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Items tagged with: fedora40

After checking out #Fedora40 yesterday I quickly realized that it seems to not be possible to use it as a blind user. Regardless if I set the insert or the capslock-key as the modifier key for orca, the key presses will still go through to the system. So randomely typing in all caps is no fun at all. From what I could getzer it seems like a #Wayland issue not being fixed at least since 2018 that orca can't stop those keys from triggering their function. Back to #Debian where #x11 just works.

Just rebooted and I’m up and running with Fedora Silverblue 40.

(Just tried reinstalling mozilla-openh264 – so videos work in Firefox – but it failed with the same error. Not a big deal, I’m using @Vivaldi as my main browser these days anyway and I guess the Fedora folks will fix this in time.)

More importantly, I wonder if the screen reader has been fixed yet. (Yes, Fedora ships with a broken screen reader.)

#Fedora #fedora40 #Silverblue #upgrade #mozilla #OpenH264 #rpmOstree #error #a11y

Note that I just encountered the following issue:…

Which I worked around by removing mozilla-openh264 before running the rebase again, at which point it succeeded:

rpm-ostree remove mozilla-openh264

#Fedora #fedora40 #Silverblue #upgrade #mozilla #OpenH264 #rpmOstree #error

Fedora Silverblue 40 is out today. If you have rpm-fusion layered so you can’t upgrade through GNOME Software, run these commands in Terminal:

1. Pin current version:

sudo ostree admin pin 0

2. Handle rpm-fusion nastiness:

rpm-ostree update --uninstall rpmfusion-free-release --uninstall rpmfusion-nonfree-release --install rpmfusion-free-release --install rpmfusion-nonfree-release

3. Rebase to Fedora Silverblue 40:

rpm-ostree rebase fedora:fedora/40/x86_64/silverblue

#Fedora40 #Silverblue

Just checked and yes, the screen reader is still broken in Fedora 40. (Cannot be controlled; keyboard shortcuts/modifier key doesn’t work.)

So this is yet another release where the screen reader is broken by default.

It’s amazing to me that this is not a showstopper.

#accessibility #a11y #fedora40 #fedora #linux

upgrading to Fedora 40 Beta with DNF5 (kind of beta) rn. this will be fun lol
