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Items tagged with: LibAdwaita

I upgraded #GNOME #Calls to #gtk4 + #libadwaita for fun. It's now released in v47.0! Should be available soon in your #LinuxMobile distribution of choice 🚀

Massive thanks to @devrtz, @agx, @brainblasted, and Maximiliano for putting up with my beginner-level GTK skills!

I released #GNOME #Calls 47.0 yesterday 🚀 \o/

This is the first release running #gtk4 and #libadwaita

Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed code, translations and bug reports!

Find the release notes at…

And of course, it has already been uploaded to :debian: 🎉

#LinuxMobile #phosh #Debian #Mobian #Librem5

Upscaler version 1.3.0 was just released! The release is pretty large and includes some nice features and visual improvements:

- Introduce queue system to allow users to upscale images right after the other
- Add branding colors
- Port to latest Adwaita widgets
- Allow dropping remote images
- Allow pasting images from clipboard
- Make window draggable from anywhere
- Delete temporary file when unused
- Switch to Upscayl-NCNN from Real-ESRGAN ncnn Vulkan
- Update and rework translation
- Add Bulgarian translation

Unfortunately, I completely forgot that the GNOME 47 runtime isn't released yet. The update will be available later once the GNOME 47 runtime is out. If you want to try it out, you can build it from source (roughly a few minutes) using GNOME Builder:…

#GNOME #libadwaita #GTK4 #FOSS #OpenSource #OSS #Upscale

A new release of #Multiplex, the app that lets you watch torrents together in a way similar to Apple's SharePlay and Amazon's Prime Video Watch Party, is out!

This brings the latest and greatest #GNOME and #libadwaita technologies, modernizes the underlying dependencies, enhances accessibility, and makes it easier to contribute to the project with improved contributor documentation and a rewrite of the UI markup!

And more is to come soon-ish, so stay tuned 🥳

ported Identity and Video Trimmer to the new css stuff (well, ported is a strong word, there's like 10 lines of css there), so now Video Trimmer is ready for accent colors!

(yeah yeah i know that window needs a design overhaul but for now im too lazy)

#gnome #gtk #libadwaita

comparison of new Nautilus-as-filechooser (left) and the current GTK4 filechooser (right)

(the former being in a GNOME OS VM, the latter not in the VM, but positioned over top of it)

#GTK #GNOME #LibAdwaita

Part five of the file chooser implementation was merged!…

#GNOME #GTK #FOSS #OpenSource #GNOMEFiles #libadwaita

I have released a new version of Exhibit!
- Improved settings with four default configurations for different file types and the possibility to save custom ones
- Bundled four HDRI by default, but more can be added
- Added a button to open the file in an external app
- Automatic reload on file change
- More ways to color models
- Improved point cloud support
- Updated F3D to latest version

Get it on #Flathub:…

#GNOME #GTK #Libadwaita

GNOME Calendar users, rejoice!

After 7 months of pain and suffering, we finally reworked the event details popover, which will be available in GNOME 47!

The new event details popover builds on top of the existing UI/code, while adding a few improvements and behavioral changes:

  • The popover displays the changes-prevent (lock) icon when the event is read-only.
  • Each section is properly separated with separators, with equal amount of margins.
  • Location and Meetings section are mutually exclusive; only one is shown.
  • When an event has no event note, the popover will always explicitly display that there's no event description.
  • The action button adapts its icon and tooltip text depending on the event permission.…

#GNOME #GNOMECalendar #GTK #libadwaita #GTK4

@antoniof has been doing some fantastic work on the new Nautilus file chooser. We're finally getting to a point where we'll be shipping a usable adaptive file chooser upstream.

(NOTE: this is still not merged, and I'm showcasing the current state of the WIP branches)

#GNOME #nautilus #libadwaita

Binary 0.3 is officially out!

New features and improvements include:

  • Conversions to and from octal (base 8) numbers
  • A cleaner headerbar with flat dropdowns for the base selectors.
  • Reworked number conversions to be more reliable and quicker.
  • Added translations for Finnish and German.

Get it now from Flathub

#GNOME #GNOMEapps #libadwaita #binary

Over the last months, we've completely redesigned and rewritten @dino 's accounts and settings dialogs. The dialogs are combined into a single one now, which is adaptive and offers additional features like an option for OMEMO by default. The rewrite also resolves a number of issues and feature requests that were raised with the old implementation. It's still work in progress and will require further polishing.

#dino #xmpp #gtk #libadwaita

First part of the Nautilus file chooser implementation by @antoniof was merged!!!…

#GNOME #GTK #Nautilus #GNOMEFiles #libadwaita

Update on #Actions, my desktop automation app :blobfoxcomputer:

I've added some basic actions, variables, input/output values and documentation for each one.

#Linux #GNOME #Libadwaita

New article: "Libadwaita: Splitting GTK and Design Language"…

#GNOME #GTK #Libadwaita #OpenSource #FOSS #Linux #GTK4 #Development

I think I might have found a way to run and distribute #GTK4/ #libadwaita apps (without Broadway) locally on an Android device 👀

Dear GNOME, GTK and friend developers 🧑‍💻 :gnome:

Have you ever encountered an issue with #Blueprint? Please file an issue, and we'll look at it for Blueprint 1.0…

We aim for supporting all GTK builder syntax and 100% XML↔Blueprint porting compatibility.

#GTK #GNOME #libadwaita

Check out the latest blog post on the #swiftlang website about the #adwaita for #swift package!

You can find the repo on GitHub:…

#linux #libadwaita #gnome #gtk

#Tuba v0.7.0 is now available, with many new features and bug fixes!

✨ Highlights:
- Filter handling and editing
- User and Post reporting
- AdwDialogs (thanks
- Tracking parameter stripping on paste (thanks
- 1:1 character counting with Mastodon
- Syntax highlighting

As always, there are too many changes to list here, if you're more interested, check out the full release changelog:…

#GTK #GNOME #Vala #libadwaita #mastodev

After my birthday passed, I'm working on a Banner Previewer and, honestly, despite being simple, it's one of the coolest things I've ever done.

It's still WIP:…

#GTK #GNOME #Python #Libadwaita

Alright I think I'm finally happy with the Workbench 46 demo for AdwDialog 🛠️

It's such a cool primitive for building adaptive apps. I hope the blob cat will make some people smile 😄

#GNOME #GTK #libadwaita #Linux #development

Dedicated to @alice and @tbernard 🎁

I added support for libadwaita AlertDialog to Blueprint

That's all that should be needed to support GNOME 46 changes…

#GNOME #libadwaita #gtk

Playing with the new libadwaita dialog in Workbench

I didn't expect AdwDialog to render and behave fine in the preview

There are issues with auto-reload - might have to move it to a separate preview window but I'm having fun until then.

#GNOME #GTK #libadwaita

Workbench 45.4 is out 🛠️…

• Restore on-disk projects on start
• Restore scroll and cursor positions on format and Run
• Add "Copy" and "Select All" to Console
• Add Vala formatter support
• Add WebP image format support
• Library: Add "Context Menu" demo
• Library: Add "HTTP Server" demo
• Library: 12 demos ported to Python, 4 to Vala and 2 to Rust

Happy hacking / learning / prototyping

#Linux #development #GTK #GNOME #libadwaita #Rust #JavaScript #Python #Vala

Currently working on two #gnome apps!

- Scripter: A simple app for basic scripts ⌨️ & calculations 📐 [GitHub:…]
- Flashcards: Create, edit, and study flashcard sets 🎓 - easily import your existing Quizlet sets [GitHub:…]

Both are written in #swift using an interface similar to #swiftui for #gtk and #libadwaita [GitHub:]

Ok, I guess everything is ready?

Let's try it:
Consider it a test stream - this is a very different setup than what I use for games, and well, this is the first time I'm streaming libadwaita work.


So I've been working with GTK4/Libadwaita in Python (in Flatpak), and I'm trying to get notifications to work.

I keep getting this error: "gi.repository.GLib.GError: g-io-error-quark: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.Notifications: Timeout was reached (24)"

Am I missing Flatpak overrides? (Docs seem to say no… )

Am I doing this wrong? (Code at… )

#AskFedi #GTK4 #Python #LibAdwaita #gnome #Programming

Are you interested in working on GNOME, writing Rust apps, or working with Fonts? If so, you may be interested in taking a look at… :)

This port may take a while, and I greatly appreciate any help available. I've laid out a list of tasks to be done before merging, and if anyone wants to take something on let me know and we can work together.

If you want to help with the effort, please join on Matrix :) (

(boosts appreciated)

#GNOME #Rust #Fonts #gtk-rs #gtk4 #libadwaita

it's been some time since the last Muzika update, but I (and some people that joined along the way) didn't stop working on it.

A few changes:

1. Column view for playlists & albums on larger screens

2. Decent (not perfect) mobile support

3. All links are now underlined for better visibility/a11y

4. Simplified code & improved perf (not yet perfect)

5. We now have flatpak builds (CI)

6. The app now supports translations

etc, etc.

see it at

#gnome #gtk #libadwaita

Just added support for different gradient types to @fkinoshita's Vibrant app. Happy designing!

#GNOME #libadwaita #GTK

Today I released Footage; the simplest tool to crop, trim, rotate, flip, mute, and export your video to a format of your choice. It's now available on flathub!…

#gtk #gnome #libadwaita

If you're interested in using Typescript for GNOME apps, you can now use the new Typescript SDK Extension. I've also published a Typescript Template you can use as a starting point for your apps.


#gnome #typescript #libadwaita #flatpak

Ever wondered how the #GTK4 file picker looks without #libadwaita? Take a look at Transmission. Click on the Open button and it should open the GTK4 file picker without libadwaita.
