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Items tagged with: copilot

#copilot as "smart snippet/autocomplete" tool is about as good as it should be. If you find that Copilot is actually doing a good job writing your logic, or getting even close, you either (a) aren't doing very much engineering, or (b) are writing code that doesn't need to be written.

This one has different methodologies and philosophies that try to mitigate some of the ethical issues with other similar #GenerativeAI programming systems.

Hugging Face and ServiceNow Research release StarCoder, a free alternative to code-generating #AI like GitHub's #Copilot, as part of the #BigCode project.


The lead attorney for GitHub arguing that #Copilot using #OpenSource is fair use following precedent from #Oracle Vs #Google is the woman who represented Oracle and personally argued against the verdict in public on Twitter.

Content warning: corporate dystopia

Microsoft's Github Copilot is disregarding Free Software licenses and will be happily selling parts of your GPL code against your will! Woo!

As the author of this article says - free software should be dependant on free software architecture - I recommend as an open-source alternative to Github.
Sadly Github is no longer a platform that can be trusted.

CC: @codeberg

# # # # # # # #

# # just sells code other people wrote


github copilot is incredible. it just sells code other people wrote, but because it's an "AI" it is apparently allowed to launder that code without it being a "derivative work". lol. lmao. what an amazing grift.


Lots of understandable concern today as # # announced their new # availability today. Probably worth a reminder that @conservancy has convened a working group on #, #, and other related issues, especially for # and # contributors.

Perhaps you or others may want to join or read more?

Boosts welcome! :boost_requested:
