How does one go about begging for money from strangers online to feed your kids? I am out of options. The gig work I was using to keep us alive after being unemployed for 6 months has dried up. We are down to $20. My car will be repossessed soon. I'll lose my house in the spring when I can't pay the taxes. The electricity and water and phone will soon be cut off. I have never had so much trouble getting hired in my entire career. I don't understand it. I'm tremendously talented and have decades of experience, but all anyone wants is LLMs, the one thing I'm not experienced with. I'm worried I might not be alive much longer.
My PayPal link is
Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help, whether it's a dollar or a boost. I don't have a target right now. Just trying to have food for dinner tomorrow. I'll make another post soon if I don't find a way to get some income first.
#sysadmin pro tip!
If you generate a lot of fresh Let's Encrypt certificates today, and don't enable auto-renewal, they will expire on December 25th, giving you a good excuse to leave your family dinner early.
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Kdo získá digitalizaci stavebního řízení?
... Bartoš se snažil o to, aby do budoucna nešlo dělat vendor-lock-in; aby si jedna firma nemohla privatizovat celé ministerstvo tak jako to dělá OKsystem na MPSV. Piráti protlačovali otevřené technologie namísto proprietárních. Jenže tím, tou transparentností, drželi cenu dole, čili šlapali jiným po penězovodech. ...
Our refresh release, Endeavour Neo, is available
It was three months ago that our fifth-anniversary release, Endeavour, was released and with the upstream changes, we released this refresh ISO.
I know I mentioned in the Endeavour release announcement that the Endeavour release name would be a one-off release name that wouldn't be followed up by a Neo and Nova release. But we decided to name this…
Leasey update available. New in Build 9040.
When Pressing Insert+T to read the window title, if JAWS 2024 is used you will hear the visual state of the window, such as, Maximised.
As usual, press the keystroke twice quickly to virtualise.
Word Quick Navigation Keys. Leasey can remember the state of Quick Navigation on a document by document basis.
Check the documentation for details.
Microsoft CoPilot. JAWS no longer uses Application Mode and instead uses traditional web page navigation. This prevents JAWS from moving into and out of Navigation Mode particularly in lists of items.
In addition, if you move out of CoPilot and back to it, the virtual cursor is located in the correct position on the page.
VLC Media Player. In JAWS 2024, the total and elapsed time scripts are now functioning again.
Emoji. When using the Leasey key then Control+Shift+E, the correct emoji character is once again inserted into the document or text edit area. This was broken in the previous build, 9027.
Outlook Attachments. When using Windows11, and the Leasey file attachments list, copying and pasting into File Explorer should now be working again.
Microsoft Word. The list of recent documents is now functioning.
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My other favorite feature in Window-Eyes was cursor keys, which you really can't do with JAWS without scripting.
wow, all these years and putting the Window State as part of the title call never occurred to me.
Wouldn't want it in the alt+tab order, I'll admit, but it's a clever place to put it for when you need to check.
We finally have a schedule for the event this weekend in Berlin!
Come join us if you're interested in mobile Linux, image-based OSes, local-first, GNOME app design, and everything in between 🪴
#gnome #postmarketos #localfirst #berlin
If you're attending All Systems Go in Berlin, come see the talk by @cas and I today at 10:50am (local time) about #systemd-ifying #postmarketos 😁…
Vlastně měl. Ogar potřebuje do ZSV vysvětlit pojem oligarchie a nevěří, že jediný oligarcha ja Babiš, jak říkal pančel.…
Myslíš Lipavský jako předseda? No, já nejsem Pirát, ale myslím si, že je potřeba mít předsedu, který je vidět a slyšet. A Lipavský je navíc ve vládě.
K digitalizaci stavebního řízení: Akorát se dívám na reportáž:…
A hned na začátku mě Bartoš nadzvednul. Úředníci popisují, jak za hovno ten systém stojí. Bartoš na to jako hluchej a slepej odpoví: "Stavební řízení funguje."
No. Tak jo.
P.S.: Zajíček z ODS vystupuje jako typický Ódeesák kmotr. K zblití.
Tu reportáž jsem sem dával, docela i tomu věřím. Jak jsem psal jinde moje dělá na pracáku. Mohla by vyprávět, za Maláčové jezdila do Prahy testovat jeden program, který se najednou zrušil a ticho po pěšině. Teď testuje další program.
"all the whitespace got stripped out of this python file, how do I fix it?"
"rewrite it in rust and use rustfmt"
@hub significant whitespace giveth; significant whitespace taketh away 😥
in all seriousness, after fighting with python indentation, it was thrilling to throw some crappily formatted code at rustfmt and have it Just Work 😂
this latest edition of "Android team posting nothing but Ws for adopting Rust" is super important because it identifies that:
*you don't have to actually rewrite all your old unsafe C/C++ code to get the benefits of adopting safe languages, in terms of reducing vulnerabilites*
because they identify that most bugs are in new/changed code (with exponential decay!), so if you preferentially write new code in a safe language, your vulnerabilities crater even though most of your code is still unsafe!
Interesting to read about this new adaptation of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Although... am I the only one who remembers ABC radio's Doctor Who parody 'Doctor Poo', and his epic adventure involving 20,000 *Legs* Under the Sea? (It was piloted by the evil Captain Kneemoss - so called because he had moss on his knees).
Just me?…
I realized that statement was a total crock of lies, when I grew up some more. I saw how often police officers, politicians & rich white folks were able to do many different crimes without facing any prison time.
Privileged white collar criminals, criminal cops & criminal politicians - radicalized me.
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I have $110/$423 needed or my lease signing…
#MutualAidRequest #Disability #urgent #MutualAid #disabilitymutualaid #BlackMutualAid #crowdfunding #PWD #DisabilityCrowdFund #Queercrowdfund
#BlackMastodon #actuallyautistic #autism #HelpFolksLive2024 @mutualaid @mutual_aid
in reply to daniel:// stenberg:// • • •Howard Chu @ Symas
in reply to daniel:// stenberg:// • • •daniel:// stenberg://
in reply to Howard Chu @ Symas • • •Howard Chu @ Symas
in reply to daniel:// stenberg:// • • •It's ok to deprioritize performance in favor of correctness. Unfortunately they don't seem to care much about correctness either.
We've been working with WolfSSL lately. I think we'll be promoting it more now.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg:// • • •I think if OpenSSL devs ever faced with a set of alt implementation choices, with say one better for security and code clarity (can overlap, imo) on one hand, versus say perf on the other, they should pick bias to former.
since ssh/sshd is one of the biggest security SPOFs in modern computing. a massive pinata for black hats
so I *hope* thats why their perf is non-ideal