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2 días para el cumple del peque. Hace exactamente 9 años, que cayó Jueves, estaba preparándome para un concierto en el que tocábamos por primera vez en el gran Centro Cultural Kirchner, junto a uno de los artistas más importantes de Argentina. El querido León Gieco. Ese día era la fecha probable de parto. Mis niveles de ansiedad y nervios eran monumentales. Fue la única vez que no apagué el teléfono en un concierto, totalmente dispuesto a salir corriendo si recibía una llamada de su mamá.

Since when waking up to 200+ unread emails became the norm?

It's just lovely with my new computer. The AIRA app just worked without fiddling around with various audio and camera-related settings. I needed them for work this morning and it was perfect.

Just finished listening to the first of the two stories in Big Finish's "Susan's War: Family Ties." I won't reveal much but I thought the story was a real let-down as I expected a lot more from it. Still, I'm looking forward to the second story where she meets the War Doctor. #DoctorWho
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

@alecaddd Just watched your awesome Customizable Shortcuts video series. Where do you intend for the shortcuts editor window to be? In the general preferences/settings tab?

Also, if you ever implement a HUD, then please make `?` the shortcut to bring that up. Youtube has a good implementation that you can refer. (Press ? while watching a video)

in reply to eternaltyro

Thanks for watching.
Yes, I'm aiming at implementing a HUD and using the `?` key to trigger it

Tune into ACB Radio on 9/26 at 3 PM ET for the Vispero Presentation: Personalize JAWS Commands with Keyboard Manager. We’ll show you how to use Keyboard Manager to assign and manage keystrokes for commands in JAWS. Request an invitation at

#FreedomScientificTraining #JAWS

in reply to Freedom Scientific

I'm so glad you're doing a presentation on using the JAWS Keyboard Manager. This has been a capability I've used for years and I'm glad that perhaps more people who weren't aware of it will learn about it.

"We need #UBI not to protect us from some future prospect of zero employment but to cushion the blow from the constant disruption that automation has imposed on the labor market for hundreds of years."…


in reply to Jan

Bylo dost emocí to je pravda. Mně zas přišlo horší vyjádření Pekarové.
in reply to Archos

@archos Tak ono to trochu včera připomínalo, že tam mají všichni interní soutěž o nejblbější výrok. :)

In honor of Frazer Hines's birthday, Big Finish is having a limited time sale where many of his stories are available at discount prices.… #DoctorWho
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White supremacy CANNOT/DOES NOT thrive within an informed, engaged, critically thinking society because NOTHING about WHITE SUPREMACY IS LOGICAL…there’s NO data that proves the MYTH OF WHITE SUPREMACY and so of course EDUCATION and EDUCATORS, those who question, are the target

I wonder if there are any audio interfaces with HDMI in to record from consoles, tv's, STB's etc. Just an odd thought.
in reply to Andre Louis

Things like this do kind of exist. The audio interface I own - the TC-helicon GoXLR came out between the last and current console generations and so they equipped it with an optical port for this because the PS4 and Xbox one still had optical audio. It's now not super common, but both Roland and Rode have come out with mixers that also include a built-in HDMI capture card. And while we're here to reference the discussion of HDMI security this is also why modern consoles have an option to turn HDCP off. That lets them be displayed with any capture card, but none of the video streaming apps will work if HDCP is off.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach @bryansmart Optical SPDIF input/output is pretty common, since its already half way to ADAT and that is pretty common, so if you want to stick with that, you can get interfaces supporting it without paying extra.

in reply to Juan CBS

Pican con gran disimulo.
Unos pican en la cara
y otros pican en el...

Plasma 6.2 will be out on the 8th of October, but meanwhile... Help us test Plasma 6.2 Beta!…

One of the upcoming features is the drawing tablet assistant. Install Plasma 6.2 Beta, try out the assistant with your own device. If you find a bug 🪲, report it!


Con mucho esfuerzo en la calle y en las instituciones hemos conseguido desbloquear la ILP #RegularizacionYa pese a los intentos de la derecha.

✳️ Enhorabuena al movimiento por llegar hasta aquí. Ahora lo que toca es seguir apretando en las calles para ganarlo.

Ah yeah a new Mozilla branding. Will have a great effect on the user market share.

#TrinidadYTobago🇹🇹 anuncia que retirará las tres carabelas de Colón (que “descubrió” las islas en su tercer viaje) de su escudo de armas y las reemplazará por el instrumento musical nacional, el ‘steelpan’.

El ‘steelpan’ es a su vez una apropiación de un símbolo imperialista: los trinidadeños descubrieron que si martilleabas un barril de petróleo (traído por las multinacionales estadounidenses para llevarse el oro negro del país) podías afinarlo

#heráldica #noticias…

In the September Community Office Hours, we chatted with the voice of our community - the Thunderbird Council! @dannycolin and @clokep, two current council members, talk about the council's origins, its responsibilities, and how to get involved.

#Thunderbird #Community #OpenSource…

Most of the energy debate is focused on the tip of the iceberg - electricity.

But almost 80% of our energy use is for heat and transport relying heavily on fossil fuels.

Decarbonisation requires an all-sector approach.

Designers, developers, innovators: The Librem 5 STEP file is here. Explore, modify, create! #Purism #OpenHardware…

Modern computing: if we don't deprecate shit just because shit has to be deprecated, we die

$ kubectl version
WARNING: This version information is deprecated and will be replaced with the output from kubectl version --short. Use --output=yaml|json to get the full version.

in reply to Colin McMillen

it's the Google way™ where people don't get promoted to fix things. So deprecation for new feature doing the same exists.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

in reply to Luis Villa

To the extent one defines "enshitiffication" as "increasing margins in very tiny increments, at the cost of large damage to user goodwill", it is structurally pretty hard to enshitiffy open source. But...

I just learned from @podcast episode 303 (transcript at…) that the percentage of working-age blind people that are unemployed hasn't changed in 60 years; it has stayed high. I'm not saying it's hopeless, but when we look at it this way, it seems obvious that we have to do something different. I don't know what, though.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Matt Campbell

I've looked at this at one point, and the percentage was very different between countries. US was the lowest I could find.

There was 0 statistical rigor to that analysis and the studies might very well have been comparing Apples to oranges, so take that with a grain of salt.

in reply to Matt Campbell

There’s nothing for it but doggedly working to improve the situation, I think. It's a long slog.

From Brian Vogel: Advice to those reporting accessibility issues to companies where accessibility is not one of their central focuses . . .…

One of Automattic’s charges against WP Engine is that by using “WP” in their name, they sow confusion about their relationship with the WordPress project. WP Engine’s letter pointed to a page on the WordPress Foundation website about their trademarks (… ) that said “The abbreviation ‘WP’ is not covered by the WordPress trademarks and you are free to use it in any way you see fit.”

If the Wayback Machine is accurate, that page has been updated sometime in the last 24 hours or so to indicate that it’s still technically OK for third parties to use “WP,” but if you are WP Engine you are doing it wrong.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

20 insanely useful Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts I use every day…

Khronos reshared this.

ChevronWP7 was a "jailbreak" tool for Windows Phone 7 that abused the lack of HTTPS certificate validation to enable sideloading apps... Microsoft fixed this bug *but* in the process they talked to and worked with the ChevronWP7 team to offer a $9 unlock in the form of ChevronWP7 Labs, which would later be integrated into Windows App Hub as a $20 fee, and made free in Windows 10 Mobile
in reply to sodiboo

oh, apple's was worse way worse! it was $99 per year to actually be able to install your own apps on it until 2015 when they made it free
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Emma (IPG)

wait is apple's developer offering even comparable to what windows Phone had? when I read "sideload" and "unlock" I imagine it becomes fairly easy to install additional apps and without a limit; even though it's free, Apple's offering is still just painful for anyone to use unless you're developing the app (which is still painful, you just are generally moreso expected to be able to deal with it), because it must be self-signed and it only lasts like a week and you can only have like 3 apps at once (or was it 5? also some BS limit on the number of times they can be reactivated within X time period, last I checked)

was the windows phone thing equally awful to what Apple has been offering for years now? (price aside)

by "jailbreak" and the fact that windows apps are generally not very isolated and can do various interesting things at a closer-to-the-system-shell level (I don't know how this differs on Windows Phone 7, though), i also assumed this actually means you can install arbitrary things, not just those that could easily map to a PWA (easiest analogue to describe a certain kind of app; I don't mean web app, but restricted like an iOS or Android app would be, and a PWA is the best cross-platform concept like that); in which case Apple just clearly does not offer that and never have.

New from 404 Media: Google is serving AI images of mushrooms when users search for some species. Very risky, potentially fatal error for foragers who are trying to find what mushrooms are safe to eat. Could have "devastating consequences" one expert said…

The COSMIC development team is working on accessibility features! Fill out this survey to provide your input and help make #COSMICdesktop better!…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Having an adaptive file chooser makes mobile GNOME infinitely more usable. It's amazing! A huge source of friction is just gone now

Announcing: Frog Protocols for Wayland 🐸

Let's create Wayland Protocols but much more iterative.

Wayland Protocols has long had a problem with new protocols sitting for months, to years at a time for even basic functionality.

This is hugely problematic when some protocols implement very primitive and basic functionality such as frog-fifo-v1, which is needed for VSync to not cause GPU starvation under Wayland and also fix the dreaded application freezing when windows are occluded with FIFO/VSync enabled.

We need to get protocols into end-users hands quicker! The main reason many users are still using X11 is because of missing functionality that we can be shipping today, but is blocked for one reason or another.

Check out the repo here!…

and the Mesa MR that adds support for frog-fifo-v1 to fix these issues and goes into much more detail:…

in reply to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)

In practice, it does not seem to be as hard as it looks to get wide agreement, it's just much harder to get *universal* agreement. It often seems like the latter is necessary to get anything done, and that's something we need to put more effort into squashing.

There also seems to be a fear of "dead batteries", but I don't think that's something we should be concerning ourselves. Things tend to naturally work themselves out over time anyway.

in reply to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)

Wayland, as used today, is already not functional without things that aren't in wayland-protocols. On the GNOME side, there's both private protocols and a mixture of private and public D-Bus interfaces. On the KDE side, they use private protocols and third-party protocols. Most other Wayland environments follow the KDE approach too. A lot of them are the same third-party protocols. That says to me we're not doing a good job of integrating things that are commonly needed.

Keyboard keys are always rated for this or that many million presses. I wonder how many presses I've actually performed. The letter e is very common. How many times have I typed that letter on this keyboard since I got it in 2020? 5,000? 100,000? I don't even have a guess. I could probably do some kind of monitoring task to count the frequency, then extrapolate. Actually, I'm sure someone has already done that.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@BorrisInABox @cachondo Oh. I'm probably the most audio-incapable blind person in existence, so I haven't thought of that use case

Na druhou stranu to má i svou světlou stránku. Piráti teď budou víc na Mastodonu, protože tady budeme zřejmě jediní, kdo je bude volit.

To eskalovalo rychle. Ale líbí se mi pohled jednoho kolegy, že to, co Fiala udělal, má potenciál #piráti sjednotit :-)…