Re-reading "The McRib As Arbitrage" in light of the entire no work from home, return to office push, and I find myself genuinly wondering how much labor exists - how many _companies exist_, even - primarily to serve as a utility function for corporate real-estate arbitrage.
I cannot tell you how grotesque this is, the idea that this might be real utility of so many jobs, bullshit or otherwise.
But there are a lot of bullshit jobs out there.
už.. akurát som písal edit
edit: toto nemôže písať normálny "nezainteresovaný" človek, aký starý je ten profil?
eidt1: prišlo mi z toho trochu zle môžem povedať úprimne.
Mark your calendars 🗓️ because on October 1st, one of our website pages will "turn blue".
Do you wonder what that's all about? Stay tuned!!! 🔥
#encryption #calendar #sneakpeek #teaser
forum post: "you can definitely do <thing>, check the docs here! <link>"
*clicks through*
the docs: "No docs for this topic yet"
Für FutureZwei der @tazgetroete habe ich über die Rolle von Plattformen beim Erstarken des globalen Rechtspopulismus geschrieben.
Und analysiert, was dagegen getan werden müsste:
Microsoft warns that some Windows 11 systems enter reboot loops or might freeze with blue screens after installing the September 2024 KB5043145 preview update.
Do you hope for better translation coverage in your projects?
Register your project for our #Translathon on October 12 + 13 and translate together with our community.
Find all the details here:…
Find the event:…
1/3 "Časť roka som strávil písaním knihy a rozprával som sa pritom s mnohými múdrymi ľuďmi. Jeden z nich povedal, že dobrá krajina nie je tá, v ktorej sa konkrétny politik postará konkrétne o vás, ale taká, v ktorej sa systém čo najlepšie postará o čo najviac ľudí."
~ #SamoMarec
New blog posts about my attendance to open source conferences in September. I've been a bit crazy and went to 5 of them 😅…
#QtContributorSummit #Akademy2024 #MatrixConf #NextcloudConf24
1/4 "V lete prešla našimi médiami takmer bez povšimnutia správa, na ktorej ma prekvapili dve veci. Prvou bol samotný obsah správy, druhou bol jej minimálny ohlas vo verejnej debate, nehovoriac o debate politickej.
Tou správou bolo, že podľa oficiálnych údajov Eurostatu sú na Slovensku najnižšie čisté platy v celej Európskej únii…"
~ #IvanMikloš
Na @linuxdays už máme 587 potvrzených registrací a bohužel také 44777 pokusů o zneužití registračního formuláře k šíření spamu - přibývají zhruba tempem 4 za minutu.
Uvádět v potvrzovacím e-mailu uživatelem poskytnuté jméno byla chyba, spousta účastníků se teď snaží pojmenovat stylem: "Čeká na vás mnoho BTC. Vyberte je kliknutím…" a podobně.
Human composting should be a third option after burial and cremation.
My wife, Tui Davidson, spent her volunteer energy to provide a not-for-profit funeral service for Canberra. Five years later, they are a successful operation.
On Thursday, I was honoured and proud to attend her graduation from a social entrepreneur course called GRIST from Mill House Ventures. Earthly Remains is her human composting initiative and, as well as working with partners to develop the technology, she is lobbying the ACT government to create legislation to allow it, as 13 US states have done.
The GRIST program supported the creation of a short video which explains it better than I can.
She is also looking to collect data about community attitudes and would appreciate your input on a survey found at the website below.
#HumanComposting #environment #climate #cremation #burial #NaturalOrganicReduction #death #canberra
Sorry, stupid question.
How do you paste file in directory with Gnome Files (v46.2) when directory list takes all window space?
Older version had paste in that locationbar menu.
the "paste" menu item was there in the past because you could not click on the empty space on the side, top, and below the items; these days, you can.
There's also the key shortcut, of course.
Buenos días. Hoy sigo enfermo así que me quedo en casa.
Tuve un sueño muy desagradable de que llegaba una diligencia de ordenación en un asunto acumulado criticando el cómputo de plazos en la Administración, se filttraba a la prensa, y me echaban a mi la culpa de todo. A ver, mente, faltan problemas como para que te tengas que inventar esto?
Currently adding these sections to about windows of some popular apps whose developers I know have multiple well-known projects. My hope is that these people get inspired to replicate the change to the listed apps as well 🙂
slipped past the blog post, but #postmarketOS GNOME now ships with green accent colors by default. #GNOME 47 looks amazing :D
Thanks for this @fossdd…
in reply to mhoye • • •I think I'm going to double down on this.
Companies that are forcing return-to-office aren't doing that to better fulfill their corporate mission. By clinging to antiquated ideas of what management does and what leadership is these companies have allowed themselves to be co-opted into propping up failing corporate real estate arbitrage schemes. That's it, that's the whole story.…