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When nobody want the feature, include it in the base and increase the price to at least offset the cost:

Microsoft is bundling its AI-powered Office features into Microsoft 365 subscriptions…

Any cryptographers who are sad about the post-quantum competitions coming to an end and looking for a new problem, here's one I've seen in a few places:

There's a trend towards end-to-end encryption for all datacentre interconnects (no plaintext on the wire, for any wire that leaves the CPU package). This includes things like PCIe, 100 GigE, and so on. As a result, we're rapidly approaching a world where there's over 1 Tb/s of encrypted traffic flowing in and out of every node.

At this rate, bit flips are inevitable somewhere (especially when you scale this up to a datacentre size). This leads to a couple of problems. The first one is bit flips on the wire.

The integrity tags in AES will catch these, but if you need to retransmit that's very painful (the bandwidth-delay product means the buffer sizes get huge), so ideally you want to bake in some forward error correction after encryption. But now you're reducing data rates.

Problem 1:

Can you design an integrity scheme for a symmetric cypher that also provides error correction, is easy to implement in hardware, and does not provide an oracle. I honestly have no idea whether this is even theoretically possible.

Beyond that, the AES engines are hot. Encrypting at even 10 Gb/s consumes a fair bit of power (Problem 0: Can you design a symmetric cypher that can be implemented in 10% of the power of AES in a hardware implementation?). This means that bit flips can occur in the middle of the encryption. These will corrupt the data but may have valid integrity tags.

Problem 2:

Can you design a symmetric cypher such that the integrity tag calculation can be computed in a pipeline that's independent of the main encryption (without duplicating a load of work or massively increasing the number of calculations) such that a bit flip in either pipeline will cause the integrity checks to fail?

Currently, I believe the work around for this is to add forward error correction before encrypting, such that a single block failing can be small, but that also adds a lot of overhead (i.e. lower bandwidth).

Problem 3:

Can you build a cypher scheme with both of these properties? Integrity tags permit error correction and can be computed cheaply in an independent pipeline so that they can catch bit flips during encryption.

I wish I was a #bot, not a #human. Whenever I get a #captcha, the #AI bots can all solve it just fine. I, being a #blind human, cannot.
in reply to Samuel Proulx

Tell me about these AI bots that can solve captchas. Clearly we need to package one as an NVDA add-on, browser extension, or something.
in reply to Samuel Proulx

Also, the #AI#bots have more rights than us #blind humans. Blind folks had to fight for years and years for copyright exemptions that would allow us to access and read books. The AI bots are just allowed to read as many books as they want, and swallow entire libraries whole. Yup; I'd definatly be better off as a bot.

Na druhou stranu, šestiprstá kytarová sóla od umělých inteligencí by mohla nabízet určitou konkurenční výhodu...
in reply to Chao-c'

😀😀 Jj už žádné cikánské G s palcem, pěkně šesti prsty, šest strun.
in reply to Archos

@archos to už jsem u akordů, ale vlastně to je to samé. Prostě technologická singularita přinese samé nečekané nástrahy...
in reply to Chao-c'

Mimozemšťané, kteří v roce 70 naprogramovali Paco de Lucia, nepotřebovali 6 prstů.…

If Trudeau gave half a rats fuck about foreign interference in Canada X would already be banned.


I just read this in a newsletter and thought it worth quoting and sharing. "I suggest that instead you keep your focus on all that is good in your life, and what matters most to you. I came across this quote from Maya Angelou that is perfect for this moment in our history:

My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your tender heart."

Saw a YouTube short asking Kamala voters if they would date a Trump voter, and all the women go:

Eh, no. This is a person who has literally voted to put me at risk.

One white guy: sure! We need to tolerate that people have different opinions.

That right there.

Harm that doesn’t happen to you.
You can tolerate it because it doesn’t happen to you.

it should be even more obvious now that there are clear use cases for private, censorship-resistant ways to transfer money.

it should also be obvious that "crypto industry" grifters who are backing trump don't give two shits about that & are cozying up to fascists for profit

in reply to Evan Greer 🏳️‍⚧️

like, i never wanna hear liberals say shit like "there is no legitimate use case for private money" in a country that is on the cusp of criminalizing all reproductive and gender affirming care

i also never wanna hear crypto industry lobbyists claim to care about privacy while backing authoritarians

A comment from a non-native Finnish speaker made me realise today that our word for a fire, "tulipalo", is a compound word made from "tuli" and "palo", which both also mean fire. It's a fire fire.


Intel Brings Back Workers' Free Coffee To Boost Morale…

7️⃣ Here's the 7th post highlighting key new features of the upcoming v257 release of systemd. #systemd257

The graphical login prompt you see when your computer boots up is a sensitive UI: typically, when starting to work, without much thinking you'll type in your username and password, expecting it to log you in and provide you with your desktop session. However, what if someone just opened a website in a browser in full screen mode with contents that just *looks* like your login screen, …

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I made an experiment. Went to YouTube front page, blocked all the AI/crypto scam ads that popped up and then refreshed the page. They stopped coming after 13 iterations during which I blocked 17 different ads.

I'd really love to know how much of the ad business is made up of scams, because it feels like it's a lot.

in reply to Gabriele Svelto

they fake numbers to charge more. They claim to target, they don't. Etc. Two different scams going at once.

Emigration is not a good way of avoiding authoritarian regimes. Sometimes its necessary, especially if the regime is turning violent

But emigrating from one authoritarian state to another will usually leave you genuinely worse off and being a foreigner in even a progressive state is always going to be a very vulnerable position.

Most countries will also outright refuse to give you a work visa if you are too old or disabled.

in reply to Alexander Cobleigh

The problem I see is that if the community puts their trust in the one sysadmin they have, and that sysadmin turns out to be unreliable, then that might do more harm than if the community members either hosted things for themselves or depended on a well-run, reliable corporate service. I'm thinking about this as I consider taking on that community hosting responsibility for my sister and some of her friends.

Dystopian fiction is written as a warning, not an instruction manual.

I don’t know what the experience of others has been but until the most recent update, I wasn’t able to get VoiceOver to read responses from the ChatGPT app on a Mac. Today, you can kind of read the text, although all the text is reported as one object and any attempt to interact to read in detail doesn’t read anything.

New blog post! 📝

"My anti-overlay client letter" — I'm often asked about accessibility overlays, and this is the email I send to clients when that discussion gets serious.

It may be helpful to others making the case against overlays and laying down the facts.…

#webdev #accessibility

“The world is made up of herbivores and carnivores. If we decide to remain herbivores, the carnivores win.”

— French President Emmanuel Macron after the US reelection of Donald Trump, November 7, 2024.

in reply to Randahl Fink

Interesting perspective... There are many types of power, and Trump/Musk are just one.

"The thing that nobody tells you is that you can buy a real human skull online (shoutout to We did that, and then CT scanned it."


I must say, going into the business of selling real human skulls, and then deciding on as a domain is a particular kind of person.

I want to meet this person (under the promise they wont do anything to my currently-in-use skull)

This triggers me so hard.

(Both, that here are two versions of the same resource online, and that they use different dashes in the navigation.)

If not already done, create your account on the European Parliament's portal and don't miss this one : Petition No 0729/2024 by N. W. (Austrian) on the implementation of an EU-Linux operating system in public administrations across all EU countries
Home | PETI | Committees | European Parliament…

Elwood Edwards, Voice of AOL's 'You've Got Mail,' Dead at 74…

in reply to Ben

Reminds me of the story of a father / daughter conversation:

Dad: "Today is Presidents Day, do you know what that is?”

Daughter: “Yes. If the President comes out and sees his own shadow, we'll have four more years of this bullshit.”

Honk and Bonk
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

#curl is now officially running more than 200 CI jobs per PR.

Most of them run about 2000 tests each.

Almost 400K test runs in total.


treefit reshared this.

in reply to Johan Lindskogen

Most of them complete within 20 minutes, typically all of them within 30 minutes. But we have worked HARD recently to get hem down to this. Used to be multiple hours.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

That’s really impressive. We’re lucky if our iOS build completes within 45 mins.

Good morning my friends. It is coffee O'clock, and three scoops have been sivved through the filter into a 12-cup pot. It is now time to pour the first of many cups to come.

Best Operating Systems for the Raspberry Pi…

The Mozilla Blog: Help us improve our alt text generation model…

The Mozilla Blog: We asked why you love Firefox. Here’s what you said.…

8 Surprising Ways to Repurpose an Old Raspberry Pi…

Lenovo Exec Ada Lopez Talks Product Diversity Office, Accessibility, Bettering Society In Interview…

Due to technical problems, uploading images with MapComplete is not possible right now. We are working on a fix.
in reply to MapComplete

Uploading works again. It was a stupid bug..
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Two Classic Doctor Who Stories Starring Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor Disappear From BBC iPlayer…

-Perdona, no me enteré que me llamaste porque tenía el móvil en "modo Mazón".

dostal som päťku z Informatiky a neviem alebo nepamätám si z čoho/prečo, to bude omyl :kekw:
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Angličtinu mám odovzdať do nedele si myslím (myslím si to preto že to mám odovzdať do konca prvého novembrového týždňa, ale čo je prvý novembrový týždeň? bol do minulej nedele alebo je to prvý týždeň až do tejto?)

edit: podla mňa to bol prvý víkend nie týždeň

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@Lucinek no opýtal som sa prečo a bola mi opravená na trojku, podotokol som že materiály mám prečítané a síce stále to neviem. Tak ja už fakt neviem.

V nemocnici plyne čas nějak úplně jinak, než venku.
in reply to Archos

no furt to stejné, ale už mám bublinu vypuštěnou a plíci znova nafouknutou, tak to snad bude v pořádku...
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Finde es ja ein wenig nervig, jetzt hier aus allen Ecken zu lesen, wie doof es doch ist, als Politiker auf X stattzufinden. Stellt sich heraus, dass Wahlkampf auf Mastodon alleine echt witzlos ist, wenn man potenziell über 80.000.000 Menschen erreichen muss. Face it: Die meisten Menschen sind auf den großen, kommerziellen Plattformen unterwegs und beziehen ihre Inhalte auch dort. Kann man aus verschiedenen Gründen kacke finden, ist angesichts der Ausgangssituation aber vielleicht gerade mal egal, dass nicht das eigene Lieblingsnetzwerk benutzt wird. Am Ende gehq es um Öffentlichkeit und die findet hier nicht ansatzweise groß genug statt und wird es vielleicht auch nie. Denkbar ungünstig also für jemanden der Kanzler werden möchte.
in reply to FediVerseExplorer

@fexplorer Und wie viele Beispiele kennst du sonst noch aus dem Bauch heraus, bei denen es so ist? Mir fällt ehrlich keins ein und bei Trump liegt es vermutlich daran, weil es die Spirale des Irrsinns lustig weiter dreht, seine merkwürdigen Theorien von dort zu zitieren.