My Fediverse Advice:
* Follow more people. No, even more people than that. Basically, if you find a real person and their posts are good follow 'em
* If you get a good reply to a post boost it. If you make a good reply to a post boost it. Replies are not visible in the feed unless you do this. As long as the post is an OK start to a conversation or interesting boost it.
* Write thoughtful replies. And if you put effort into a reply boost it or probably only the people tagged will see it.
Once, I was a young girl. I was living life as we all do. But attention was missing from my life, love was missing from my life. I was alone. I had my mental issues, and my disabilities, as I do today.
But there was one thing I had wrong, which I realised while I was reading the book I started reading yesterday.
the grasping mind.
the mind that, for all intends and purposes, wants more, craves more, grasps for money, power, wealth, even love. A mind that is not content with what it has. Such a mind, I understood, suffers. Not because it exists, not because it is there, but because of not appreciating, not being contend or satisfied with what it has.
I looked for attention, love, validation. These things never came to me. I craved them, I grasped for them. Money came, material wealth came, but not these things. Why?
Because craving them, grasping for them, is what caused the suffering. The suffering in me, which went away only when I let go of grasping, of craving, of desiring. then my mind learned to appreciate what it has. I understood that I didn't have to go through what I went through, while I grasped for these things. Through all the fakeness and the hardships my own mind and suffering deluded me to believe were true. I simply had to be patient, I had to learn to let go, I had to learn to appreciate. To me, material things were never an attachment, but people were, feelings were. They were not real, they were attachments. And when learns to let go of attachment, one realises who had true feelings, who wished to be there when you suffered, who stayed through the times when you want to express that you suffer, through the times you change, and then heal. through the times when you want to be you, to live, free from all the suffering, free from all the delusions your own mind puts you through, and when you want to change, when you can no longer bare it, the universe, life, destiny, however you wish to call it, will show you the way, whether through someone, or through something. Your guide will always be there. Your guide will make you aware, without lifting a finger, to what true, unconditional love is, and what attachment is. Because it's all you, they just show you what you have missed, what you have not considered.
The moral of my story is, do not seek, do not grasp, do not crave and desire. Let go of what the ego puts you through, do not harm yourself. Through harming one's self, we are able to harm others by harming our own selves, by suffering, by losing awareness, and by living in the delusional reality our mind sets for us. We can change our mind, it's not impossible. We are not born one way, we can change, we can develop, we can learn. I have accepted my past. Even if people hate or dislike me, it is their choice to do so. I have already forgiven myself, forgiven others. I only hope that if another I know goes through the same conclusions, we'll meet one day, and talk again, already changed, already having acknowledge suffering, let go of the grasping mind we once had. I hope this messily written story serves as someone's inspiration, because it could apply to money, to relationships, to people, to everything. thank you for reading, stay safe, be understanding and compassionate, love yourselves and others, the planet and the universe.
Does anyone know about Helmholtz machines, or similar, and would be open to me asking a couple of questions?
I do experimental cognitive psychology and they're outside my expertise, and I think my questions are the type that are hard to answer through reading individual papers myself but should be simple for someone who is familiar with the higher level assumptions and norms of the field.
#academicChatter #predictiveProcessing #cognitiveScience #cogsci
Cvičení "Core Killer"/10min 💙❤️💪
Začal jsem cvičit. I když to ukrutně bolí. Bolí to, jako když jsem poprvé cvičil v RÚ Kladruby (u Vlašimi). Začínám zase od začátku, ale já to zvládnu. Nechci se odevzdat, vzdát to, jen pro to, že to bolí a ještě to bolet bude.
A pak půjdu na ten cílený opich do páteře a to mi zase na čas pomůže. Nevzdám to...
Gary Moore - Wild Frontier (1987)…
reshared this
What came back was the image pdf embedded in a word document.…
Vlivný muž ODS chtěl k Bartošovi dosadit svého člověka na digitalizaci
Vlivný člen ODS Zdeněk Zajíček nabízel Ivanu Bartošovi na pozici náměstka pro digitalizaci sobě blízkého člověka. Bartoš se podle informací Deníku N následně obrátil na BIS, která mu jej ale nedoporučila.Zdislava Pokorná (Deník N)
A taky hodně nových zážitků z nemocnice
Update tady:…
#Europa necesita de inversiones para detener la caida del empleo
Para ello decidio imponer #aranceles a ¿todos? los #vehiculos que no se fabriquen en la #UnionEuropea lo que esta afectando de manera muy dispar a la #industria
Todas las fabricantes de #China deberan pagar al menos el doble y hasta 3 veces mas que la fabricante de #EEUU, #Tesla
Algunos articulos mencionan cifras, pero ninguno se atreve a poner toda la informacion sobre la mesa: ¿Cuantas ayudas reciben las marcas locales y cuanta reciben las extranjeras en sus paises de origen? ¿Reciben directa o indirectamente las locales (a traves de filiales o empresas mixtas) ayudas en los otros paises?
De esto NO SE HABLA UNA SOLA PALABRA en los medios
Lo ironico de esta medida que intenta ayudar a las fabricantes locales, ha sido que todas en su conjunto estan en contra... gracias a esto, #Volkswagen anuncio el cierre no de 2, sino de 3 plantas, #BMW y #MercedesBenz tambien tienen en sus planes reducir su produccion drasticamente, #Stellantis que habia llegado a acuerdos con la empresa asiatica #LeapMotor se estaria quedando sin nada entre las manos y arriesgando a tener que cerrar casi la mitad de su portafolios, porque las empresas chinas estan virando y bajandose de sus planes de inversiones para el viejo continente
Gracias a los aranceles, mas de 10 proyectos de fabricas que se estaban teniendo por seguras en #España, #Belgica, #Polonia, #Italia, #Francia, etc han sido detenidas por las empresas asiaticas, las que probablemente se concentren en #Turquia y otros paises con los cuales la #UE tiene acuerdos de Cero Aranceles
Con estos planes cayendose a las puertas del horno... mas de 1 millon de puestos de trabajo en la Comunidad Europea corren el riesgo de quedar en el paro de manera definitiva
Let's not make life easy for them 😉
Use post-quantum encryption 🔒
Tuta Launches Post Quantum Cryptography For Email | Tuta
Tuta Mail enables TutaCrypt, a protocol to exchange messages using quantum-safe encryption.Tuta
Habe einen bezahlten Account und möchte eine eigene Domain einrichten. Der Einrichtungs-Assistent zeigt mir bei den DNS-Records nur einen Teil des TXT-Eintrages, der für die Verifizierung der eigenen Domain erforderlich ist. Ich kann den Eintrag auch nicht kopieren. Hat jemand einen Tipp?
Bei @Tutanota habe ich nichts dazu gefunden.
Monthly community call!
We had another community call yesterday, in which we discussed the following points: The current priorities: autodownload improvements, issues with streaming jumping back and forth, player screen improvements.AntennaPod Forum
You can, although we cannot guarantee it'll reach the folks who could implement it. Best place to do it is on But throw it out – you're probably not the only one with that idea and we might just have a link for you to an existing request 😉
AntennaPod Forum
The official forum for AntennaPod, an open-source Podcast Manager for Android.AntennaPod Forum
We actually already have something along those lines. It's called 'Smart shuffle'. You'll find that option here: Queue > Three dots in top bar > Sort. For details on how it works, have a look here:…
Hope that helps!
Rework smart shuffle by ByteHamster · Pull Request #6030 · AntennaPod/AntennaPod
The current smart shuffle algorithm does not work well in cases when you have one podcast with many episodes in your queue. Currently, it calculates a "spread" value for each podcast, dep...GitHub
So I’ve had over a year or not being able to upload videos or add alt text using Toot!
Switched to Ice Cubes and it works first time.
But I’ve also noticed I have a shit ton of ‘filtered notifications’ that I got no visibility whatsoever of while using Toot!
Gonna take some getting used to, but here I am.
An unanticipated oasis of calm this morning with Father And Son, the Album by Art Garfunkel jr.
The good wife springs into music madness from November, weekends from now on are a chaotic wirlwind of cleaning, shopping, rearranging and generally making ready for the festive period with routine background music accompanyment.
So to hear a voice from my youth, aged and blended with his son, was a bit of unexpected variety.
We're now suffering through Together At Home by Boe and Ball, but you can't have it all.
remember alphachip, a 2021 google paper that claimed that their RL-based methods outperformed the state-of-the-art methods for chip macro placement?
according to this new meta-analysis, their results dont replicate and are full of errors. there's also been allegations of fraud 👀
- Me da asco. (23%, 4 votes)
- Es un crimen. (23%, 4 votes)
- Lo odio. (17%, 3 votes)
- No soy persona, me gusta el almíbar. (35%, 6 votes)
modulux reshared this.
And the "purebrew" project still continues to upgrade packages on this ancient Mac MIni 2014:
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/llvm/19.1.3: 8,041 files, 1.8GB, built in 892 minutes 46 seconds
Apple, you’re doing the Dynamic Island wrong
I love the idea of Dynamic Island; making lemons into lemonade and all that. But, in my opinion, Apple have got the fundamentals mixed up.tempertemper
Seeing AI Can Now Describe Videos | Vision Ireland
By Joe Lonergan If you are a user of the Seeing AI app from Microsoft you will know how great an app it is for describing items, images, currency, colours, ...Sean Doran (Vision Ireland)
A New Chapter: Welcome to - Dr. Kirk Adams
Explore Dr. Kirk Adams' new website, a central hub for insights on disability inclusion, accessibility, and diversity. Discover blogs, podcasts, webinars, and resources that inspire change and promote inclusivity. Visit now and join the conversation!Dr. Kirk Adams
If you've been looking for that next semi-cheap music-making fix but haven't decided what to get, consider Ableton Move.
If you look at the official videos, literature and documentation, you'd be fooled into thinking that it's not actually accessible. This is incorrect.
It runs a web-server for helping you manage samples,recordings and sets, but it also has an undocumented screen-reader which I demonstrate in this video.
Next to Komplete Kontrol, I can say that this has been the most innovative, fun and game-changing piece of hardware I've owned and I thoroughly enjoy working with it.
#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview)
Excerpt from Peter Kirn's blog about Move:
‘How do I access Move with a screen reader?
Andre Louis has a walkthrough for you, as pointed out here in comments! And as always, it’s terrific. This is honestly worth a watch for sighted users, too, to understand how these interactions work – and it’s required viewing if you work in instrument design.’
#Ableton #AbletonMove #Accessibility
#ScreenReader #A11y #Blind
Ableton Move guide: tips, tricks, questions answered, hacks - CDM Create Digital Music
Move, the all-new compact all-in-one hardware platform from Ableton, got your attention - whether you loved it, hated it, or just weren't sure.Peter Kirn (CDM Create Digital Music)
Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺
in reply to Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺 • • •