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Prečo si ja blbec zapnem cez obed na 10 sekúnd správy... to je ešte väčší mentál než ten jeho stožiar 🤦‍♂️

#ArchLinux people, do you experience any graphical gliches, missing content / text / images with #GNOME and or #GTK4 apps, since the move to 47 last weekend?
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in reply to Fabian (Bocchi) 🏳️‍🌈

I don't know if it counts, but nvidia vulcan bug causes several apps not starting on my hybrid gpu laptop.

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

ni, take spojenia spadaju do kategorii typu sci-fi, oxymoron a pod.

Ale zaroven je vyjadrenie urcitej nadeje a naznacenie moznoho nasledujuceho scenara: uvedomit si, ze city a vasne¹ nam mier a blahobyt nezabezpecia.

¹ najma ak sa kladie doraz viac na tie negativne a zivene je to hlavne klamstvami

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Na to že som minulý týždeň skoro celý robil a do toho cvičil... v pondelok po tréningu mohol teambuilding dopadnúť aj horšie. Necítim sa ale najlepšie po pravde.

Completely Useless Legislation, Exhibit A:

Hungary has a new law that students have to surrender their phones at school. The phones have to be locked up, hauled around in safety boxes by teachers etc. Students get them back at the end of the day.

A friend of mine teaches high school. He noticed that when students get their phones back, they don't even turn them on, just toss them in their bag.

Decoy phones.

Seriously, no one thought about this?...

Having a dog means that 95% of the time one of you is wondering what the other one is eating.

With the closure of Living Blindfully, this instance will also be closing at the end of September. Thank you so much for following. If you are not doing so already, you’re very welcome to keep in touch by following me, Jonathan, at @JonathanMosen

Just to spell it out for clients that mangle things, it’s at JonathanMosen at
The instance is also now open to sign-ups. You’ll need to read the rules carefully to know how to gain access.

I'm not very into geospatial, but I love that the venue for is in Baarle #foss4g #foss4gbe #FOSS4GBENL

Ah, memories, memories. I’m going to be rocking the live Main Menu show on ACB Media this week. Think I may have heard of that show somewhere before you know?
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo there was a vibrating watch called the Meteor. Not sure if it’s still available. I think it cost about 80 quid.
in reply to Dave Williams

@dwilliams niche markets, I guess. Sad that scale should still pose problems with JIT production, 3d printing, that sort of stuff should have helped.

I heard they’ve made the world’s strongest suction cup.

Not sure how they pulled that off.

reshared this

Wednesday. Sitting through a presentation at work and really thinking that this is what i'm taking a whole bunch of meds to stay awake for?
Where's the relaxation? The fun? Family time? The books? The Movies?
Hopefully it'll be over soon!
I know, ineed to work to enjoy everything else. but when your waking hours are so limited it's even more frustrating that this has to be the priority.

Soy estadística, pero también la persona con más aversión al riesgo sobre el planeta. La gente me pide consejo como lo primero, siempre respondo como lo segundo.

90% de probabilidad de que si el día del examen sacan cuatro bolas¹ con títulos de temas para que elijas cuál desarrollar, al menos un tema de esos será de los que te has estudiado. ¿Es 90% suficiente o iríais tirándoos de los pelos pensando en el 10% en el que no caería nada de lo que has estudiado?

¹alerta si te sacas las opos de profe en #murcia, se rumorea en sindicatos y academias que hay una bola menos este año

in reply to modulux

jajaja, es que por un tema...
Yo respeto mucho a quien se prepara oposiciones de este tipo, porque no poder confiar ni en la misericordia de quien redacte el examen para no profundizar en esos cambios de última hora me pondría tensísima.

En las últimas del INE también cambiaron el estatuto del organismo mientras me las estudiaba a un mes del examen y me faltó presentarme con dos pistolas.

in reply to Elena

Tengo unos compañeros que están haciendo la promoción interna que tardó un montón desde la OPE y convocatoria hasta el examen, se modificaron leyes clave, y claro, ahora el temario se refiere a títulos y capítulos de leyes que fueron totalmente reestructuradas, y hasta que nombren tribunal no saben muy bien como se va a interpretar eso, suponiendo que el tribunal emita algún tipo de aclaración.

🚨 Firefox quietly enabled a supposed “privacy feature” that tracks users - noyb files complaint today!
Read more here:…

Leaving the NSSS conference yday I was stopped by a fellow attendee who told me

- Thanks! Your presence here made a huge impact to the better for the conference.

Gosh, it turns out humans can be all friendly and awesome!

in reply to Malte

Hallo, unser Team arbeitet derzeit am E-Mail-Import und wir erwarten, dass er bald verfügbar sein wird. Wir wissen, wie wichtig diese Funktion ist und haben deshalb einen Teil unseres wachsenden Teams dieser konkreten Funktion gewidmet.
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in reply to Malte

Hi there! It hasn't been released yet! But it's in development :)

We often saw statistic that there are few software companies in the EU as an example of lack of innovation.

But 48% of maintainers of open source projects live in Europe, compared to 38% in North America and 8% in Asia. And the number is growing.…

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in reply to Andrey Sitnik

well, with "only" 400 maintainers answering the survey, I think it tells more about who answered the survey than how the maintainer distribution is really like...

My talk titled "CVEMITRECVSSNVDCNAOSS WTF" was very well received at the #NSSS conference with week. So well that I will re-do it live-streamed on Twitch on September 30. (recorded for YouTube as well)…


Prší a to nie je to najhoršie ale, musím ísť pracovať... #dobréRáno

Two big wins for Honduras this month. Our Supreme Court has ruled that darling techbro project ZEDES (special economic zones exempt from local laws and taxes) are unconstitutional.

The National Energy Company won a court ruling against a foreign, private managing company overseeing our electric grid (as assigned through the right wing nationalist party) for failing to reduce energy losses. Already, our current government had managed to free the National Energy Company from privatization and this further ensures the stability of that service for Hondurans. We have been paying lower energy bills since the Libre Party took over and their plan is too keep the company as a nationalized asset, thwarting all attempts from the past government to privatize it.

Random Thought: Visual Studio is the only IDE I know of that can actually solve the halting problem. You launch it, and it's so slow that your development work grinds to a halt.

Hoy tengo noticias de Administración Electrónica pero no las voy a poner porque son un poco deprimentes. Todo el tema va en plan de IA, uso de la nube, etc.

Me temo que nuestros gestores desconocen o hacen caso omiso de la ley de Goodhart: cuando una métrica se convierte en objetivo, deja de ser una métrica útil.

Factores de la digitalización como uso de la AI o de la nube se toman como objetivos, y dejan de ser métricas útiles si alguna vez lo fueron. El uso de la nube puede indicar el progreso en un proceso de digitalización, pero no es o no debe ser un fin en si mismo.

Me recuerda a fallos de la planificación central por basarse en el número o magnitud de operaciones realizadas (superficie irrigada, litros de agua empleados) en lugar de la función-objetivo que realmente se quiere maximizar.

in reply to modulux

esta reflexión me recuerda a cuando trabajaba para la GVA. El objetivo era hacerla accesible, pero para ello había que conseguir que la herramienta del observatorio devolviera un 9 o una nota superior, y todos los esfuerzos iban centrados en eso. Cualquier mejora adicional o alternativa que lograse resolver una inconformidad se descartaba si no afectaba a la dichosa nota.

Jsem připraven podat demisi a odejít ze strany, říká Lipavský. Ve vládě by mohl pokračovat za TOP 09 🔓…
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in reply to Archos

Myslím, že zde by vojín Kefalín, mohl najít odpověď a vysvětlení pro majora Halušku.
in reply to Archos

Piráti jsou liberální, TOP 09 konzervativní (v podstatě neviditelné béčko ODS). Lipavský neví, jaké jsou jeho vlastní hodnoty?

On this day, nine years ago, I launched my sub-project "everything curl". A free book about #curl.

Today it contains 114.000 words in 1,056 separate sections.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I haven't seen many books in this digital format, but it makes so much sense.
Thank you for this example 🙏

in reply to modulux

@modulux el comando es Supr o del. Creo que es una de las teclas más maravillosas que trae el teclado qwerty del ordenador.

On this day, exactly twenty-three years ago, #curl was shipped bundled with macOS for the first time. It has been included in their install ever since.

That day, Mac OS X 10.1 was released, featuring curl 7.7.2


Peter Vágner reshared this.

My favorite 'influencer' account right now is matcha_samurai (most platforms), who is this British-accented Japanese guy who just irreverently tears down layers of Japanese mystique and international cultural urban legends. Then laughs raucously about them. If you know somebody who is that Person about anime (I like anime too, but you know who I mean) you really need to have them watch his shorts for a while.

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Hoy tenemos dos alertas de la AEMET. Y sí, por supuesto, #ChoveEnSantiago.

in reply to Archos

Ale i přesto jsi schopný se od někoho dozvědět, že za to klima nemůže - a že za to může jen to, že jsme zastavěli území. 😁
in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

Ono se nedá čemu divit, když v dnešní době, ještě někdo věří, že je země placatá 😀😀

late to the party but Legend of the Black Shawarma by Infected Mushroom rules

Looking forward to the next installment of the Time War series. Reflections of Who…
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Comcast is Improving Live Sports Streaming on YouTube TV, Fubo & More By Using AI To Improve Its Internet Service…

Orbit Research September Meeting: Thursday, September 26, 1:00 PM Eastern Time…

ACB Community Call: Using the JAWS Keyboard Manager: Thursday, September 26, 3:00 PM Eastern Time…

I really want to port Cairo's internals to Rust.

It is going to take a fuckload of refactoring to make it unit-testable, anyway.

However, I don't yet know if it is worth it.

Is there an alternative to Cairo for projects that really use it to draw 2D stuff? Including librsvg? People tell me that Skia is not it, but I am eyeing tiny-skia as a Rust alternative for librsvg.

in reply to Sebastian Wick

@swick Oh, I mean, I wish them the best. It's very cool work.

But if you are an existing user of Cairo...

* Can you port your (certainly underfunded) app away from Cairo?
* Can you even use a GPU renderer without massive rearchitecting?
* Do you use pango/cairo for text? Can you switch to the lower-level layers, or something else?

in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

good questions. at least the API is supposed to be cairo-like. for the rest I don't have answers.

Apparently new saner NIST CSP password recommendations are in…