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If I am ever going to translate "Deutsche Sagen" ("German Legends") by the Brothers Grimm, I will probably have to re-learn #Latin - they used too many Latin-language sources for this work.

I suppose my Latin teachers from back in school will have had the last laugh then after all.…

in reply to 🇨🇦🇩🇪🇨🇳张殿李🇨🇳🇩🇪🇨🇦

That sounds... tricky.

At least Latin _is_ covered by many online translation tools, although I am not sure how accurate they are.

in reply to Jürgen Hubert

Classical Chinese (or more anal retentively Literary Chinese) is a really difficult language for a variety of reasons.

1. It is essentially a written-only form of language. It uses the fact that two syllables with the same pronunciation but different meanings can be determined by looking at the character. In vernacular Chinese you can't do this. If you say "shu3" which one do you mean? So an extra disambiguating syllable is added like "lao3shu3" for "mouse".

🧵 ▶️

¿Me podrían recomendar blogs, glosarios u otros recursos con terminología tecnológica en español? Quiero aprender a comunicar conceptos sobre programación, redes, seguridad, "open source", "dev ops", accesibilidad, etcétera.

Can anyone recommend blogs, glossaries and other resources with technological terminology in Spanish? I want to learn to communicate about concepts in programming, networking, security, open source, dev ops, accessibility, etc.

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to give you a heads up that Perforce has forcibly seized control of the #Puppet Community Slack. They've banned me and removed the Community team and all moderators. This means that there is currently no spam or harassment moderation. It means that the community no longer has the ability to limit monetization. And it means that Perforce has direct access to your account info and no longer needs to go through the Community team when they need sales and marketing leads.


Perforce (Owner of Puppet since April 2022) has taken over the greatest Puppet community on Slack. This was an independent Slack that had a non-Perforce people at the helm. Perforce convinced Slack that they should own the community, and Slack removed all non-Perforce people as moderators, banned Ben Ford (Instance Owner) and transferred ownership to Perforce.

It is unclear why Perforce did this, but…

Ben Ford speculates

Last time I talked to Perforce Legal a few weeks ago, they were excited by our “community owned community space” model. The fact that the company has now taken this subversive and hostile action makes me think that they are about to announce or do something incredibly shitty and want to have iron control over the messaging.

Puppet is currently licensed unter Apache 2.0, and has no AI-Integration nor are Puppet users absolutely required to make recurrent payments to Perforce.

So make your bets.

  • Ansible is owned by IBM through RedHat (GPL v3, no CLA, DCO required)
  • Chef is owned by Progress (Apache 2.0, CLA required)
  • Puppet is owned by Perforce (Apache 2.0, CLA required)
  • Saltstack is owned by Broadcom (Apache 2.0, CLA required)

CLA: Contributors License Agreement. If you want to submit code to the project, you have to sign a CLA that gives the respective owner company full IP rights to your contrib, enabling them to cleanly unilaterally change the project license at their discretion.

DCO: Developer Certificate of Origin. You have to submit a DCO that asserts that you have the right to contribute the code under the GPL v3 of the project.. The DCO exists to prevent your employer from sueing IBM/Ansible over your contrib, not to transfer rights to IBM/Ansible.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

My friend said to me: "What rhymes with orange" I said: "no it doesn't"

- Infrastruktur in Staatshände, mit verpflichtendem Versorgungsauftrag.
Strom, Wasser, Mobilfunk, Schiene, Glasfaser, Abwasser sowie Fernwärme und Fernkälte - all diese Netze müssen den Menschen gehören die davon abhängen und nicht Investoren die Profit machen wollen.

- Beamte und Personal für Behörden und Kommunen. Stoppt das Kaputtsparen des Staates.

Jede #EinwegEZigarette enthält eine #Batterie (#Sondermüll) & besteht aus #Metall (#Energie fressende Herstellung) & #Kunststoff (#Plastikmüll), Silikon etc.
Das Alles für eine Nutzung im Wegwerfmodus!

Gemeinsamer offener Brief an #Bundesumweltministerin Steffi #Lemke
Einweg-E-Zigaretten verbieten!…

Ja. Ihr habt recht, der #CarolaBrücke Livestream des #MDR ist so ziemlich das Unterhaltsamste was der Sender in den letzten Jahren gemacht hat.
Allerdings ist die Auflösung leider nicht so pralle, dass ich das neue Graffito auf der Brücke lesen kann. Daher…

Hey #Dresden, was steht auf der CarolaBrücke?

Edit: Da steht »Millionäre besteuern«.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Deutschland wegen Abschiebung eines Syrers verurteilt

2018 griffen die deutschen Behörden einen syrischen Flüchtling an der Grenze zu Österreich auf - und schoben ihn sofort wieder ab. Nun hat ein europäisches Gericht geurteilt: Die Abschiebung hat seine Menschenrechte verletzt.


#EGMR #Abschiebung #Syrer

so apparently if a company goes to Slack and whines “our customers are able to communicate without our direct personal approval and we don’t like it”, Slack will say “you’re so right king” and assign that company exclusive admin control of a user community without asking or even warning the community?…

This year's Nobel Prize in Economics is timely, given the challenges faced by democratic institutions, particularly in industrialized countries.…
#economics #colonialism #development

GoToSocial version 0.17.0 release announcement, our first Beta release

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in reply to GoToSocial

Phew only one real bug report for 0.17.0 so far, and it's for a bug that was already in 0.16.0 🤦

Thanks for the positive feedback everyone, glad you're having a good time with the release ❤

in reply to GoToSocial

It's all good, smooth, shiny and polished. And yes, I mean, this release. So, take a breath, Sloth friend, get a cup of coffee. Oh wait. I don't know if sloths like coffee, but, you're a special one so, who knows? Enjoy your awesome work, and don't forget to relax. 🙌 💖 🦥 💙 ☕️

Live with the PMDG 737-900-er from Heathrow to Dubai, come chill

i still think bell labs is crazy. that was a telephone company. can you imagine if t-mobile invented lasers and unix

Dutch cartoonist Ruben L. Oppenheimer today in newspaper NRC: Trump's bible.

So jetzt mal ehrlich ihr #Fedinauten da draußen, die ihr #Misskey, #Sharkey oder #Iceshrimp nutzt! Wieso nutzt ihr das, was ihr nutzt und was findet ihr besser im Vergleich zu den anderen beiden Fedi-Möglichkeiten?

Bin auf der Suche nach einer weiteren Fedi-Software, die ich mir genauer anschauen möchte und muss mich zwischen den dreien entscheiden.

Gerne darf dieser Beitrag zur Entscheidungsfindung geteilt werden. 😜
#Fediverse #NichtNurMastodon

Prodám iPhone XR 128GB modrý. Pořízen 2019, používaný do 2023, stav dobrý, bez problémů, baterie původní stále funkční. Displej bez závad. Vč. ochranného pouzdra Babaco. Bez zdroje, bez kabelu. 3000 Kč. K vyzvednutí Praha 9 nebo platba předem a zaslání Zásilkovnou.

I was told that the output I would likely get on most of the triple 7 controls would be bogus, and that currently the mcp speed box does not work. Until I can actually fly a test sector with it, we'll be doing the 737-900 ER

Hey all, I'm excited to be presenting next week at #UbuntuSummit (…). The goal is to demonstrate an all #OpenSource creative toolkit. Will be talking @Blender @inkscape @GIMP @krita @kdenlive #Scribus #webstudio @penpot. Any others you like?

Subatomic software alignment chart

Electron apps are bad (negative charge)
Proton on linux is good (positive charge)

This implies the existence of software called neutron which people are indifferent to

The EU #TaxTheRich petition has failed to gather 1 million signatures. Germany, France and Denmark were the only countries to cross the line. That tells you how many people can actually be mobilised for real change to our system. I am very disappointed.… 1/3
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in reply to Jan Wildeboer 😷

I signed and promoted, and yes, I am disappointed too. If a low-effort aciton like this has so little success, a European general strike or something like that is a world away.

jak vnímam co? 😳…

prečo mi dávajú všetci nejaké otázky, JA NIČ NEVIEM

Probably going to be streaming again today. Most likely the PMDG tripple 7. I have never flown this particular aircraft before, and I will absolutely fly it like the 737. I also know that accessibility is a WIP, so there are some things I simmply cannot do.
in reply to aaron

That'll be fun. I'd fly myself but I currently can't afford Navigraph which is absolutely required to fly. But I love watching flights so I might be on there.
in reply to Rook

@rooktallon You can fly without it, so long as you can check your sid/star waypoints and program them yourself. Not ideal but can be done.
in reply to aaron

Do you have a yoke? Or do you use an Xbox controller like I do?
in reply to Rook

@rooktallon I use a keyboard at the moment, but I do want a throttle quadrant and yoak
in reply to aaron

Either this or the 737-900 ER, that I already know how to fly.

Před dvěma lety jsem navštívil Horský rezort Dolní Morava. Bez registrace si online vstupenku nekoupíte. 😩 Ok, registruju se. V registraci chtějí datum narození? 🤔
No zadal jsem vymyšlené. Co jim je do toho... 🧵
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

⌛Po roce...

📧 Mail: Vše nejlepší k narozninám, tady máte slevenky...
💢 😡💢 To si dělaj....

📤 Píšu naštvanej email...
📧 Odpověď: Tento email Vám přišel na základě Vaši platné registrace, kterou jste si vytvořil v našem eshopu 10.8.2023.

Tzn můžeš klikat na unsubscribe jak chceš, ale jakmile máš u nás registraci, budem ti přát k narozeninám se slevenkama.

📤 Tak tu registraci zrušte...

in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

GDPR FTW, tam už jsou výživné pokutičky, které by měly být jednoznačně motivační.

@drew Out of interest, do you know if there is a deliberate a reason WhatsApp UWP has the emoji and add attachment buttons between the message list and the input box? That makes it less efficient to get between the two, which is a pretty regular thing. I can easily work around this with the WhatsAppPlus NVDA add-on, but I always prefer things to be better out of the box, so thought I'd ask. Could those buttons be positioned after the input box instead?
in reply to Jamie Teh

+1 to this.
having input and outputnext to each other in the tab order is far more logical to my mind, particularly given that you can press return to send.
in reply to Sean Randall

Thanks for this! I’ll see what I can do, can’t make any promises though🙁

In general, how big a priority would you put on having fewer tabs to get you to where you want to go? This is a place where WCAG falls down a bit IMO because it emphasizes following the visual order, which can clutter things up.

in reply to Drew Mochak

the visual order makes no sense if you need to interact with the list of messages in this case.

som rozbitý, moment, ale fungujem
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

No digo que no tengáis razón los que decís que el gasto en subvenciones al alquiler habría que meterlo en inspecciones. A largo plazo, sería lo mejor. Pero esto, ¿que implica?

Para empezar, modificación de las RPTs correspondientes, para lo que hay que ir a negociación colectiva, obtener informes preceptivos varios, dotar las plazas presupuestariamente, y de forma consolidable (con lo que se necesitarían hacer modificaciones presupuestarias al capítulo I), sacar la oferta de empleo público (que es anual), convocar, nombrar tribunal, y hacer las pruebas selectivas, resolver recursos, llamar a nombramientos, dar tomas de posesión...

Si se hace en 2 años, es con suerte.

in reply to modulux

lo malo es que se ha demostrado que las ayudas al alquiler directamente van a una subida en igual cuantía del precio a pagar y al final estamos como antes a costa de perder dinero público en subvencionar al rentista.
in reply to Juan CBS

Sí, no digo que sea una buena solución; ni siquiera una solución. Simplemente que es difícil resolver el tema rápido por cualquier vía.

20 hudebních alb, které ovlivnily to, kým jste. Jedno album denně po dobu 20 dnů. Žádné vysvětlivky, žádné recenze, jen obaly alb.

Happy thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends. We aren't big on Turky, so dinner tonight will be a boneless leg of lamb done on the smoker, mashed potatoes and stuffing.

i grew up surrounded by people who read books by self-help and project-management gurus, from teachers to relatives. I’m critical of much of the overcomplicated advice that gets published by them. one of the only self-help or project-management mantras i sincerely believe in is SMART goals.

Any time I make a goal that I haven’t made sure is specific, measurable, attainable/realistic, for which I’m responsible by a given time, I fail. Silly acronyms that spell out relevant words are supposed to be bullshit but this is somehow the ultimate exception.

“work out more often” fails. “try this light five-day exercise regiment, fitting it into your schedule on these days, and write down what was too easy to ramp up next week” works.

“clean the house regularly” fails. “clean the counter until it’s smooth, at this time tomorrow, within 15 minutes, and reward myself with some blueberries if i finish in time before moving onto the next cleaning task” works.

With ADHD it’s impossible for me to be productive at something without obsessively SMART-ing my way through it. I’ve tried everything and this is the only thing that’s stuck. I’m amazed that such a silly corpo acronym for increasing team productivity is actually 100% legit.

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in reply to Seirdy

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in reply to Seirdy

seriously. SMART covers all the ways I wriggle out of tasks.

  • “where do i begin”: specific.
  • “will I ever be have done enough”: measurable.
  • “it’s too overwhelming”: attainable.
  • “someone else can do it”: responsible individual.
  • “eh, later”: time-bound.
  • “I don’t feel like it”: I went through the trouble of making a SMART goal, making a five step promise to myself to do something. I don’t want that effort to go to waste.

That’s basically it. All the ways I avoid something taken care of by one comically simple acronym.

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in reply to Seirdy

I kind of wish it didn’t spell out SMART because i instinctively hate any acronym that spells out a relevant word.
in reply to 0xBADBABE on a break;

adhd brains are an absolute joke. for real. like, the only thing I did today was to attach a time to the tasks. not just the day, no, a specific time and an estimated guess how long it’s going to take.

and that alone tremendously helped. omg.

thank you so much for sharing this!!

in reply to 0xBADBABE on a break;

@jasmin For real. Planning each day with 30-minute accuracy and two separate hours of grace time for adjustments/delays has transformed my life.

Just got around to playing with the now working iPhone mirroring app in macOS 15, not too bad. Although, I wish it would not keep repeating iPhone mirroring when navigating.r

Hmmm, how did you get iPhone Mirroring to work? Is it 15.1 you are seeing this on? The best I can get out of this combo with 15.0 is the “home” and “app launcher” buttons, but this only after relaunching VoiceOver.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 It's the latest beta 18.1 that I'm using with the latest beta update for macOS 15 as well.

Sometimes I wish there was a way to either turn off user names altogether or put them at the end of the posts. This may be e a screen reader thing, but it gets overwhelming to my ears when one or two people take over my timeline. No personal feelings, BTW!
in reply to victor tsaran

Do you mean in mentions/replies? In Mona, I have usernames turned off for posts.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

@JonathanMosen Ah, I didn’t realize there was such an option. Can you quickly called up a user name if you want to know who wrote the post? Anyway, I can research from here. Thanks for the tip!
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

@JonathanMosen Hmmm, I actually meant omitting usernames / user names in the posts themselves. Where do I find this option? I see there is a setting under “general”, but it does not allow me to turn off user names completely.
in reply to victor tsaran

Yes it does, YOu have three options, name, username, or name and username. So just set it to name and you won’t hear the username.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

@JonathanMosen Ah yes, I already have it set to the name. I was looking for an option to “anonymize” posts so that I do not hear the same name if they post lots and lots of posts one after another. You could say it’s just a whim! :)

When JD Vance says, "My wife has three children" – he does not refer to his wife by her name (Usha). He also does not refer to any of his 3 children by name (Ewan, Vivek, and Mirabel). And most importantly (red lights flashing, sirens blaring) – he doesn't acknowledge himself as his daughter's/sons' father (i.e., "Usha and I have three children"). All three of these are significant distancing behaviors.

Accessible Mammograms…