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the existence of model UN implies the existence of model israel, which ignores the resolutions of the model UN

my wife googled “united airlines customer service” the other day and the AI summary seemed legit enough so she called the number that it listed. she got like 30 seconds into the call before they were asking for her BANK INFO. a scammer had gotten their number prominent enough that the AI grabbed it.

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in reply to jason 👀

@ZBennoui to be fair, variations on this exact issue were always a problem, especially for people who didn't have an ad blocker, and couldn't have afforded an ad-free search experience, even if that was an option.

Morning everyone. so today is our tenth wedding anniversary. I can't believe where the time's gone. What can I say? They've been the ten most wonderful years of my life, no word of a lie. We've exchanged presents already. I bought @brian_hartgen a bottle of his favourite Krug, and he bought me some very good Penhaligans perfume, it's called high grove Bouquet and smells of lime blossom, mimosa and a touch of cedar, it's delicious. We'll just be having our normal kind of day, but I'll be thanking God and @brian_hartgen for the last ten years, and vowing to make the very most of every minute we have left together.

Takové monstrum se jen tak nevidí. Jakub Vágner chytil pod Bítovem obřího sumce…

There will be a Security Devroom at FOSDEM'25 and we are looking for volunteers to manage it.…

Trying to add TLS session handling for OpenSSL's QUIC implementation. Hit a wall in…

Any QUIC implementation takes years to get working. Until then, it will stay experimental.

I am very glad that @samueloph slashed the Gordian knot and pushed curl with ngtcp2+gnutls out there for everyone.

in reply to Stefan Eissing

OpenSSL obviously does not have a single test case using this function. I lack words.

Question for those of us in the UK.

What do you think of Assisted Dying?

I would accept it if we can make the choice to have it before we are very, very ill.

in reply to Merry Christmas

I think it should be like organ donation used to be, you sign up to allow for it when you're healthy.
I can't imagine letting animals suffer the way we let our old people.

If you have built #curl for visionOS, maybe you can help this user out?…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I have never built curl and never even touched VisionOS. But doesn't the SDK flag require a value that is listed in his SDK list? That would be my first assumption.

🦾6 AI Tos Used by Hackers


🔖#infosec #cybersecurity #hacking #pentesting #security

Už aj okolie sa ma pýta čo mi je... a ja neviem, vôbec nemám energiu.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Quentin Pradet
@Scmbradley I wonder how tired @bagder is that 1337 is brought up every single time :)

Po prvnim dni zatim nase nejuspesnejsi kampan. Nas cil mit kazdy mesic nejvic nejuspesnejsi kampan vsech dob pro rijen odskrtnut.

53 Thieves, faze 1:

K tomu Asher nasadil druhou fazi s receptem na buchtu. Muzete potrenovat na finale pece cela zeme, vyniknout na Instagramu a ziskat vinyl.

Asher Roth, faze 2:

#art #music #peceni

tbh the tab overview is still one of my favorite things about GNOME Web

(and other GNOME apps that have it but I use it most often in Web)

#GNOME #GNOMEWeb #LibAdwaita

I'm going to dedicate some days per week for Lollypop 2. Here current state (mainly working on DB) but if you have ideas for UI, tell me.

Let's restart the highscore thread again, people are saying it got too long. End of the previous thread:…
So I figured out how to keep touchpads working in gamepad mode ^^ It involved reverse engineering the payload for the ID_SET_DIGITAL_MAPPINGS feature report - neither SDL nor kernel driver do it, so I didn't have any reference this time.

Anyway, now touchpads are fully working, with the same behavior as for Steam's gamepad action set - right touchpad moves pointer and does a left click on press, left touchpad does a right click on press and that's it. I'm not sure why it doesn't also scroll, but I wanted to keep it consistent (steam's desktop action set scrolls it and middle clicks on press instead, tho it does mean you have to use L2 to right click)

When Steam is running, you still have to switch to gamepad action set or you'll have double input, but I don't think I have any way of mitigating that - oh well. When Steam is not running, it will switch everything automatically at least, so at this point it's probably good enough. I'm yet to find an example of any app doing it well, so I don't think libmanette apps would stand out in a bad way here.

So, at this point I mostly just need to clean up the code and think again about what the public API should look like.

That said, I want to rework libmanette API entirely. It's not in a very good state right now, it's a lot more convoluted than it needs to be.

in reply to Alice

Blogged about this as well now:…
Mostly I wanted to keep the ID_SET_DIGITAL_MAPPINGS structure, as well as general steps documented somewhere online, as it would have helped me a lot. ^^

I want an award for getting out of bed and leaving my kindle behind. Adulting sucks sometimes

Do you love and/or hate HoTT or dependent type theory? Come do a Ph.D. with me to develop applications of HoTT to verified functional programming and/or think outside the box about how we can make dependent type theory work better.

I recently received a grant to study the Univalent Verification of Parameterized Structures, and I need Ph.D. students to spend that money on. Application deadline December 15 to start Fall 2025. Lots more info here:…

TIL: There is LaTeX coffee stains package and I think you should know this:…

Leyendo el anteproyecto de la ley gallega de medidas (técnicamente le de acompañamiento de los presupuestos) me alegró ver que se prevé el establecimiento de un impuesto sobre estancias turísticas, en el artículo 8. Después, vino la decepción:

3. Os ingresos obtidos por este imposto estarán afectados cando menos nun 80% a investimentos e gastos vinculados á promoción, impulso, protección, fomento e desenvolvemento do turismo sustentable, na forma que se determine na lei.
5. A lei determinará os supostos de estadías exentas, como, entre outras, as de menores de dezaseis anos; as subvencionadas por programas sociais; as realizadas por motivos de saúde das persoas e dos seus acompañantes; as que se realicen por causas de forza maior; as realizadas en albergues da Rede Pública do Xacobeo S.A; ou as de persoas que acrediten un grao de discapacidade igual ou superior ao 65 %.
11. Sobre a cota íntegra do imposto correspondente á administración autonómica, a lei establecerá inicialmente unha bonificación do 100%. O Consello da Xunta de Galicia, á vista do seguimento da aplicación e do impacto da lei, e tendo en conta a evolución dos indicadores do sector turístico en Galicia e a eficacia do imposto, ponderando a non esixencia de cargas administrativas innecesarias para o sector, poderá presentar ao Parlamento de Galicia un proxecto de lei no que se reduza a contía da bonificación.
12. De acordo co que se determine na lei, os concellos poderán establecer de forma voluntaria, en execución da súa autonomía municipal, unha recarga sobre o imposto autonómico ás estadías turísticas, cuxos ingresos estarán afectados cando menos nun 80 % a investimentos e gastos vinculados á promoción, impulso, protección, fomento e desenvolvemento do turismo sostible, na forma que se determine na lei.
Esta recarga esixirase aos mesmos suxeitos pasivos e nos mesmos casos contemplados na normativa reguladora do imposto, e consistirá nunha porcentaxe sobre a cota íntegra de ata un máximo do 100 %.
As competencias para a aplicación, recadación e potestade sancionadora correspondentes á recarga municipal corresponderán aos concellos.
Os concellos que decidan establecer a recarga deberán aprobar, con carácter previo, unha ordenanza fiscal en cuxo procedemento de elaboración se xustifiquen as razóns da esixencia da recarga, e se avalíe o impacto e eficacia da recarga para as finalidades pretendidas, ponderando as cargas administrativas que supón para os establecementos turísticos substitutos do/a contribuínte. No procedemento de elaboración deberá, en particular, garantirse a consulta, participación e audiencia ás organizacións e asociacións representativas do sector turístico sobre os problemas que se pretenden solucionar coa norma; a necesidade e oportunidade da súa aprobación; os obxectivos da norma e as posibles soluciones alternativas.
Na ordenanza asumiranse e determinaranse as competencias de xestión, recadación e inspección, así como a potestade sancionadora.
Na ordenanza determinaranse ademais, de acordo co que se estableza na lei, os posibles tramos anuais da recarga, así como os prazos e a forma para efectuar a correspondente liquidación.
Así mesmo, a ordenanza preverá a constitución, organización e funcións dunha comisión municipal de asesoramento e seguimento da implementación do imposto conformada por persoas representantes do concello, así como por persoas representantes das empresas do sector e asociacións de veciños/as. Esta comisión realizará funcións de asesoramento e seguimento permanente da aplicación do imposto, tendo en conta indicadores como a evolución do nivel de ocupación, o número de prazas turísticas, o rendemento por cada praza ou calquera outro indicador dos sectores turísticos do municipio. A comisión aprobará cada ano un informe de avaliación de impacto da recarga en relación coas finalidades pretendidas coa súa aprobación.

En resumen: 1) se aprueba un impuesto autónomico, pero el 80% de la pasta tiene que ir a promoción turística (incomprensible), 2) el impuesto autonómico estará bonificado al 100% así que recaudará 0, y solo si se hace una nueva evaluación de necesidad y de que no molesta a la hostelería se podrá llegar a cobrar, 3) albergues del Camino de Santiago exentos, 4) y se le da potestad a los ayuntamientos a que impongan un recargo, pero también tienen que gastar el 80% en promoción turística, tienen que evaluar que no moleste a la hostelería, y hacer un seguimiento anual.

Que mierda.

Ke snídani se podává “masoto”😀 Kdo chce, ať si donese misku🐺🐺🐈🐈 #dobréRáno

Today's #SongInMyHead
🎵 J'y Suis Jamais Alle
⭐ Yann Tiersen…

I'm old enough to remember the outrage and hand-wringing from western politicians and media when the Taliban destroyed ancient cultural and religious sites in Afghanistan.

Now? You could hear a pin drop.…

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in reply to Richard Hughes

@hughsie you'll see that I like generating a CSV file with the script that I then let gnuplot render the image from. It makes them two distinct steps that are easy to debug and work on separately.

LA Times owner seems to be in league with Trump, vetoing a Harris endorsement and then letting the campaign use standard-issue lies to smear the paper for something it didn't do.

The editorial page editor quit in protest and she deserves our respect.

She has more courage than the vast majority of our political press corps, which still normalizes Trump and will be culpable if he -- and then Vance -- become America's fascist rulers.…

@LeonianUniverse You might be interested to know that you can play Miriani on the Mac. There is, in fact, a Tintin Miriani soundpack. Have fun.
in reply to Haily Merry

@arqeria @fireborn @gocu54 I don't own a Mac so I technically have no dog in this race. But I thought it'd be cool for my brother who does have one to be able to play muds. I wonder if it is as intuitive on Mac though.
in reply to Rook

@arqeria @fireborn @gocu54 It isn't all the way, I got the pack to work, but my thing is is that is not easy to look at the output window if you need to. Also, TDSR is not VO, so commands like ctrl to stop speech don't work, and it’s not the easiest thing to navigate. That being said, I am still having a great experience with it on the mac regardless.
in reply to LeonianUniverse

@arqeria @gocu54 backspace is teh way to interrupt space, escape also works too. To review the output window, alt u and alt o to go by line. turn off cursor tracking if things are scrolling and you need to read back.
in reply to LeonianUniverse

@arqeria @gocu54 this being said, I've been working on a screen reading solution built in to the pack itself that should, hopefully, make this less of an issue. That is, if you're using the pack I'm working on :d

in reply to aaron

@fireborn It was actually you who showed it to me. I'm still angry. :D

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Ya salió la oferta de empleo público y se vende como si fueran puestos a incorporar mañana. Si está convocada para 2026 y resuelta en 2028 ya será rápido comparado con como suelen ir estas cosas.

For those who want a peek behind the scenes – our #accessibility team’s yearly retrospective notes are all public:…

Highlights of what’s coming up next:

- Accessibility x #django workshop proposals @oscafest and @djangoconafrica 2025
- More testing with our users with disabilities
- More automated tests
- Continue the data-driven accessibility decisions

Český rozhlas zná, právě mi hraje cestou do práce The Cure Friday I'm In Love
To je ale pěkný song při pátku.

🔓Deptali ho kukáním a ponižovali Haškem. Co zažil český velvyslanec v Rusku…

Štěpán Škorpil reshared this.

We moved the Firefox Translations engineering channels from private Slack to a public Matrix channel, and it feels like a breath of fresh air. The project was a bit more closed in its infancy, but now that we are on a good track, everything is defaulting to much more open. This makes me happy.…

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Manchester City 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 zdolal Spartu Praha 5-0 a v ligovej tabuľke sa posúva na 3️⃣. miesto. 🟦UCL🟦
in reply to Pomaranč

To jo, taky od rána Němci o ničem jiném nemluví 😀😀