Did you know that #Mastodon supports #RSS feeds?

That means you can follow your favorite people and topics right inside of Thunderbird!

→ Just add ".rss" to the URL ←

For example, our Mastodon URL "mastodon.online/@thunderbird"



What about #hashtags? YEP!

Let's look at #OpenSource. From our instance, it is: "mastodon.online/tags/opensourc…"

So, we just append .rss and it works!


REALLY useful if you don't want to miss a thing!

This entry was edited (2 years ago)
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Wow - Thunderbird supports RSS?! I’ve been using Thunderbird for the plaintext email and PGP signing, but I just learned a few days ago that it also supports Matrix, and just now viewing RSS! I visit Mastodon frequently and don’t follow many users yet so I don’t think I’ll need this for Mastodon yet, but it will be useful in other platforms.