The CPC could've chose BUY CANADIAN, OR ANY OTHER TEAM CANADA TYPE SLOGAN to support Canadian businesses, but, NOPE...

Instead Pierre PoiLIEvre is holding a CANADA FIRST rally today in Ottawa...…


I DOUBT Pierre PoiLIEvre chose this racist, xenophobic, antisemitic slogan ACCIDENTALLY.

#cdnpoli #polcan #hate #fear #division

For those with a qualifying print disability, the following Doctor Who title was recently added to Bookshare.

Doctor Who: Eden Rebellion
by Abi Falase
On the crystalline planet of Yewa, the Gardens of Kubuntu are a true Eden, said to be the most peaceful destination in the universe. At least, until the Doctor and Ruby arrive.Ancient rivalries between Yewa and its more prosperous sister world of Bia are being stirred by forces unknown, threatening to plunge its people into anarchy. With Ruby swept up in the fire of the Yewan rebellion, the Doctor finds dark secrets buried deep in the planet’s ancient history – and his hopes for a lasting peace hanging by a thread. For sinister guardians stalk the Gardens of Kubuntu, while an implacable enemy plots in the shadows – and in plain sight…

Copyright: 2024 ISBN: 9781473533967
Features: Contains images

This week we have united with 100+ #privacy fighters calling on the UK to STOP❗

Stop trying to undermine #encryption - the security backbone of the internet that all of us depend on. 🔒

Together we must fight for privacy and against #surveillance 💪

More info:…

Einkaufs-Apps tauschen Rabatte gegen Daten und normalisieren Überwachung. Datenschutz wird zur Ware – mit tiefgreifenden gesellschaftlichen Folgen. 👇…

#app #rewe #penny #lidl #dm #datenschutz #dsgvo #teamdatenschutz

Shockingly, ChatGPT doesn't consume as much power as previously thought — A new study reveals the stats were based on "napkin math" with the assumption that OpenAI powers next-gen models with dated GPUs…

PSA: Download Your Kindle eBooks Now Before Amazon Removes the Option!…

Zach Bennoui reshared this.

The Rubber Mallet Man hits us on the head three times every day. No one knows why. I think he just enjoys it. But, what can you do?

It hurts so much. I hate it. But, today was the WORST day. While I was in line waiting to get my bonks, I saw that the guy in front of me was hit just ONE time!

Naturally, I was furious. I threw a fit until they dragged the bastard back and bonked him two more times.

I'm definitely getting angry about the right things in this situation.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

reshared this

group murder and torture of black transgender person

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Transfeindlichkeit, rechtliche Frage

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Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source


Transfeindlichkeit, rechtliche Frage

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The lifehistory 'curve of happiness' does not look the same in non-industrialised populations. Interesting comparative study by #MichaelGurven Not really surprising, a bit stunning that there is any assumption Western lifestyles represent some kind of 'universal'?!

'In our study, we found that happiness levels did not consistently follow the U-shaped trajectory commonly observed in industrialized societies. In some cases there was a U-shape. But more often we observed an inverted U-shape, where middle-aged adults reported the highest level of happiness, or no significant age-related trend at all.

Overall, well-being often declined after middle age among resource-poor populations lacking social security and other institutionalized forms of protection. This aligns with prior research among low-income countries and even of wealthy nations during economic crises.

That being said, age itself was a weak predictor of life satisfaction everywhere. Sickness, disability and loss in productivity do a better job of explaining well-being than age. In fact, the few positive effects of age we did find usually disappeared when including measures of these misfortunes in our analysis.'

#anthropology #age #happiness #globalsouth…

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The fact that employers publicly announce that they're laying off their "lowest performers" is shockingly cruel. Not only are you depriving someone of their livelihood, you're publicly branding them as a poor performer to harm their ability to get a new job.

That's not something you do simply to cut costs, that's targeted intentional cruelty to terrorize your existing employees into overwork and quell dissidents.

The price we pay for fragmenting our work across so many programming languages. I'm sure that in some language, someone has written a comprehensive open-source function for cleaning up file names such that they don't contain special characters on either Unix or Windows. But probably not in Elixir, the language I happen to be working in at the moment. And yes, in my middle age, this is giving me a greater appreciation for sticking to popular languages than I had even 5 years ago.
in reply to Matt Campbell

And now I have to figure out how to generate a unique temporary file path in Elixir, presumably using some library function. I refreshed my memory on doing that in Rust earlier this week.

To be clear, I'm responsible for the decision to choose Elixir in this server-side web app. And when that decision was made about 5 years ago, doing that whole application in Rust would have been crazy. Maybe still is. And using Rust for this one function would add fragmentation *within* the codebase.


I'm formally stepping down as a nouveau kernel maintainer.

I want to stress out this is only for the kernel side of things and has and will not have any impact on my involvement in mesa.

Don't really want to add too much here, just that things need to change. Recent events (tm) is just another example of the deep disagreement.

I won't be able to convince people I made up my mind on my own here, so I won't bother with it anyway.

Full upstream and public statement here:…

As a non-programmer who works very closely with a programmer, I was doing a bit of reading and found this little piece of text that made me laugh, hard.

"Python and Go pick up your trash for you. C lets you litter everywhere, but throws a fit when it steps on your banana peel. Rust slaps you and demands that you clean up after yourself."…

in reply to Nick Giannak III

Not quite, IMO. Rust does clean stuff up for you in most cases; if it truly made you clean up after yourself, you'd have to call the drop function all over the place. What it slaps you for is making you prove that only one piece of code at a time owns each resource, so it can insert the cleanup code in one precise place rather than having to either scan all of memory to see what's being used (Go, JavaScript, Java, PyPy) or do reference counting everywhere (CPython, Swift).
in reply to Nick Giannak III

I think my point is more relevant to Rust versus C than Rust versus Python or Go. Rust will clean stuff up for you once you've proven single ownership. C makes you clean up stuff manually and does nothing to verify that you're doing it correctly. And then there's C++, which has the option to do automatic cleanup like Rust (Rust even uses the same confusing term for it as C++), but, like C, C++ doesn't verify single ownership, so you can get double-free or use-after-free like in C.
in reply to Matt Campbell

OK, I guess I do also have a point compared to Python or Go. Because Rust does cleanup that's both precise and automatic at compile time, versus Python or Go's automatic cleanup that requires runtime overhead due to its lack of precision, *and* Rust verifies that you're doing it correctly, Rust brings efficiency on par with C or C++ within reach of more programmers.
in reply to Nick Giannak III

The thing that brought it back to my attention this week is that the creator of Asahi Linux, the port of Linux to Apple Silicon Macs, resigned.…
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Does it bring it within reach of that many more programmers though? One of the reasons I haven't taken the plunge in even trying to learn Rust is that I'm somewhat convinced I'll have to basically rethink all the patterns I'm familiar with and effectively start from scratch, and the Rust folks who effectively say "if it isn't working, it's fundamentally flawed and you need to refactor it coklletely" pretty much reinforce that. So I'd argue it only brings it within reach of a small subset of programmers who have been able to train themselves to think in very specific, pure "safe" ways.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Interesting perspective. I think it's fair to say that, in cumulative working hours, you've spent more time immersed in C++ than I have. In my Serotek days, I used C and C++ as little as possible, and yes, System Access's performance might have suffered some as a result. I admit that when I joined Microsoft, I was a bit incredulous that Narrator really was written all in C++, and interns even prototyped new features in C++. So maybe I was more open to learning the Rust way?


in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt @jcsteh I think there is something to that as well, because the programmer I work with attempted to write a boot watcher that was prototyped in Python in Rust. Meanwhile, he has experience with things like Objective C, C#, Java, Xojo, to name a few disparate examples. He found himself tying his brain into knots learning the concepts and had other things he needed to do. Go, on the other hand, he liked for the same project.

Petition: Keine AfD auf dem 200. Jubiläum des KIT Karlsruhe

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According to an email, GMA Games is under new management. David Greenwood is stepping away, which isn't surprising given the lack of updates and new content since Time of Conflict. A company called NathanTech, run by someone named Nathan Smith, is taking over. The email says Smith is dedicated to audio game content, though I've never heard of him. I should play Time of Conflict again.

In Brussels, I'll have the opportunity to present in the plenary session how Open Food Facts officially became a #DigitalPublicGood, transforming the food system worldwide in pursuit of United Nations's SDGs goals. After years of lightning talks, @openfoodfacts will also have its first stand at @fosdem this week-end.…
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Bývalý švédský premiér přirovnal Trumpův telefonát Putinovi k mnichovské zradě v roce 1938

Evropští politici nesouhlasí se zprávami o komunikaci mezi americkým prezidentem Donaldem Trumpem a ruským prezidentem Vladimirem Putinem o mírovém urovnání na Ukrajině. Carl Bildt, bývalý švédský premiér a spolupředseda Evropské rady pro zahraniční vztahy, identifikoval telefonický rozhovor mez...…