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Items tagged with: jaws

Loving this new #computer so far! It took a little setup and help from my mom, but now that it's set up, it's working great! It really flies with 32 gb #RAM. For now I've decided to keep #Windows11 on it because I'm applying to take an digital #accessibility analyst course where they seem to want you using either #Windows or a #Mac. I was also more productive with Windows in some ways because of #JAWS features like split Braille. I do miss the #commandLine though. Windows and Windows #screenReaders have so many keyboard shortcuts that I struggle to remember them, and I found the #commandLine a lot easier. Also, my mom panicked when I talked about putting #Linux on this computer. She said every time I've put Linux on a computer, it broke, and I didn't have an argument against that. She also pretty much said I'd be on my own if I put Linux on this one and it broke. I am thinking about dual booting if that can be done #accessibly or creating an #ArchLinux #virtualMachine.
It's about 1:30 AM here, and I have a procedure for injections in my head and neck to help with headaches and neck pain around noon, so I should really be getting to bed, but I find new #tech so hard to walk away from. Can anyone relate?
#accessibility #technology #blind

i'm getting a new #computer today and I'm so excited! It's got a 13th generation I7 processor, 32 gb RAM, and 512 gb storage. It comes with #Windows11 on it, but I'm debating about putting #archLinux on it. I think I will. With a computer with these specs, I can get Wine so I can use #windows programs. I'll miss some #JAWS features, but there are a lot of things I like about #linux. My computer should be here within the next couple hours, and I can't wait!!!

Jaws Discount. Like in past years, Freedom Scientific is offering a 20% discount for upgrading your SMA or Annual license during the time of the ACB and NFB conventions; July 3rd thru 12th. You can call and do it by phone, or do it online. You will just need one of these codes, ACB24 or NFB24. If doing it online, just know that the place you put in the code is on down the page past all of the charges. Here is the link to do it online...…. #Jaws #Discount #ACB #NFB #Convention #Blind

This post will be more about #Tech, school, and hobbies. I've been using a computer running #ArchLinux for a while now. I had a computer with #Windows10, but it wasn't running so great so I tried to put #Linux on it. Something went wrong and it wouldn't boot.
My mom had another computer she let me put Linux on. It's not as good as the other and only has 4 gb of RAM and 64 gb storage, but I can't afford anything better. I tried #Ubuntu and #LinuxMint, but I didn't like how out of date software was. Now I'm on #Arch and like a lot of things about it. My biggest issues are that I wish #Braille support was better and there are one or two apps I haven't been able to find equivalents for, or what I've found isn't as good. I love the customizability though, and the way you can put just what you want on the computer and no more. I also like the #commandLine. On #Windows, I was a #JAWS user, and there are some features I miss from that, particularly #PictureSmart, #SplitBraille, and being able to configure profiles for websites. The one Windows app I haven't found a good equivalent for is one called Perky Duck. It's an editor that lets you create Braille files using six keys on your computer keyboard. There's a Linux app called BrailleZephyr, but it has far fewer features and isn't as easy to use. This is needed for the #BrailleTranscription course I'm taking. I'm using BrailleZephyr now because it's my only choice unless I want to write my lessons with a Braillewriter and mail them in. I'm also trying to find an #accessible #Telegram client. I tried the web and desktop apps and they were both inaccessible.
I also tried some #gardening a while back. We were doing it inside but it had to be moved outside and my mom wound up caring for the #plants because it's usually too hot for me out there, but a couple nights ago, she took me out there to pick a #cucumber. I got to pick it, she cut it up, and we ate it. It was so much better than storebought cucumber! There are more growing, too, so that won't be the last one we pick. Helping grow and then picking that cucumber was really satisfying.
#accessibility #technology #gardening

Have you seen the news about Today's #Jaws update? There's an early adopter test people can opt in to, which enables Jaws to use UIA rather than the Java Access Bridge to expose Swing controls. They claim this will greatly improve navigation and performance in Swing applications. Do you think this will make Burp Suite meaningfully more accessible?

For those who use #LibraOffice with #NVDA or #JAWS, are there any extensions you'd recommend to make the experience more accessible?

Just setup a 2nd hand bought #Lenovo #Thinkpad T480s. Had it running with #Debian. Now runs #Windows 11, #JAWS and #LeaseyLove

The efficiency boost is honestly mind blowing. And that is with so many keystrokes to wrap my head around. Absolutely worth the money and lets me work at least four times as fast as with the previous setups.

Would I have liked to keep on using Linux? Yes but at this point if one is doing more than just browsing the web and reading E-Mails it is very hard to recommend.

Will I be replacing my Surface Laptop 4 with one of these new ARM-powered models and successfully running #JAWS and #NVDA on it? 🤔💻 #TechTalk #Accessibility #Blind #Microsoft #TechUpgrades

Tune into ACB Radio Thursday, May 23 at 3 PM ET for the Vispero Presentation: Customize the Edge Browser with JAWS. Join us to learn how to customize Edge Settings with JAWS. Learn how to manage profiles, manage passwords, access downloads, and more. Request an invitation at

#FreedomScientificTraining #JAWS

Does anyone here have experience using Microsoft Access with any #ScreenReader? I'd love to know whether it just isn't accessible or I just haven't figured out what I'm doing yet. There's nothing in the help topics, the Freedom Scientific Youtube channel, or their training webinar page about it. Please boost. #Jaws #JFW #NVDASr #accessibility

I'm trying yet again to get my Associate of science degree in Computer Information Technology, with dual concentrations in Cyber Defense and networking. My next course is "database concepts." Based on the title of the textbook, it appears that we'll be using Microsoft Access. Has anyone used this with #Jaws or #NVDASR? How accessible is it? I don't want to take an accellerated summer course if I'm going to have to deal with accessibility issues. Please boost for reach.

I have been working with #NVDA the last couple of weeks and started using #orca on #Linux more and more. Currently using #JAWS with #Leasey. If you work in a #Microsoft driven office environment, you will get stuff done way faster with JAWS and Leasey. On one hand I like that. On the other I wish especially #Linux and #orca would work more efficiently so I can jump off of #Windows for good without loosing out on productivity cause of #blindness. And yes, I am willing to pay for leaps forward!

Did you catch the recent ACB Vispero Presentation - Five Outlook Tips for increasing Productivity? In case you missed it, the archive is now available:…

#FreedomScientificTraining #JAWS

Sensitive content

I still can't copy-and-paste in Chrome with #JAWS and now #NVDA doesn't work properly with Vocalizer. I need to buy a new version of #Vocalizer unless anyone has a better suggestion? #Accessibility #Blind #ScreenReader #TTS

That said, updating #JAWS is still a pain. It's ridiculous that the US has had such a cheap way of using JAWS at home for over half a decade now and the rest of the world pays stupid prices or has to buy at very specific times of the year which you only know about if you're quite involved in the community,
And I'm still sad that workplace adjustments are still hugely JAWS driven, when NVDA Addon development should really have made this much more of an open thing.
Hey ho, it's all about the choice I suppose and that's a good thing. Hopefully screen readers will keep enspiring each other to new things.

Very impressed with the new Split #Braille Feature in #JAWS. Being able to read Teams chat with half my display whilst typing someplace else is tremendous. They seem to have well thought out the different modes and views. Shame about the cells wasted with the split and lack of customisability of the viewport widths. If I won the lottery I'd throw a few hundred k at #NVDASR for comparable #BrailleDisplay development

The third edition of David Kingsbury’s popular free digital book, “The Windows Screen Reader Primer: All the Basics and More,” is coming soon! Author David Kingsbury, an Assistive Technology Instructor here at the Carroll Center, wrote this comprehensive resource to help JAWS, NVDA, and Windows Narrator users work more effectively with the most important PC applications—like Microsoft Office, email clients, and web browsers.

Join author David Kingsbury via Zoom on Thursday, April 4 at 7:30 pm ET to find out what’s new in this edition, hear a few tips and tricks, and ask your questions. Save your seat here:

#Windows #Jaws #NVDA #Narrator #blind

I wrote an article about how to make hastags accessible. Did some #ScreenReader testing with #JAWS, #NVDA, #VoiceOver and #Narrator, which was fun!

Pretty long one though, contains a bunch of tables for comparison. Enjoy the ride!…

#accessibility #a11y #html #JavaScript #WebDev #frontend

I wanted Renpy games to speak with screen readers, so I made a very quick and dirty hack/patch to make them speak with JAWS and NVDA instead of SAPI.…
#renpy #jaws #nvda #steam #accessibility #a11y #gamedev #SlayThePrincess #arcadeSpirits

Introducing Face in View. A revolutionary new feature in JAWS and Fusion that tells you how to position yourself so that your face is clearly on-camera. Face in View uses facial tracking points to audibly guide you to look directly into your camera. Check out this short video:…

#JAWS #Fusion #FaceInView

Is it just me, or is the interface for searching in #thunderbird really clunky with #NVDAsr? Seems like it takes a lot of steps just to view the list of results. I find myself resorting to iOS mail if I need to track down a message from a few days ago. Is it better with a different #Screenreader? #accessibility #a11y #Jaws #JFW

We are pleased to announce the release of the 2024 versions of JAWS, ZoomText, and Fusion! Check out the What’s New pages and download the latest version for all the new features and improvements.




#JAWS #ZoomText #Fusion

@matt RIM is awesome!
I just wish #jaws on the #ElBraille handled the commands more gracefully. As of right now, it doesn't know what to do with them.