC. First you hear its sign-on message, then I delete several boring minutes and you hear the first demo nag, then after several more deleted minutes you hear another demo nag, just for good measure.
in reply to Jayson Smith

How did you get asap to talk? Were you using a serial based synth or something else?
in reply to Khronos

@khronos There are now two self-contained PC emulators for Windows using MAME. They emulate a DECtalk PC speech synthesizer.
in reply to Khronos

@khronos A post about them from @pitermach: Mame 0.268 came out yesterday, and it’s a really cool release for blind fans of vintage tech because it includes a fix by @datajake1999 to its emulation of the Dectalk PC Card. What this means is it’s now possible to emulate a self-contained talking IBM PC complete with an original synthesizer without having to resort to a windows only virtual serial port driver and separate apps like you have to with Dosbox. If you want to play with this there are already 2 packages that help with setup just like the community made for the Apple II a while back - one from Jake, which just includes a talking freeDOS installation and no other programs found here…
As well as one compiled by Daniel Nash that also includes a bunch of games, including some text only classics like Eamon Deluxe as well as the first audio games from PCS Games or Jim Kitchen found here…
The cool thing is even though both of these come with a Windows version of Mame this all works just as well on Mac or Linux, you just have to get the latest version of mame from homebrew or your package manager, then unzip either of these and take the startup command from the .bat file and paste it into the terminal.

Wenn ich mir den letzten Beitrag von Sascha Lobo bei SPIEGEL online so ansehe, finde ich seine Vorurteile gegenüber Datenschutz und Datenschutzaufsichtsbehörden immer sehr traurig. Vor allem, da er nie den Dialog gesucht hat. Was er den Behörden eigentlich vorwirft: Dass sie geltendes Recht durchsetzen. Dass er dabei noch Ursache und Wirkung durcheinander wirft, siehe Cookiebanner, ist geschenkt [1/3]
in reply to Ulrich Kelber

@koehntopp prinzipiell bin ich bei ihnen. Wenn ich jedoch einen einfachen Wordpress-Blog aufmache, muss ich alleine schon aus der Sicherheit heraus einen Cookie-Banner setzen. Obwohl mich das null Komma gar nichts interessiert
in reply to MBO1006

Schön zu lesen, dass die mangelnde Softwarequalität von Wordpress jetzt auch schon dem Datenschutz in die Schuhe geschoben wird. Die ganzen CDNs und Cookies die da verwendet werden muss niemand verwenden. Hatte neulich wieder mal die Seite eines lokalen Biomarktes offen. Das erst was mich empfängt ist ein Cookieterrorbanner, und der einzige Cookie der gesetzt wird, ob mit oder ohne Zustimmung, ist, dass Cookies gesetzt werden dürfen, oder auch nicht. So etwas ist Blödsinn, und wird wieder dem Datenschutz in die Schuhe geschoben. Wordpress könnte ohne Probleme konform zur DSGVO entwickelt werden, aber keiner macht es, weil niemand für die schlechte Qualität verantwortlich ist, weil da ist ja der Datenschutz daran Schuld. Keine Homepage benötigt einen Cookiebanner, wenn man seine Besucher nicht ausspionieren will.

Víte, kam se poděli všichni takoví ti echt fašouni a nazi skins? Už se nemusí schovávat za hákáče s Hitlerem. Nechali jsme to všechno zajít tak daleko, že je úplně normální nenávidět a vyhrožovat někomu smrtí i bez ideologie.

I got this laptop in the end:
Chuwi MiniBook X review: Small, inexpensive laptop with one niche use case…
Intel N100, here we come with your crap performance. But for audiogaming and travel tasks to connect back to my home desktop, I suspect this will work

I wrote a bunch of my books in word and it seems I've lost my license to the product somehow. That's something I'll have to figure out, but in the meantime I'm transcribing them into notepad instead because it won't let me select and copy them. Thankfully my longer ones are fine and it's just the beginnings I'm having to re-type, but it's kind of interesting to re-do the work I did like a year ago or more and see if I would still write it that way. It's also interesting to read completed things I've written where I actually forget some of the events the characters went through. Or when I forget the words to my own songs.

AI has a climate problem — but so does all of tech…

reshared this

DOT proposes ban on airline fees for seating families together…

Is there—dare I ask—an accessible courseware(TM) platform available anywhere? Preferably open source but not necessarily. Something where you enroll, read course materials, watch videos, answer questions, and return assignments?
in reply to Large Heydon Collider

Canvas tends to be the higher ed standard in the US.
Accessibility info:…

Canvas Free for Teachers (you can run courses from here): is now fully restored! A new version of MAME was also released, and I have uploaded a pre-configured Windows package that emulates a 486 PC with a DECtalk PC installed. This can be found at…

Surely the past tense of troubleshoot is troubleshot?
in reply to gorse horse

I prefer troubleshat. Just a ... more satisfying term to speak.

When I say that is well moderated, here's what I mean:

1) There are thousands of nazi instances on the Fediverse, and new ones are created every day. Hachyderm does a great job protecting its members from this reality. Especially those that are vocal.🙋🏿‍♂️ This is not an easy accomplishment given the Fediverse's current slate of tools, and set of design decisions.

2) When abuse reports are filed, either about Hachyderm members, or members on other instances, they are acted upon.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to mekka okereke :verified:

If you run a Mastodon instance, and you don't block at least the minimum list of known terrible instances, and you have Black users, it's just a matter of time before your users face a hate brigade.

That's the only reason these awful instances exist. That's all they do.

Telling users "Just move to a better server!" is supremely unhelpful. It doesn't help the mods, and it doesn't help the users.

It needs to be easier. It's currently too hard to block them and keep up with the new ones.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to mekka okereke :verified:

nailing it as always.

There are more Black people than Nazi’s (hopefully) so asking to ghetto them (onto one server)… has been done before. The best option has been integration and diversity in other communities. Being defined by skin colour is what’s been put on people whereas people see themselves as an engineer or scientist or something.

Also remember that features that enable one group, enable all groups.

Also, an instance is someone’s home. If someone came into someones’ front room and stated yelling at them, you wouldn’t advise them to move house would you?…

Mastodon was clearly built with white male privilege and that is ok. Staying with that as a necessary requirement is not. At least we as a community can talk about it and work on it.

Modern appliance accessibility is ultra max shit. I went to physical stores, and must have touched 100 microwaves before finding one with a panel that included raised markings on buttons, so I, a blind man, could feel where they were. Cost too much, but the price I have to pay. Then, get it installed, and realize it's a capacitive panel, so buttons activate, not when pressed, but when touched. Just feeling the fucking panel presses buttons, because of course it does.

Deathly bug plaguing X right now.

X rolled out a new app today for macOS: just the iPad app running on Apple silicon Macs. There's only one problem: Anyone who uses it will be suspended within a few hours. This is not a joke.

To make matters worse, the functioning app auto-updates to this faulty app, suspending the accounts of everyone who used the old app for no reason, automatically, with not even a suspension notice email.

How do I know about this? I, uh, learned the hard way.

As Its CPU Scandal Deepens, Intel Plans to Cut Thousands of Jobs…

Zvonimir Stanecic reshared this.

in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 I'll be very curious to see if it includes cuts in their foundry business, which is what they're trying to pivot to. As I read: "The company may struggle to compete with Nvidia in AI chip production, but if it can build sufficiently advanced factories and offer Nvidia attractive manufacturing solutions, it may no longer need to compete directly with Nvidia." So stock price may be a bit bullish on this hope but they'll (Intel) have to act quickly.
in reply to Tamas G

Interesting perspective. I mean, the stock price already gave way since then, and quite significantly so, probably in view of the latest news. But still, seems like a strong brand like Intel isn’t going to leave the stage so swiftly!

Zajtra mám nadčas, zase v inej prevádzke (aj v nedeľu v inej)... spolu s mojou manažérkou. Dobré na tom je že budeme si navzájom psychickou oporou.

The first public working draft of the EBraille spec is available! It is primarily meant for organizations that develop software that will read or write eBraille files. eBraille uses an EPUB 3-compatible file set based on the Open Web Platform — using technologies such as XHTML and CSS — to encode braille in semantically enhanced markup and allow it to adapt to the different capabilities of braille reading devices. The file set is designed for both packaged distribution to end users and deployment to the web for online and downloadable reading.…

#accessibility #Braille #Blind #reading #books #EBraille

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

they reference using an ISBN as a unique identifier. I've never seen a Braille document with an ISBN, though. Does this mean you're supposed to use a unique ISBN of a source document translated into Braille, does anyone know?
in reply to Sean Randall

we've been using BRF files since the 1980's. I wonder if eBraille will have that. Can't see it, personally. Probably going to end up being another DAISY
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Yes, from some long time ago, braille books and newspapers have isbn or issn

Backups guys, Backups. I recently changed from Bvckup 2 to Kopia, on Windows as well as my Linux VPS's. Entirely accessible via a web-based UI, docker containers, supports various backup targets like S3, SFTP, WebDAV, B2, local and more, proper snapshot retention, error recovery, compression, local mounting of backups and such. Really like it so far, and best of all, its free and open source. Check it out if you're interested.
in reply to Talon

@talon Already did, it works. But thanks anyway, always important to don't forget that.
in reply to Toni Barth

ah yeah. Sorry. I guess that was more an addendum to your post rather than directed at you specifically.

It’s the end of the line for the phrase “this train terminates here”, says The Daily Telegraph. Rail firms have decided to replace the announcement with “this train ends its journey here”, as part of a years-long drive to make their language easier to understand. “Every now and then we tweak our guidance to colleagues,” says a spokesman for Great Western Railways. “Terminating ‘terminates’ seems like a sensible move to make way for something less jargony and needlessly bureaucratic.”

“Study Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI”…

> When AI is mentioned, it tends to lower emotional trust, which in turn decreases purchase intentions

Like I've been saying, we don't need the term "slop". Consumers have decided that "AI" in its entirety is bullshit. And, honestly, they’re right.

reshared this

If you're in computing, read this.…

We have an AMAZING lineup for The Matrix Conference!

🙌 A barcamp
🧑‍🏫 2 Core Conference Days
🗣️ 43 Speakers

Stay tuned for speaker highlights and check out the full schedule at