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Part of studying and teaching means: organizing knowledge. Our apps help you do just that. For a relaxed start into the new term, we have a 40 percent discount for you, only until September 15th, 2024. #devonthink #devonagent #backtoschool #discount #students #educators #education #academia #pkm #pressrelease

I made a graph to review all of my past relationships...

It has an ex axis and a why axis.

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As the #AI hype train continues, the threat it poses to #privacy continues to grow. 🤖

Fortunately, @noybeu is fighting back! 💪 💪 💪

What are your biggest concerns about how AI will impact your privacy? Let us know in the comments!

in reply to Tuta

today's devices come with an AI processor integrated. On my computer I have disabled it from UEFI settings. However, there is no such method on mobile devices. This means that I will never be able to upgrade my phone or computer.

It is a generally valid statement that AI can not be trusted, given that it can take its own decisions. So in order to actually benefit from it for specific use cases like photography etc, we have to be able to put hardware limitations on it.

in reply to Tuta

My biggest concern is that service providers of all kinds will jump on the bandwagon and implement existing AI tools (e.g. ChatGPT or others) without giving them much thought or taking precautions.

Currently, the implementation of AI in search engines is very popular. It is important that this is not done by default and that every input is not passed on to the AI tool without being asked.

You can use the tool on a voluntary basis if you are aware of the consequences.

I went to the #CNE #CanadianNationalExhibbition today. I’m appropriately drained from body surfing the waves of overwhelming nostalgia! The pleasant sensory overload of the Midway evoked so many of my best childhood memories: I had no special urge to test my aging nervous system on the rides other than the cable car today, but I ate deep fried Oreos, a root beer float, and part of one of those fried onion flower shaped things.

I want to like starmourn. I really do. But it feels like you need 300 IQ to understand ship piloting and combat, and it's required for multiple story missions.
in reply to Mike Breedlove

It's designed to be scripted to high hell. It was not my cup of tea at all.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn I had to make a few aliases to not rip my hair out. Now I'm back to the fun part of the game, combat.

Obchodný cestujúci Škrovina má sa ihneď vrátiť do Bratislavy, lebo mu zomrela manželka.

Ak vám to nič nehovorí, skúsim známejšie: Začnite s vysťahovaním

Chcem veriť, že konšpiračné heslá už nebudeme potrebovať, preto nemôže nikdy zabudnúť, že o slobodu sa dá prísť veľmi rýchlo a cesta k nej býva dlhá a krvavá.



📎 It looks like you are trying to destroy capitalism. Would you like some help with that?

Oh no bitwarden what the hell did you do to your website?
<a aria-label="go to…" data-testid="cta-link" class="plausible-event-name=navigation+drop+menu+click plausible-event-button=products+pm+personal ......

It keeps going on and on. And the result? A menu that reads like this to a screen reader:

link go to…
link go to
link go to

Can we collectively add a thing to VS Code that pops up a really big warning when you control s any file that has aria-label in it that says "You probably don't wanna do this!" and won't let you proceed until you enter a very good reason for why you did this, which is then inspectable in the html source for all of us to see?

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in reply to Talon

I think chrome should have some basic screen reader built into the dev tools to make it testable
in reply to Piggo

@piggo it actually used to have one! But really, windows has one, mac has one, linux has one that works with chromium and firefox browsers. So I doubt having a screen reader in Chrome would have made them care enough to try before production.
in reply to Talon

It would lower the barrier a lot, I tried twice to wrap my head around Orca and gave up. I for sure don't have the motivation like someone like you who actually needs it, but it's amazingly obscure
in reply to Piggo

@piggo on windows you press control windows enter, and on mac you press command f5. On most linux distros you should be able to turn it on with super s, or super alt s. Anything after that is actually using the screen reader itself, which is sadly necessary to test functionality meant for screen readers. Building one into Chrome probably won't help you here as it would need to be similarly complex. Otherwise, the functionality you're testing for would be missing in the screen reader. But in Bitwarden's case, turning on any screen reader, focusing the website and pressing tab a bunch would have caught this problem.
in reply to Talon

@piggo that said though, I believe chrome's dev tools have an accessibility inspector which should have also definitely made this pretty obvious, no screen reader required.
in reply to Talon

@piggo ah well I'm trying it now and that does not seem to be quite as obvious as I expected. I'm still really confused as to how aria labels like that could happen though. I don't really understand.
in reply to Talon

I see something called lighthouse in the dev tools and it marks aria as passed, it's just happy it even is there
in reply to Piggo

@piggo yeah that is very unfortunate actually, because the aria is completely useless. Something that automated testing just won't catch I suppose since it wouldn't know what a good label would be.
in reply to Talon

@piggo the confusing bit is somebody somewhere decided the full URL of each page, including querystrings and all, would be a good aria label.
in reply to Talon

I don't think there was any conscious process behind this, probably just a mistake (variable link vs label or such)
in reply to Piggo

@piggo yup, probably something component related as that HTML definitely does not look remotely hand written.
in reply to Talon

Just a reminder that although not in the extension's description, @jcsteh's AxSHammer has the ability to kill all aria-label.

Having been off work for a few days with covid and a respiratory infection I thought I'd try and update my Mantis. I use it mostly for work of course, but they regularly trumpet its efficiency for reading books.
Still no ePub support, sadly.

Hmm, tak sharewarová kvóta pro bezplatné použití #DeepL se zjevně vyčerpala. Nahodil jediný, který jsem měl v záloze a zjevně to pomohlo.

Prosím uživatele #fcz, jestli by mi nemohli přispět svoje free API tokeny do pošty. Hlavně ty, kteří ten překlad intenzivně používají...

in reply to Archos

@archos Zrovna dneska to má nějaké potíže a spousty tootů to nepobere 🙁.
in reply to Tritol

Já jsem zatím jen na aplikaci a tam bez problémů. Tak snad to bude v pohodě.

google search: "east coast canada road trip"

5 out of 6 results: "Here's an epic road trip through NB, NS, and PEI !!1"

kinda forgot someone there, eh bud? arguably two someones?

in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub NFLD definitely; I was also thinking Gaspésie if people are headed out that way, even though QC isn't generally considered an "East Coast" province
in reply to Rick Scott 🏳️‍⚧️

when we did our East-Coast trip, we didn't go to NFLD as the ferry was a problem... (travelling with a dog)
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub absolutely, and even without pup, it's still a relatively big chunk of time to invest since the ferry is basically a full travel day on its own. but you'd think that people would mention that instead of just pretending it doesn't exist

This is a sweet deal for the most powerful password manager. Protect your whole family with a free trial of 1Password for Families…

I've learned something new today: the file extension of .webp. I was working with images and I came across this extension. I did not know what these files were.
A file with a .webp extension is an image file format developed by Google, known as WebP. It is designed to provide superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. WebP images are typically smaller in size compared to traditional image formats like JPEG or PNG, while maintaining similar or better quality. This makes them ideal for use on websites, as they can help reduce page load times and bandwidth usage.

~150g bielkovín, sacharidov neviem ale málo... za včerajšok, to nie je zlé

ISC is hiring!

Do you have what it takes to provide support for users of our BIND 9 and Kea DHCP software?

The position is fully remote and members of underrepresented communities are encouraged to apply.

Check it out at…, or look at our open positions anytime at !

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AI crypto tokens wobble as Nvidia posts good but not good enough earnings - AI-related tokens slumped as Nvidia’s Q2 earnings beat Wall Street estim... -… #lisaabramowicz #wallstreet #edludlow #nvda
in reply to NV Access

@NVAccess Again, this is an automated account without anyone checking its posting, sadly I just mute them and move on.

už ide bomby ty vole, všetci tu zhoríme 🏴‍☠️
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Make titles in map screen a little nicer.

Want to get involved with iAccessibility and help to build the community? Send us a private message, and let us know how you can assist. We are always looking for new talent to build the community.

Clear your calendars for a digital accessibility extravaganza. Axe-con 2025 is coming!…

Voy a dar una segunda oportunidad a @AntennaPod. Nunca desinstalé esta gran aplicación para Android, pero hace cosa de un mes que volví a Pocket Casts porque en Antennapod se dio un error recurrente en la reproducción. No obstante, debo reconocer que Antennapod es realmente bonita y funcional. Hay que volver.
in reply to Absolute Beginner 🏳️‍⚧️

We're hoping to address the playback issues (jumping back/forward when streaming) in the upcoming release. Clearly our previous attempts at fixing it didn't work.
More info:…

¿Sabíais que puedes exportar tu base de datos de @AntennaPod a un fichero SQLite y hacer #ArqueologiaPodcastil?

Muestra en qué orden agregaste los #podcasts, así que he podido ver con que podcast empece y cuales siguen activos.

También puedes ver que etiquetas le has puesto, la velocidad de reproducción, cuanto saltas al principio y final de cada episodio, si tienen etiqueta funding, idioma, autor, entre otras cosas.

Bueno y el total de feeds/podcast que he añadido, que son 203, aunque quitando las pruebas de los míos propios serán 200.

La aplicación que he usado desde Flatpak es: DB Browser for SQLite

Las cosas que descubres revisando podcast para los premios #ASESPOD @verdugo789 :lego_wink:

En el ALTtext están los 65 primeros que agregué desde 2019. Por si queréis ideas de podcast para verano.

PD: Un abrazo virtual a los podcaster del principio de la lista, espero que les vaya bien aunque no graben ya.

#RecomiendaPodcasts #Podcasting

Does @AntennaPod offer the ability to send a #podcast or podcast episode to someone who also uses #AntennaPod, so that it opens directly in the app? 🤔
in reply to ıpuɐɯznʞ

Podcast: yes (if they have the app installed). Episode: not yet (but we hope to in the future)

Poláci chtějí zrušit televizní poplatky. Nový zákon vyřeší víc problémů najednou…

Krásné čtvrteční #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse
Tak konečně je tady zasloužený poslední pracovní den v srpnu, nějak se to táhlo ten týden, ale těch pár hodin už snad uteče.🙂

Dobré ránko a prima cvrček slůňátka 😘 🍀 🌞 není nad to plnit si sny ☝️ 😀

If you know the C language and you like looking at stuff in a hex editor, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out ImHex.

Well, if you've ever wondered why Unix systems have both /bin and /usr/bin, and why users are under /home and not the logically-named /usr, here's your answer:…

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@kevinctofel Worked at Bell Labs in 1980’s, we ran Unix on a VAX 11/780 so no need for directory separation, but our target machine was a Motorola 68000 workstation which required manipulation of the Unix working directory structure to insure it would run wherever we installed it. Wrote the GUI for it to allow telephone system designers to design & display a proposed trunk system for wired dial phones. The project died with the Bell breakup, but was fun to work on at the time 🙂

🙏 Šikana na pracovišti je závažná forma psychického násilí, o kterém se ale často mlčí. Pomozte nám šířit osvětu!

📢🚨Pro chystaný audiodokument Podcastu Akademie věd hledáme respondenty, kteří by s námi anonymizovaně sdíleli svou zkušenost. Dokument bude součástí cyklu Pracuji, tedy jsem.

🚩 Velmi oceníme, když touto cestou pomůžete i vy. Vyplňte dotazník, nebo jej, prosím, sdílejte, ať mohou zaznít důležitá svědectví. Moc děkujeme! Akademie věd České republiky

If you use wordpress and your blog doesn't have a RSS feed, I think so much less of you.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

Is that even possible? Like, isn't that one of the "batteries included" things?

Scientists discover a long-sought global electric field on Earth…

Welcome to the RB family, Another Term 🥳…

So if you need a local terminal with support for SSH, Telnet and more, this might be your choice. Its plugin for proot is RB, too!

#reproducibleBuilds at #IzzyOnDroid cover 21% of its apps now :awesome: