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Items tagged with: DEI

Zoom Layoffs Target DEI Amid a Broader Pullback on Diversity Initiatives 🙁

"Zoom is following in the footsteps of Google, Meta, and other corporate giants that have used layoffs to cut back on diversity, equity, and inclusion programs."…

#zoom #google #meta #diversity #DEI

Happening now at #GNOMEAsia2023: @gnome co-founder @federicomena and @zana presenting on the GNOME Code of Conduct, the story behind why it was created, and why the GNOME Project made the decisions they did when implementing it. #DEI

Later on, a shout-out to @downey too, who could not make it here in-person!

#GNOMEASIA2022 recap video 😍 so happy to have been part of such a great event 👏🎉 @gnome #opensource #community #dei