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I've got #covid again, for the third time.

Shame that my individual act of masking every single time I use public transit or enter a store isn't enough to protect me.

Almost like #publichealth policy can't be based on individual risk assessment.

Stay safe out there, y'all.


I dreamed about drowning in an ocean made out of orange soda last night. It took me a while to work out it was just a Fanta sea.

Is all the stuff stored in Firefox Sync basically in my home directory? I'm starting to worry about Mozilla as trustworthy storage for that shit.
in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

I still consider Sync pretty trustworthy.

Everything that Firefox puts into sync is downloaded by every other synced Firefox - it's only used for sync, nothing's accessed "on demand" from the cloud - so you won't lose any data if it goes offline. And my understanding is that the encryption design for the sync protocol is pretty well done - Mozilla can see how much you're syncing between how many and which browsers, but not *what* you're syncing.

in reply to kepstin

@kepstin Oh, yeah, I am fine with the privacy. I'm not sure about how long the service will last.

CAQ are just fascist.

La CAQ c'est des fascistes.

#qcpoli #polqc

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I once lived in a place that had a photo lab downstairs. I only started shooting film again after they moved out.


in reply to David Goldfield

Do you or anyone else on here, have experience !with That's the database Selvas BLV uses for the #WebRadio feature on the #BrailleSense & #SenstePlayer. I found a broken stream link and cannot report it, due to accessibility issues.

Ok rpmbuild worked, I now have an RPM.

Why? Because this needs to be installed in the system prefix. And also SilverBlue.


It's my camera raw thumbnailer for use in Nautilus.

Accessibility preference settings, information architecture, and internalized ableism…

We deserve an amazing Android Email client, help us create it.

K-9 Mail is on the final stretch to becoming Thunderbird for Android. If you want to participate (even finding bugs is helpful), you can find the repo here:…

I often remind people that the progress we have made, be it rights we have won or technology that is accessible, has come about because brave advocacy pioneers knew that blind people are worthy, that we do not choose to be second-class citizens. That being able to maximise our potential is a human right.
Sometimes, people don’t believe we can change anything, so figure we may as well suck it up and accept the status quo.
Well, a few weeks ago, a group of blind leaders took on Vision Australia, after they said they weren’t going to advertise externally for their CEO. This significantly constrained the pool of blind talent from which the Vision Australia Board could pick. And make no mistake, we need more blind people leading the organisations that serve us. Lived experience matters when you’re a minority. And it certainly isn’t right that capable blind people are too often passed over for leadership roles in our own organisations. It is with great pleasure that I pass on the following message from Emma Bennison.

🎉 Victory for Blind Leadership! 🎉
United Blind Leaders is excited to announce a major step forward in our campaign! Thanks to the incredible support of 1,408 signatories, Vision Australia has revised its CEO recruitment process. The Board has confirmed that lived experience of blindness or low vision will now be a desirable attribute for the new CEO, and the search will be conducted externally with a focus on removing barriers for blind and low vision applicants.
This is a huge win, but our work is far from over. United Blind Leaders will keep pushing for blind and vision-impaired representation in leadership roles at all levels in Australia and globally.
📣 Join our movement! Stay connected by joining our mailing list and be part of our future campaigns:
Together, we’re making a real difference! 🙌 #UnitedBlindLeaders #BlindLeadership #Inclusion #DisabilityAdvocacy.

That is Emma’s message. Congratulations to all involved. And to all reading this, never doubt, you can make change when you stand up for what is right. Know your power, and use it for good.

I'm not a Mozilla insider or anything but I took a look at their bylaws and afaict they have a self-perpetuating board, which means they're not formally accountable to anyone.

I prefer a member elected board (like the PSF has). It's hard for leadership to stray too far from member values when they're elected by members.

I know too many self-perpetuating boards who destroyed what they were supposed to be safeguarding, or even enabled abuse.

Governance matters.

in reply to Shauna GM

add another wrinkle and MZLA (the Mozilla entity that houses Thunderbird) - has a co-governance model between a board and a Council, elected from contributors. This gives the community immense power (we can't approve a yearly budget without the Council's input, for instance). While it has been hard to have so many different stakeholders, I believe it has kept us honest and true to the mission of great open source communication software that champions open standards.

Robert Sidaway (1942- 2024), Star of Doctor Who’s The Savages and The Invasion…

rust2rpm turn:

`ERROR: Could not generate spec file due to invalid version requirement: Using
more than 2 comparators is not supported by RPM.

so what? where is it?

From the Florida Outreach Center for the Blind: Learn More About the Glide: Thursday, September 19, 2:00 PM Eastern Time…

Navigating the European Accessibility Act: Why Software Companies Need a Strong Accessibility Roadmap…

So the pager exploding, it was a terrorist attack, wasn't it?

I could start talking about 'fedpkg' but then it will be like print film: negative....
in reply to Hubert Figuière

the `--verbose` option just print out python exceptions. Very user friendly.

I'm trying to decide how to lay out my new phone. For a long time, I had a full first home screen: 2 rows of entertainment apps, like Audible and Youtube; a row of games; and the rest utilities, like settings, Safari, Seeing AI, Lire, etc. Now I have a few rows of apps, then a widget of suggested apps. I don't love it. I wish I could have a smaller widget of suggestions, then a widget stack beside it.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 Sadly, no. I'm just obsessing a bit over what I'll do when I get it. I've been reworking my current home screen just to get some new ideas.

‘Case you didn’t notice, you can use your Meta smart glasses to control Blindsquare and even Voice Vista by tapping the trackpad located on the right side. In the latter app you will have to turn on the “navigator” feature, but Blindsquare seems to work by default. Give it a shot!
#accessibility #blind #travel
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Tune in for our latest episode of the Nations Blind Podcast where we cover your questions and concerns about voting as a blind person. We’re featuring experts who provide resources and information about accessible ballots, the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), voting advocacy efforts and more.

Listen to this episode on our website:…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

📱 Vanaf vandaag, 16 september, wordt het nog eenvoudiger om in te loggen met de DigiD app. Gebruik nu gezichtsherkenning of je vingerafdruk op zowel iOS als Android toestellen.

Uiteraard staat veiligheid voorop. DigiD introduceert deze biometrische inlogmethoden nu, omdat ze inmiddels voldoen aan de strenge veiligheidsnormen van DigiD.

Wil je meer weten? Lees hier verder. ➡️…

#DigiD #Biometrie #Innovatie #Veiligheid

in reply to Logius

kunnen jullie nu eindelijk ook de digid app open source maken? Ik zou graag de fdroid build willen installeren, want ik doe niet aan playstore apps. #publicmoneypubliccode

Mozilla is leaving the Fediverse to spend more time with its AI. They ask that during this transition you please respect their 404..…

in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 Before K quants, q4_0 was the good compromise for size, speed, and quality. Not anymore though.

Here's an example of a feature request that the fediverse could give me but corporate social media probably never will.

I want the ability to put a follower in "lurker" mode. I don't want to block them just because they're a little obnoxious. That's too strong. But I would filter them so I don't have see their messages. And they can assume I'm just ignoring them. That may seem harsh as well. But honestly most people tell me they would prefer that to me telling them they're being obnoxious 😅.

in reply to Marco Rogers

I'd rather be told I'm being obnoxious, so I know and can try to change that.

In iOS 18, I know holding a finger and swiping does stuff. Swipe with one finger to navigate, and swipe with two to select. I thought I heard somewhere that there were clipboard commands too, such as copy, cut, and paste. I can't find them, though. Did I dream this? I sometimes write Markdown and have a URL to paste, so pasting right in BSI would be handy. I can use the four-finger gestures for this, as they're unassigned (or were last I checked).
in reply to Alex Hall

Hmmm, haven’t heard of those. At least you have! You are one step ahead of me! LOL

For some reason, I rarely advertised the fact that my music is also available on #Apple #Music (as well as on other streaming outlets).
The following tune was recorded with a few outstanding musicians, including @FreakyFwoof, Jason Castingway and others.
Plz follow and spread the word, if you like. Thank you!

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Added path to ps5 contoller to game controller battery script.

I've recently seen a poorly accessible #WindowsForms app. Disclaimer: WindowsForms, although it's old, is my favorite way of developing Windows apps. It's sweet to write in (for most part), it's reasonably fast, and it's accessible out of the box because it uses native or near-native controls.
What did I learn? If you want your app to be inaccessible or you have really bad development habits, no framework will help you.
in reply to André Polykanine

У меня недавно Chrome учудил. Вдруг перестало читаться содержимое адресной строки, причём в обеих версиях Jaws была такая херня, а с NVDA всё ок. Чё было не понял, снёс профиль, создалось всё заново и перекинул в него что нужно.
in reply to Kirill

@Yinshi Говорят, было такое и с NVDA тоже. Походу, что-то гуглеры с UIA перемудрили.
in reply to André Polykanine

Фиг знает. Оно ведь заработало на той же версии Chrome в свежем профиле. А вот откат на предыдущий Chrome, что попробовал изначально, эффекта не дал.
in reply to André Polykanine

О, тут в разговоре всплыло и вспомнил что давно хотел спросить. Есть в HTML clickable элементы, или не знаю как называются. Сталкивался с ситуацией, когда NVDA их распознаёт как оные, а Jaws нет. Не могу понять, это у меня Jaws так настроен или что? В большинстве ситуаций по логике понимаю что можно нажать на ту или иную фигню, но так бывает не всегда, особенно если на элементе нет текста.
in reply to Kirill

@Yinshi Попробуй увеличить многословность в вебе (Web verbosity), она по умолчанию medium. Но вообще да, действительно бывает такое, Джоз не всегда их распознаёт.
in reply to André Polykanine

Попробовал, не прокатило. Точно не помню, возможно и раньше менял эту настройку. Видимо и правда тот случай когда не распознаёт. Ладно, с этим жить можно, просто подумал, вдруг чего-то упустил.
in reply to Kirill

@Yinshi А сайт публичный? Может, я им багу репортну?
in reply to André Polykanine

Не, это у одной CRM системы такое. На публичном сайте сталкивался с подобным пару дней назад, но не могу вспомнить где.

Я отношусь к религии примерно как к наркотикам. Не то, чтоб мне претит сама идея или право людей этим заниматься, но наблюдаемый практический эффект на адептов мне не нравится.

Вот давеча увидел видео от некоей негодующей женщины, которая запечатлела двух танцующих девушек на фоне церкви на Белорусской, снимаемых на телефон третьей. Танец был весьма современный, но внезапно не тверк и девушки были даже одеты. Под видео куча не менее негодующих комментов - мол, оскверняют, попирают и трясут жёппами рядом с обителью Боженьки.

Опустим даже тот момент, что в Москве понастроено столько церквей, что можно сделать что угодно примерно в любом месте и с высокой вероятностью это будет "на фоне", вот в том месте их снимали на фоне вовсе не церкви, а фасада бизнес-центра рядом. Но, сцуко, почему вы вообще увидели в этом именно оскорбление? Почему это не Господь вселил в них радость и ликование в наши непростые времена, чтобы они несли его дальше (уж как могут)? Почему даже неверующий я вижу в этом символизм, но не вы?

Впрочем, с патриотизмом примерно то же самое. Идея как бы и ничего так, позитивная по природе своей, но 99% проявлений - нет. Чтоб просто радоваться - это редко. Чаще это про поиск тех, кто радоваться мешает, либо кому ещё грустнее.

Idem domov, beriem misky z podschodov a random okoloidúci mi vzdáva chválu... potvrdil mi existenciu bratov, ich mamu vraj zrazilo auto tu neďaleko a ešte som sa dozvedel že ľudia sú mmmmm kurvy, to mi povedal, teraz, cca 17 minút naspäť. Zaujímavé.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Did you know that #deltachat does not need and does not use key servers? Most other messengers (wa/signal/matrix/threema/...) actually operate or incorporate a cryptographic key server, managing the cryptographic identities of all users. Delta Chat uses decentralized protocols for key management avoiding a central storage of identities. The SecureJoin protocol is the key (sic!) innovation and was independently analyzed by ETH Zürich researchers earlier this year ....…